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Scottish Mag

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Just trying to get my head round the two people who jumped from the balloon. As far as i can gather, the pilot and a bloke with his lass bailed when the balloon caught fire near the ground, the balloon rises up 1000ft and then explodes killing everyone.


Is that right?

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So on the footage, there is this period of time when the balloon is way up in the air with a load of smoke coming out of it. All that time, there is no pilot on board and people on board are trying to work out what to do?


Fucking hell. If the pilot jumps he should have got everyone to jump, thats the bit i dont understand. If i'm with my lass, i hoy her out and go with her.

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I asked someone yesterday if they'd every been on a balloon ride. They said they had but in New Zealand. I suggested that from a health and safety point of view I'd pick New Zealand over Egypt and got told I was racist. :lol:


I tried to drive my point home by asking if they'd go bungee jumping in Somalia, but it only made matters worse.

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