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2 hours ago, wykikitoon said:

I have a mate, he's just over 10 years older than me.  He doesn't have a mortgage and no wife / kids etc.  Lives a frugal life.  He works in the same industry as me (it's how we met).


Anyways, he left the company we met after being made redundant about 9 years ago.  Since then he has jumped about a few companies.  I think his longest stint at a company is two years and that's because he was worried about the industry during Covid.  He left that company last April and has since not worked in the industry.  Fine, he's sensible with his cash, has savings etc.    He's been looking for a job in the industry since April.  We shall return to that soon.  About 3 months ago he started doing some coach driving (He's got all his licenses from when he was in the forces) to keep him busy and get back in a routine.


Back to his job search back into my industry.  He had 3 offers.  One he accepted.  On the Sunday, the day before he was due to start he emailed them saying he wouldn't be starting.  The reason 'Something didn't feel right'  Fine.  One he declined, didn't want to travel into the centre every day.  But he knew that when sending his CV and accepting an interview.  Another one, he declined as 'The work there looked boring'


He seems to be enjoying the driving work.  It's flexible, some weeks he does 3 days, some 4 and it's not long hours.  He looks genuinely content.  We went out last week for a ride and a coffee.  We cycle to this cafe and sit down, he said to me 'Are you treating me?  I am only on £12.50 an hour now' with a grin on his face.  I laughed and said I would get the coffee and cake.  He's a good mate, drives a lot when we go places, so that doesn't bother me.  I ask him how work is.  He told me he was enjoying the driving but the wage wasn't great, but he had an interview lined up but it was in York.  He didn't sound excited one bit.  I laughed and said everything isn't about brass and if he can get by on his driving wage doing 3/4 days surely thats better than a bigger days working longer hours and travelling to York every day.


He's just messaged me.  Saying he had an offer from the job, his words 'the offer went into my spam, should have stayed there. £45k!'

I am due to go away with him for a few days on the bike and I just know I will have him talking about his poor wage yet he's turned down decent job offers.  People say youngsters are entitled now, but fuck me.  This lad.  What's he expecting?  There's thousands would rip hands off for even half that wage he's been offered and the conditions.  It's annoyed me some what.  Which won't be a surprise to many :lol:  I can just see our rides out etc getting less as he's put himself in the situation and tbh I am not going to keep getting the coffee etc if he's turning graft down!

All this because you had to get the coffees in :lol: 



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In homage to Trainspotting, tonight is the first night of the Mouth of the Tyne festival. And it happens to be Leith and Hibees favourite sons, the Proclaimers. And in true Yorkshire spirit (see how things are coming together here?), am I fuck paying the £38 a ticket for entry to the Priory. 


So I'm sitting outside at the Gib, having a rare pint, listening to this cacophony for free! Ahh fuck it's started to rain. :lol:



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14 hours ago, wykikitoon said:

He seems to be enjoying the driving work.  It's flexible, some weeks he does 3 days, some 4 and it's not long hours.  He looks genuinely content.  We went out last week for a ride and a coffee.  We cycle to this cafe and sit down, he said to me 'Are you treating me?  I am only on £12.50 an hour now' with a grin on his face.  I laughed and said I would get the coffee and cake.  He's a good mate, drives a lot when we go places, so that doesn't bother me.  I ask him how work is.  He told me he was enjoying the driving but the wage wasn't great, but he had an interview lined up but it was in York.  He didn't sound excited one bit.  I laughed and said everything isn't about brass and if he can get by on his driving wage doing 3/4 days surely thats better than a bigger days working longer hours and travelling to York every day.

You had me until this. :smile:

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Teachers striking today.  One local teacher just been on the radio 'It's not just the pay, its the working conditions, we all work long hours blah blah'

Fuck off long hours. EVERY teacher I know seems to have more free time than me and I do 4 day fucking weeks!

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8 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

Teachers striking today.  One local teacher just been on the radio 'It's not just the pay, its the working conditions, we all work long hours blah blah'

Fuck off long hours. EVERY teacher I know seems to have more free time than me and I do 4 day fucking weeks!


