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I was a fully fledged Facebook user for years so no intended criticism of anyone using it, but deleting my account off there a few months back has been a great move.


Easy spent 30 minutes to an hour a day scrolling through shite from people I wouldn't say hello to in the street. Even after cutting down my friend list to those people I was close to I was wasting time reading conversations which would bore me if I was having them out of politeness in a lift. Being public, people are moderating themselves for the rest of their friends, family and colleagues so it's like an eternal family gathering without the drink. Much prefer the horribly offensive stuff people will share in a private whatsapp :lol:


Twitter has been harder to cut ties with, I still love that. Mainly in terms of the football news/chat. I occasionally find myself having a scroll through, and starting a reply, but then I realise I'm blue facing myself to death, on an app designed to provide as little context/depth as possible, only to generate clicks for news sites. I try to force myself not to engage in it and read a bit of a book or an article or stop ignoring the person I'm sat with instead. I'm trying to train myself not to give a shit if (for example) Callum Henderson gets a new contract. If he ever gets a game then I'll be interested in what he does and I needn't give a fuck what 5 things Andrew Fowler thinks his new contract might signify.


They reckon this is happening broadly too, with people spending less time on social media across the board.



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Only recently got involved with lots of whatsapp groups. I dont really consider that social media as they are all private. I was out with a Facebook developer this weekend and he reckons that Snapchat is the only threat / competitor to FB. I suppose it makes sense as technology of the device advances that you dont need a website to host your social networks.


I think it will develop into 'public media' and 'private/social media' with the former being where FB, Twitter are now but much smaller.

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I was surprised snapchat was seeing shorter times along with the others. Thought it would be on the up.


Think it was a John Oliver joke last week that the only people using Facebook now are parents who think they'll find out what their kids are up to. Obviously not true with the massive user base which is still growing, but still funny as it pinpoints the struggle they'll have if they're not to become the next MySpace.


While you can specify who sees posts on FB or you can block people on Twitter it's much too fiddly to regularly limit the audience for what you post. I can see why people would much prefer an all in one "social broadcast" messaging app that allows them to play to different crowds with text, images, gifs and video, or to go public with them so anyone following can see them. I've tried snapchat and get the impression it will do that, but can't work out how. I've reached the point my dad did with VHS and technology is beyond me :lol:


I wonder if FB would ever completely overhaul what they do to pursue something like that. Just messing with the "like" button seems to result in a backlash that suggests they will never be able to stray too far from their formula, so they'll have to stick to buying other startups that make such strides.

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So, when you discover your beautiful, sensitive, copper-haired 8yr old daughter has caught the dreaded dickies from some little skip-rat at school, Mrs.Fist reckons it's immature to back in to a corner, making a cross and hissing

" Unclean! Unclean! Burn the Witch!"

Obviously, I disagree.

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So, when you discover your beautiful, sensitive, copper-haired 8yr old daughter has caught the dreaded dickies from some little skip-rat at school, Mrs.Fist reckons it's immature to back in to a corner, making a cross and hissing

" Unclean! Unclean! Burn the Witch!"

Obviously, I disagree.




The bairn asked me what nits were the other day. He's now practically having nightmares about creepies crawling all over him to the point that he'll involuntarily shudder and wail out of the blue when he remembers what they are :blush2:

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My oldest has them again, fucking horrible things. We're using a physical shampoo treatment and a nitty gritty comb, which works after much perserverance, but if it was up to me I'd go straight to DDT and chemical warfare the six legged shits. Trouble is, unless the whole class get done simultaneously, you're never going to eradicate them. I've years of this to look forward to. Oh and aye, you inevitably get an itchy head yourself if you're blessed with hair.

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He was interviewed on Look North last night about it. Looked interesting... probably not interesting enough to get me to go to the Tyneside for it like, but canny enough to hold my attention while I ate my Chicken & Broccoli salad.

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Like most on here I was quietly confident because the bubble I live in was 100% remain. This is fuckstorm and makes me very worried about my future and any kids I may have.


But at least them funny brown people won't force me to eat straight bananas or something.

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I've told you all before, your kids will look like kettle chips by 2050 due to climate change. Don't have any.


I'm definitely having kids and training them in survival skills and combat so that they're suitably prepared to look after me after the inevitable collapse of society.


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