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Something someone said on one thread reminded me of this:


Englishman, Scotsman and a Mackem :D are waiting for a bus outside a brothel. They have ages to wait.


Englishman says, 'I'm going in.'

15 minutes later he comes out ' That was fuckin' marvelous.'

What happened, what happened?? the other two ask.

'Well' he says ' I gave her £20, she put a pineapple ring on my dick, some whipped cream and ate it all off..Faaaaantastic!'

Scotsman says, 'I'm going in.'

15 minutes later he comes out ' That was fuckin' brilliant.'

What happened, what happened?? the other two ask.

'Well' he says 'I gave her £30, she put two pineapple rings on my cock, some whipped cream and ate it all off....Faaaaaaaaaantastic!'

Mackem says, 'I'm going in.'

5 minutes later he comes out 'Absolutely maaaaaagnificent.'

What happened, what happened?? the other two ask.

'Well' he tells them ' I gave her £50, she put three pineapple rings on my cock, some whipped cream and a cherry on the top!'

'It looked that good, I ate it myself!'

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