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53 minutes ago, ewerk said:

So clearly HMHM is the sort of fella who googles himself daily.



In other news, new footage of HMHM as a toddler has emerged. 



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5 hours ago, Meenzer said:

Avon and Somerset Police called Wednesday's XL bully attack "incredibly rare": https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1d441203ndo


Meanwhile, on fucking Mondayhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7vzzrvrv4zo


Proving the stopped clock theory, this is the one thing Suella Braverman has ever been right about.

I saw a post on Reddit today of the same breed, at a dog show, being shown and getting a medal. 

Fucking thing goes for the judge twice. 
And by goes for, I mean goes for in an XL Bulldog way. 

I fail to see why the fuck anyone would chose to have one of these dogs unless they have a tiny penis and/or are a complete cunt. 

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I love dogs and there is absolutely no legitimate reason for anyone owning one of these. And I don’t think it’s the breed necessarily from a behavioural pov, it’s the type of owner it attracts. 

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There was a yank lass who I saw on twitter posting videos of her big soft XL bully, treating it like a giant teddy bear, play wrestling it etc. Turns out it killed her. 


Crazy breed, should absolutely be banned, had argument about it one time with a "it's not the dog it's the owner" defender, I ended it by saying I'd like a tiger after all it's only a cat. As Alex said it's a certain type who wants one of these and they're the type who shouldn't have any type of dog.

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2 hours ago, Alex said:

I love dogs and there is absolutely no legitimate reason for anyone owning one of these. And I don’t think it’s the breed necessarily from a behavioural pov, it’s the type of owner it attracts. 


Issue is surely, they're too powerful. A normal sized dig goes for you, it probably won't kill you. You could pull it off a kid etc. These though, you'd have no chance. They scare the fuck out of me. Last year I was on the beach and a ln unleashed pit bull cut me off my walk and just stared and growled at me. The owners took it away but I was fairly shook up. 

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I've only ever "met" one of these, and it was lush. I'm sure there are good owners that will have these dogs and never have a minute's bother with them, but as Renton says, if they go wrong you've got no chance.


We bumped into an old couple with a retriever yesterday, and the old woman was saying it weighs 9 stone. They both walked with sticks btw, it was far too big for them to deal with. But if that's 9 stone, fuck knows what a Bully would weigh. 

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Aye, retrievers are bred to have “soft mouths”- they don’t lock their jaws on whatever they’re holding in them. 
Not that they couldn’t still give you a decent savaging, but the whole breed is designed to be compliant and subservient. 

Bulldogs, and specifically these XL abominations, are muscle bound biting machines designed to lock on and stay locked on. 

They’re bred to be fighting dogs. 

Yes, a little Staffy will be 99.9% soft as shite and lovely, but if it chose to give you a nip, you’d be hospitalised at least. 


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11 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

I've only ever "met" one of these, and it was lush. I'm sure there are good owners that will have these dogs and never have a minute's bother with them, but as Renton says, if they go wrong you've got no chance.


We bumped into an old couple with a retriever yesterday, and the old woman was saying it weighs 9 stone. They both walked with sticks btw, it was far too big for them to deal with. But if that's 9 stone, fuck knows what a Bully would weigh. 


That's the problem, any dog can go wrong, for a multitude of reasons, if one of these does someone will die.

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I have a proper British bulldog, she’s 9 now. Which is pretty old for the breed. Her eyesight is going and she’s a bit thick.


Shes soft as shite with me, my family and even friends toddlers who visit because she knows them.


Every single time we have a workman or someone in the gaff, she kicks right off. She’s a barrel of muscle and I have to make a concerted effort to control her. 


My dog has been raised in a loving house where she has had everything she could ever want, the attention she needs and the exercise she needs and sometimes she is a hand full for me who has had her since she was 12 weeks old.


I don’t like breed blaming cos any dog can go for someone, small terrier types are the worst in my experience. But the xl bully was bred by knobs for knobs and have no legitimate need to exist.

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5 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

At risk of dividing a board already split along civilised/spelunker lines, how do you pronounce this utter waste of biscuitery? 



Is it Blue “RI..bbned”


Blue “ri BAND”




It was officially the latter even though I'd always pronounced it in the former and refused to call them rib-BAND. We used to make it at our place before the line was shut down and transferred to Poland a few years before the factory shut, still have nightmares on the odd occasion I was sent there to help out if my department wasn't running. I think it's made in Poland now. (I actually don't mind them. My folks sometimes have them in when I pop in to see them).

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2 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

They are firmly a biscuit of the elder citizen. :lol:




They're alright with a cuppa. There's always a big choice of biscuits or sometimes cake but now and again I'll just go for the retro choice plus keeping an eye on the quality now it's in forrin hands. 

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30 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

At risk of dividing a board already split along civilised/spelunker lines, how do you pronounce this utter waste of biscuitery? 



Is it Blue “RI..bbned”


Blue “ri BAND”




Like "ribbon" with a "d" at the end

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