Nah you're wrong. This sort of patter is why my wife stays off Facebook atm.


It's everything. It's the fact that they're now expected to be social workers, special needs counsellors, put up with insanely entitled parents who just think they can ring up and go off on one cos a fucking 9 year old  didn't like the way a teacher said something, deal with growing class sizes, have to actually buy supplies themselves cos the school won't pay for them.


It is a fucking gold plated shitshow. And it's getting worse, not better.

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16 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

Teachers striking today.  One local teacher just been on the radio 'It's not just the pay, its the working conditions, we all work long hours blah blah'

Fuck off long hours. EVERY teacher I know seems to have more free time than me and I do 4 day fucking weeks!


Pack your job in immediately and take up teaching. It's a similar response I say to (usually) Sun reading people I work with who lap up the 'benefits scroungers' 50" plasma TV, free everything patter fed to them via Tory propaganda. It's funny that the same people are worried about being made redundant and the future they face? It should be a blessing, go on the dole and live the life of Reilly, that's what happens isn't it? :D

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Just as an example of some of the stuff they have to deal with, my lass has a Ukrainian refugee in her class. The kid doesn't speak English, he's obviously been damaged by his experience, and he's a constant flight risk throughout the school day - as in he will, at a second's notice, get up out of his seat, leave the classroom, leave the building and just walk off school grounds to wherever the fuck he feels like. He's 9.


And he has to be physically dragged, kicking, punching, biting and screaming back onto premises and shut in a room until he calms down.


And the school has been told there is no alternative for him, so he has to stay in school and just be managed. So my lass is on high alert all day - trying to teach 31 kids whilst also keeping an eye on this lad, and if he so much as twitches or looks like he's about to get up, it's fucking panic stations. That's incredibly stressful to have to go back into every day.


That's not teaching. It's not fair on the other kids in the class and it's sure as fuck not fair on the teacher or the two or three that have to leave their classes to chase and drag him back to the building.


People don't see this sort of stuff but it's going on everywhere.


Imagine all that and then every time you get on social media someone's got something to say about how lazy and greedy you are, and if you put the telly on some cunt politician is there lying about how much you get paid and how much you're being offered.


It's a wonder we've got any teachers/nurses/doctors, etc etc left.

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24 minutes ago, ewerk said:

If it were as cushy a number as some make out then we’d have a massive surplus of teachers in the country instead of a shortage.

In terms of a shortage, how long has that been going on?

When I was at school we had a shortage then!  It's mad and only got worse.


As for Private schools.  I totally understand why parents want to send their kids to them but IMO they need scrapping, or at least their charity status removing.

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38 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Just as an example of some of the stuff they have to deal with, my lass has a Ukrainian refugee in her class. The kid doesn't speak English, he's obviously been damaged by his experience, and he's a constant flight risk throughout the school day - as in he will, at a second's notice, get up out of his seat, leave the classroom, leave the building and just walk off school grounds to wherever the fuck he feels like. He's 9.


And he has to be physically dragged, kicking, punching, biting and screaming back onto premises and shut in a room until he calms down.


And the school has been told there is no alternative for him, so he has to stay in school and just be managed. So my lass is on high alert all day - trying to teach 31 kids whilst also keeping an eye on this lad, and if he so much as twitches or looks like he's about to get up, it's fucking panic stations. That's incredibly stressful to have to go back into every day.


That's not teaching. It's not fair on the other kids in the class and it's sure as fuck not fair on the teacher or the two or three that have to leave their classes to chase and drag him back to the building.


People don't see this sort of stuff but it's going on everywhere.


Imagine all that and then every time you get on social media someone's got something to say about how lazy and greedy you are, and if you put the telly on some cunt politician is there lying about how much you get paid and how much you're being offered.


It's a wonder we've got any teachers/nurses/doctors, etc etc left.


That's similar with the Police.  They're expected to be social workers too to a large degree.  mental health nurses etc.



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