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Scottish Mag

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Um :lol:


I'm ashamed to say I don't recognise the first part of that. The second bit is beard though, right? Someone's beard?

Edited by Rayvin
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Weird day yesterday, the bairns shouted for me to come quickly as there was some kind of bird in the garden. When I got out it was a wounded peacock! Fuck knows how it got in my garden?! Anyway, ended up phoning the police for advice and they said to take it to the nearest zoo which I did. The police then rang up today asking where it was? I told them it was eating some breakfast and I was taking down the coast in the afternoon it brightened up.

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"He is just in the shower mate, then I am dropping him at the pub for a couple"


I find out tomorrow if my bid for a house is accepted and I can move out of this awkward situation, best and final offers are a fucking mine field like. I could go quite a bit further than I have but the house needs a fair bit of work so I don't want to bankrupt myself for a fixer upper. I lost out on the first place I bid on by 500 quid, if the estate agents let me know I would have gone higher, the bellends.

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