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1 minute ago, Gemmill said:


They're meant to be meeting tomorrow night outside some immigration centre on Westgate Road. 

Cheers Gemmill

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26 minutes ago, Anth said:

Cheers Gemmill

Saturday too I had read like. There were rumours they may call off the matches on Saturday because they may not have the police numbers needed.

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With Sela being a Saudi-based entertainment company, I wouldn't put it past the morons to be specifically targeting the tournament and using it as a platform for their bullshit agenda.

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2 hours ago, Gemmill said:

The most striking thing about Musk is how fucking boring he is when you hear him speak. He's fully bought in to his own genius, so he talks like every pronouncement is coming from a higher being, and when you actually listen to him he's just a really tedious bloke. 


I suspect it's part of what's behind all of his "outrageous" social commentary. Because every time anyone actually meets him they come away struck by just how unimpressive he is, so his more off the wall behaviour is his "I'll show you" bit. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only thing 'genius' about musk is how he mastered being both a successful businessman and pathetic loser simultaneously.


All and I mean fucking all of his ideas have been stolen or created by others, even Tesla. The bloke is a con man who has convinced an army of chin dribblers he's a genius.


I also love that people like Musk and Trump lead the free speech brigade but have the thinnest skin imaginable.


Genuinely hope he's on his next rocket since they all seem to blow up on launch (another idea stolen from unstable billionaires).

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25 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only thing 'genius' about musk is how he mastered being both a successful businessman and pathetic loser simultaneously.


All and I mean fucking all of his ideas have been stolen or created by others, even Tesla. The bloke is a con man who has convinced an army of chin dribblers he's a genius.


I also love that people like Musk and Trump lead the free speech brigade but have the thinnest skin imaginable.


Genuinely hope he's on his next rocket since they all seem to blow up on launch (another idea stolen from unstable billionaires).


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19 minutes ago, wackyjunior said:

Thoughts with Eamon Holmes who I just read is in the middle of a dog custody battle.


Ah, she's seen sense then? 

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25 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said:



I take it this is Gemmill's personal twitter account.

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2 hours ago, Craig said:


They set fire to a bin in the fire exit. So the aim was clearly to prevent people escaping. How is this any different, apart from scale, to locking people in the gas chambers at Auschwitz? 


It's not attempted murder for me, it's attempted genocide. And I agree ... it should be life.


I can't get my head around it. The braying mob of women cheering it on. I know I shouldn't expect higher standards from the female sex but for some reason I do. Cheering on potentially burning people to death. Potentially children. I knew we had a problem with racism in this country but this has shocked me. I've heard that on Telegraph there are people trying to organise "Kristallnacht" across the UK on Wednesday night. These people are literal nazis and they are not few in number.

I've never believed in national exceptionalism and always thought that under the right conditions, the UK is as susceptible to fascism every bit as much Germany or Italy in the 1930s. It is born out of ignorance, poverty and bad acotrs. We have a Labour government, we are not there yet. But these people need breaking with a sledge hammer and normal law-abiding people need to call out these scum and their acts of treachery wherever possible. 

Hopefully this will all blow over but the thing is, it will still be there, under the surface. Far right nationalism isn't a solid cancer tumour you can cut out. It is a systemicmalignancy infecting every part of our society. The tories embraced this and now I fear it is out of control. Hope I am wrong, places like this give me hope in ordinary people at least. 

Edited by Renton
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48 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

All and I mean fucking all of his ideas have been stolen or created by others, even Tesla.


Funnily enough, that is true of that other wanker James Dyson too. 

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So a glorious few hours in Durham with Mrs CT this morning and the discover that the rats are coming. A so called children's protest today from 2 and the adult protest tomorrow.  No idea what a children's protest is, but a lot of the shops are considering closing up early. Walking around, the place was full of what I assume was new students and their families either having a look around before they start or maybe getting set up in digs early. In particular a lot of Asian. Imagine having to meet these horrors in your new home for the next few years. 


Personally I've felt more touched by recent events than I normally do with stuff that doesn't directly effect (or affect, before Fish jumps in) me. I've found myself making eye contact with non white blokes at bus stops as I drive past and only feeling what I can best closely describe as shame. I might be worried about days out / holiday choices spoilt, but these poor buggers have to constantly live with the fear of being attacked whether getting the bus, at work or even in their homes. I even wanted to stop every non white person in Durham and warn them whats coming.


What a shit show. :( 


And sadly, nothing is going to change this other than tougher laws and tougher sentencing.


Immigration has been handled very poorly for decades and I do understand older people in certain areas of the country where it has very much changed their area. These people will die out. But the underclass of scum and their offspring need dealing with whatever fancy name they give themselves. I cant remember what they went by before the days of the national front. Social media will not go away so some very clever people are going to have to introduce laws that put online "discussions" of racist leanings, is treated in a similar way to being caught looking at kiddy porn. Get the mainstream thickos totally away from it online and let the real nasties go underground in smaller numbers where they can be targeted and punished more easily.


Sorry, had to have a rant.


