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Scottish Mag

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Going house viewing this weekend, weren't particularly looking to move but a couple of interesting prospects have come up.


Got our wedding photos back as well, starting to feel like an actual adult.


Then my phone buzzes and tells me there is a pokemon nearby and I forget all that.




I wondered who would be first to admit to Pokemon Go on here... loser!











Yes, I have it too.

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I wondered who would be first to admit to Pokemon Go on here... loser




Yes, I have it too.

:razz: Is anyone honestly surprised it's me?

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You, the fish or CT. The 15 yr old (haydonator?) will be trying too hard to be an adult

It's entry point isn't expensive enough for CT to be interested.

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It's quite addictive but not sure how lasting it'll be...


I'm sure there's more than just me and Andrew playing it from here as well... :lol:


So am I going off twitter ;)

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Dare I ask what level we all are...?


Currently 18 I neither live or work in the best places for it though. Forces me to go out wandering a bit further afield

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I'm level 22, but i'm cheating, taking over everything from the comfort of a chair, i've "hatched" 150 eggs and traveled over 200km


As I said to Cath, I'm teaching local kids a valuable lesson, that all that hard work and effort they are putting in, will never ever beat a grownup child with time and disposable income.


Currently control the two local "gyms" near my house and all the gyms at work including Parliament buildings which I may rename the Pokemon on it after a useless MLA


I was getting bored of it tbh and my curiosity had been satisfied until i found out on a local car forum some guys going bananas about my username taking over everything, So I had a look on twitter and seen some local kids talking about my area and again complaining about me... Now I have renewed interest in the game by basically being the bane of these peoples lives :lol:


when they bring in trading i'll give my collection to my friends wee fellas though


Going roll up to the gym in the car at some stage blaring

Howay, share the wealth

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At one stage i thought maybe i was being too mean, as I took back Carsons statue before leaving the office, but upon driving past that statue i noticed two kids + their dad flicking at their phones trying to reclaim my turf... they were all wearing Liverpool tops just thought to myself "no regrets...they can have a minutes silence about their loss"




you're not capable of operating at my level Fish you'll only get yourself banned

Screen grab it then you big old megalomaniac, you.

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Have to admit to being impressed by Ant there actually...


I'm level 18 and have actually been walking to hatch eggs and so on. I think I've lost half a stone in the past week, so it's not all bad even if you're doing it properly.

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