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Looking at having an extension done.  Got a recommendation for a builder.  Contacted him and he finally came around this morning. 


I didn't have a great feeling about him.  I sent him the drawings a couple of weeks ago and it was clear he hadn't read them.  Was here about 20 miins and didn't seem bothered.  He was staying this weekend at his caravan on the edge of the Dales.  Somewhere I visit a lot.  I asked what he was doing up there.  He mentioned walking, so I said I cycled up there a lot and enjoyed it.  He then said 'Oh you're not one of them side by side wankers' and started laughing.


What a way not to get a job.

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1 minute ago, wykikitoon said:

He stunk like an ashtry and said he was off walking. Mate you couldn't walk out of my door to my back garden to look at the wall without being out of breathe! 


Go with your instincts. :good:

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He said he would get his structural engineer to have a look. When I asked why as the structure was done. 'oh has it mate?' yes I've given you the drawings 3 weeks ago. 


He then said something wasn't necessary. When I explained I was a structural engineer he was a bit miffed. 

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35 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

He said he would get his structural engineer to have a look. When I asked why as the structure was done. 'oh has it mate?' yes I've given you the drawings 3 weeks ago. 


He then said something wasn't necessary. When I explained I was a structural engineer he was a bit miffed. 


Walk The Fuck AWAY!

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Well he's right about the side by side wanker stuff but he sounds like a cowboy builder. I'm still paying for getting stiffed by my builder who had glowing reommendations and had won awards. Its a lottery imo. But you should be well placed to make sure they don't take the piss.

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1 hour ago, wykikitoon said:

He said he would get his structural engineer to have a look. When I asked why as the structure was done. 'oh has it mate?' yes I've given you the drawings 3 weeks ago. 


He then said something wasn't necessary. When I explained I was a structural engineer he was a bit miffed. 


Did he reply, 'Well do it tha'self if you're fancy lah-de-dah chuffin' structural engineer you fookin' side to side, saddle sore arse, ponceh desktop warrior!'? 

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55 minutes ago, Renton said:

Well he's right about the side by side wanker stuff but he sounds like a cowboy builder. I'm still paying for getting stiffed by my builder who had glowing reommendations and had won awards. Its a lottery imo. But you should be well placed to make sure they don't take the piss.

And silly cunts in cars say cyclists are entitled 😂

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34 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

And silly cunts in cars say cyclists are entitled 😂


I don't see cars driving side by side on a single lane road though? I think all road users need be considerate and safe.personally. No problem with cyclists at all but deliberately blocking roads and causing massive tail backs does annoy me, sorry.

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3 minutes ago, Renton said:


I don't see cars driving side by side on a single lane road though? I think all road users need be considerate and safe.personally. No problem with cyclists at all but deliberately blocking roads and causing massive tail backs does annoy me, sorry.



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It doesn’t bother me but when I was in the lakes once I saw a group of about 8 cyclists riding 3 wide. This was on the A592 which is a busy road at the best of times. At one point a car was overtaking when it was safe to do so and then braked. One the cyclists at the front wax pointing to something on his right but the motorist, understandably, mistook it for a signal to turn. It nearly caused an accident. I always try and give cyclists loads of room btw. But cyclists can be quite inconsiderate at times too and it creates antagonism. I get that loads of drivers are fucking stupid and the cyclist will always come off worse. 

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4 minutes ago, Alex said:

It doesn’t bother me but when I was in the lakes once I saw a group of about 8 cyclists riding 3 wide. This was on the A592 which is a busy road at the best of times. At one point a car was overtaking when it was safe to do so and then braked. One the cyclists at the front wax pointing to something on his right but the motorist, understandably, mistook it for a signal to turn. It nearly caused an accident. I always try and give cyclists loads of room btw. But cyclists can be quite inconsiderate at times too and it creates antagonism. I get that loads of drivers are fucking stupid and the cyclist will always come off worse. 


That's exactly the scenario I mean. DIckheads on both cycles and in cars and misreading of signalling leading to accidents. Wykik, if you're speeding around at 30 mph plus, I 'm happy anyway. If you're struggling doing 10 mph up an incline, I'm going to want to get past when I safely can do, or I'm getting irritated. 

