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Scottish Mag

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It's taken me many years to reach this point, but I'm more concerned about what I think about other people than what I think they think about me. If someone doesn't like me, that's not my fault, I honestly don't give a fuck any more. It sounds arrogant but it's how I feel.




Stevie man... :lol:

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Ok, bit of a nosey question to the longer standing members.


I was having a look the the Mod Team link on the main page and noted the Admin 'Jimbo'. He hasn't been online for 2 and a half years apparently, which is unusual in my experience for forum admins (if they quit, they usually 'resign'). Unless TT has a lifetime membership policy for the Mod Team anyway.


Just wondered if there was anything of interest behind that - I should mention that I find forums very interesting due to the extended community histories that can build up. Also, and I can't stress this enough, I'm really nosey.

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He founded it with a few others (Peasepud and some others who have stepped down like Scotish Mag, Craig etc), kept his status as the place is still partly his and welcome back if he wants to drop in.


I've only been an admin a few years, i got brought in to do the geeky stuff, overhaul the forums/mainsite and move us servers onto our own unmanaged

Can see how it used to look or have a browse around from back then on these links.


Cath, Tom, JawD all been around longer than i have (as well as a lot of the members tbh)





Thanks, that's sated my curiosity. And you've done a really good job with the place to be honest. I recognise that old Invision board layout from the first link, it's the one I'm more familiar with (it's been a few years since I was last on a forum before this one). The place has a really high quality look to it compared to most other fan forums though (and certainly is a better layout that NO - phpbb?). Although I'm biased because I hate non Invision boards..!

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I guess you get what you pay for then with forum packages. Still, the whole TT layout looks really professional, kudos.


Also prefer the smaller community and less uptight modding on TT compared to NO. Never registered with NO but looked in a few times.


Although the worst one I've ever seen for pathetic modding is RAWK. I cringe every time I look in there, people being banned for citing news sources that haven't been pre-agreed by a committee etc.

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Νομίζω ότι χρησιμοποιούν simple machines φόρουμ, είναι ένα opensource ένα έτσι είναι δωρεάν, αλλά προφανώς με αυτό γενικά παίρνετε λιγότερο μπαλώματα/αναβαθμίσεις και τέτοια έτσι και λιγότερο "χαρακτηριστικά"


αλλά Άι IPB δεν είναι κακό νομίζω ότι είναι το καλύτερο από αυτά με xenforo να βελτιώσεις τα τελευταία ενώ, phpBB ακριβώς φάνηκαν να έχουν πάντα τα ζητήματα ασφαλείας κάθε άλλη εβδομάδα έτσι αυτό ποτέ δεν ήταν να εξεταστούν..

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Ok, bit of a nosey question to the longer standing members.


I was having a look the the Mod Team link on the main page and noted the Admin 'Jimbo'. He hasn't been online for 2 and a half years apparently, which is unusual in my experience for forum admins (if they quit, they usually 'resign'). Unless TT has a lifetime membership policy for the Mod Team anyway.


Just wondered if there was anything of interest behind that - I should mention that I find forums very interesting due to the extended community histories that can build up. Also, and I can't stress this enough, I'm really nosey.

He stepped out of line and we had to "disappear" him.

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A nun who gave birth to a baby boy in the central Italian city of Rieti, said she had no idea she was pregnant, local media report.


The 31-year-old was rushed to hospital with abdominal pains, which she thought were stomach cramps.


The young mother, who is originally from El Salvador, reportedly named her newborn Francis after the current Pope.


The dirty old bugger!

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