Edited by Christmas Tree
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3 minutes ago, Renton said:


Funnily enough, that is true of that other wanker James Dyson too. 

Didn't he at least invent the bagless vacuum?

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5 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:

Immigration has been handled very poorly for decades

If this were true, who do you think might be to blame for that,then?  

Here’s a clue. 


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9 minutes ago, Renton said:


I can't get my head around it. The braying mob of women cheering it on. I know I shouldn't expect higher standards from the female sex but for some reason I do. Cheering on potentially burning people to death. Potentially children. I knew we had a problem with racism in this country but this has shocked me. I've heard that on Telegraph there are people trying to organise "Kristallnacht" across the UK on Wednesday night. These people are literal nazis and they are not few in number.

I've never believed in national exceptualism and always thought that under the right conditions, the UK is as susceptible to fascism every bit as much Germany or Italy in the 1930s. It is born out of ignorance, poverty and bad acotrs. We have a Labour government, we are not there yet. But these people need breaking with a sledge hammer and normal law-abiding people need to call out these scum and their acts of treachery wherever possible. 

Hopefully this will all blow over but the thing is, it will still be there, under the surface. Far right nationalism isn't a solid cancer tumour you can cut out. It is a systemicmalignancy infecting every part of our society. The tories embraced this and now I fear it is out of control. Hope I am wrong, places like this give me hope in ordinary people at least. 


There's apathy on both sides in some quarters about Kier Starmer's style but I'll say this, there's no-one better suited to dealing with this current situation than the former director of public prosecutions. 

The Tories allowed this rhetoric to manifest over the past 8 years. It's always been there in the wings to an extent but Brexit gave them a platform to believe it was acceptable and allowed it to become normalised. Successive Conservative governments allowed that to manifest largely unchallenged. I hold them entirely responsible and this notion that Labour have wrecked the country inside 4 weeks is, quite honestly, laughable.

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5 minutes ago, Sonatine said:



James O'Brien earlier today said there's been a different vibe in Scotland when it comes to this level of racism and hate and I smiled to myself and remembered the old joke


"are you catholic or protestant?" 

"I'm a 3rd generation Muslim immigrant, actually"

"Aye, but are you a catholic 3rd generation Muslim immigrant or a protestant one?"

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@Renton @Christmas Tree


This all seems massive at the minute, but this is a TINY minority of people. They've got their own news channel now and social media doesn't help, but if you took yourself off social media it would all seem a lot less significant than it is.


Obviously it's horrendous for the people that are being targeted, but you've just got to let the authorities deal with that. Over 400 arrests as it stands, more to come, and they're all gonna do a chunk of time. 


This has always been there, it just bubbles to the surface every now and again. It's horrible at the minute, but if you're struggling with it, self-exclude from social media, don't watch the news, and do things you enjoy instead. Which for both of you is wanking over pictures of goats. 

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Current Director of Public Prosecutions has stated he's willing to look at charging people with terrorism offences. He's claiming there's at least one instance where this is happening. 

Violent disorder can lead to 5 years in jail; rioting can lead to 10 years; terrorism is a minimum of 14 years with a further 25 years on licence. 


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9 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

If this were true, who do you think might be to blame for that,then?  

Here’s a clue. 



The old me would have loved debating where its gone wrong on so many levels both nationally, locally and lets not forget bombing the shit out of so many countries around the world and making countries unlivable. The new me just wants some grown up clever people to sort this shit out. 👍

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Talk about handling of immigration. How about record levels of legal migration? A complete failure in tackling a refugee crisis, in no small part directly caused by a variety of policies and by Brexit. Underfunding all manner of public services to exacerbate the pressure on them. Then demonising the very people who aren’t to blame. 👍🏻

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I’ve just got back from the funeral today of Mrs. F’s uncle, who was very possibly the nicest bloke I’ve ever known. 

He was such a lovely, gentle, and self-effacing man, he gave Jnr his 1960s acoustic guitar a month ago, knowing he was on his way out. 

He was also a very active political animal, served as a councillor in Durham, lifelong Labour member, he set up and ran an organisation to help immigrants find homes and settle in to their new communities- he walked the walk and let others do the talking whilst he got on with it. 

Their was a lady attending today who was one of the people he helped directly- Shazia, who said that wherever she looked in her garden, she saw Brian smiling back at her, as he gave her so many plants to make her house a home. 

It struck me that there must be so many people like him who never get any public acknowledgment, yet just fire on with being thoroughly decent. 

And then there’s cunts like Farage getting regular airtime despite a career of failure. 

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Speaking of the above, and letting this shit get to you, I think I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep. When I wake up in the morning my jaw is fucking KILLING me. Have never had this before, but it's the only thing it can be, I think. 


Either that or my lass is making me suck lads off in my sleep. 


Last night was the first night with a mouth guard in and I *think* it was slightly better this morning. Will see how it goes over the coming days. I'll look like David Coulthard if I can't get a grip on the situation. 


I assume it's all the mental shit going on in the world that's caused it. 

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