Fwiw, I'd love to live in a society where it was possible to get rid of the car, use solely bikes (I'd get an electric assisted one!) and public transport. But the former is too dangerous or impractical for a lot of us, the latter is a joke, and practically with a family, a car is just essential and probably always will be, whether petrol or electric. Everybody needs to chill and coexist, man. 

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On 01/07/2023 at 06:28, Renton said:


I don't see cars driving side by side on a single lane road though? I think all road users need be considerate and safe.personally. No problem with cyclists at all but deliberately blocking roads and causing massive tail backs does annoy me, sorry.


Uh. "safe.personally." This is worse than any bicyclist on their mobile in a roundabout.


Dickheads need to chill and coexist!   :lol:


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As a motorcyclist I'm amazed at both cyclists and car drivers. Some cyclist, as others have said, go out of their way to antagonise motorists. I've often had situations where you come around a corner to be met by two or three side by side blocking the lane, especially where it has an unbroken centre line and you cannot legally overtake. They then continue this way, without regard for those behind.

Filter into single file for a few moments and trust me, I won't be bothering you Mr Cyclists for more than a few moments. Jobs done for all.


Then you have the fuckwits in a car. On their phone, not looking at what's around them, no indicator, plus for some stupid reason they think every motorcyclist wants to race them, so they speed up, tailgate you when they cannot possibly stop as quickly as a bike and just generally behave as cunts.

Or you have the ones that think, why should motorcyclists, you know, the ones who have no tin can around them for safety, why should they be allowed to lane filter through slow moving traffic or go round them to the front of the traffic at a set of lights, where they will never be the cause of the traffic moving slowly.

I filtered around some cunt the other day, legally on the driver's side because he was so far over to the left of the lane, that they moved right to force me across the unbroken line. They then wanted to know what my problem was, I explained to them what I did was legal, only to hear, I ride bikes and what you did wasn't legal, he must have been over 20 stone, so not sure what sort of bike would have hauled his fat arse around maybe the shitty 25 year old camry he was driving but that's not a bike, so I was doubtful.

When I posed the question, how did what I do ruin his day or slow him down any, his only reply was fuck off. I suppose if you cannot win an argument, insult them.

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On 01/07/2023 at 14:28, Renton said:


I don't see cars driving side by side on a single lane road though? I think all road users need be considerate and safe.personally. No problem with cyclists at all but deliberately blocking roads and causing massive tail backs does annoy me, sorry.


That's because if cars did that, they would take up the full width of the road.  Come on, think about it.  'You're cycling in the middle of the road wankers'  No, we maybe close to the centre of the lane.


When I am cycling with a pal I cycle side by side when it's safe.  When it's also safe for me to drop in to let cars past I shall.  When I am with a group we also do similar   However on some road where it's tight we will stay side by side to discourage an unsafe pass.  Plus on some roads, it's safer and quicker for a driver to pass a group of 8 doubled up, then a single file of 8.


Like you say, it's all consideration.  But there is a very large number of motorists who see cyclists and just act cunts.  a lot of motorists seem to totally forget that the majority of cyclists, also have driving licenses.  They also forget that its actually a mode of transport.  I've been told to 'fuck off Wiggins' when cycling from home.  I was once cycling home from work.  My route goes up a steep climb.  So naturally I am slower than a motor vehicle.  It's a blind corner and the surface is wank too.  I am cycling up it and further out than I normally ride, thus making a driver wait behind me.  When I get around the corner, it levels off a little and the surface improves.  So I moved in and waved him through as I can see it's clear.  He comes along side me, opens the window and shouts at me 'fucking hell mate, all I am doing is trying to get home' Oh, right.  Sorry, I forgot I'm a nobody and don't have a family or a home.  Selfish entitled CUNT.


A load of drivers seem happy to sit in fucking tailbacks or traffic for miles, but a cyclists slow them down for a few seconds and they go mental.

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3 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

I've been told to 'fuck off Wiggins' when cycling from home


Sorry but :lol:


I don't disagree with anything you've written here, each circumstance is different. I thik 90% of cyclists are sound and if they're riding side by side without being deliberatelt obstructive, that's okay. 90% of motorists are also sound imo, but as there are more than 10 times as many motorists, that's more than 10 times the number of wankers. 

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