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Scottish Mag

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I have never thought about this, but I used to sleep on my side up until my rhinitis made it generally impossible to do so. I think I 'mastered' sleeping on my back by getting to a point where I was literally so tired that my body had no other choice. That said, I think it only took the one night...


As for feet, they lean off to each side.


As interesting as that has been to consider, why on earth are you asking this :lol:

I was advised I while ago by the physio that it was the best position for my slipped neck disc. I tried then gave up. Trying again.


1. It's so much louder with both ears working.

2. The toe thing is annoying. I'll try your duck approach.

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Yeah the loud thing might be a struggle depending on how noise sensitive you are. Earplugs are an option then, they'd muffle everything in the same way as a pillow I guess.


Another option on the feet thing is to dangle your feet off the end of the bed by sleeping a little further down it.


Makes sense why you're trying it - in terms of getting used to it, another choice might be to bunch the pillow up a bit; then you could 'lean' your head on it as if you were lying on your side.


Apparently I've subconsciously put a lot of thought into this over the years :lol:

Edited by Rayvin
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Had to take the puppy to the vets, she has swallowed some of the gunk she has been coughing up from her kennel cough into her lungs and it looks like pneumonia now..


Poor little fucker, she is having over nighter in an oxygen tent thing, some X-rays and a bit medicine. House feels dead empty and she has only been here a few month.



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I grew up with dogs so I guess I took them for granted (got a 14 year old lab at my mam and dads). Bit different now that I have one of my own, got a bit emotional leaving her at the vets tbh.


Cheers btw, how did you explain away the shrooms though?

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I grew up with dogs so I guess I took them for granted (got a 14 year old lab at my mam and dads). Bit different now that I have one of my own, got a bit emotional leaving her at the vets tbh.


Cheers btw, how did you explain away the shrooms though?

She ate some puke in the park, the truth!!

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Pure conjecture but there is a proper chav family at the puppy class with this ratty dog that was basically a fucking mong. I would put money on that being the source of the kennel cough, the pneumonia is just because she is a pup and swallowed the shite she was coughing up from the KC.

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The surveyor has refused to value the property I am looking to buy. This is a very rare event, I am told. The two things stopping her are structural - movement in the newish conservatory and an unsupported chimney. There are shitloads of issues beyond this, rot, infestation, an outbuilding needs demolishing/replacing, etc etc.


Of the 24 categories to consider 13 of them (that's more than half Fish) are marked as requiring urgent work. I really like this house but I'm quite lazy. Do I push for considerable discounts or just walk away? The last time I bought a house it was relatively straightforward. Any advice welcomed.

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The surveyor has refused to value the property I am looking to buy. This is a very rare event, I am told. The two things stopping her are structural - movement in the newish conservatory and an unsupported chimney. There are shitloads of issues beyond this, rot, infestation, an outbuilding needs demolishing/replacing, etc etc. Of the 24 categories to consider 13 of them (that's more than half Fish) are marked as requiring urgent work. I really like this house but I'm quite lazy. Do I push for considerable discounts or just walk away? The last time I bought a house it was relatively straightforward. Any advice welcomed.


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