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This will upset the Creationists !


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Fossil animals found in Arctic Canada provide a snapshot of fish evolving into land animals, scientists say.


The finds are giving researchers a fascinating insight into this key stage in the evolution of life on Earth.


US palaeontologists have published details of the fossil "missing links" in the prestigious journal Nature.


The 383 million-year-old specimens are described as crocodile-like animals with fins instead of limbs that probably lived in shallow water.


'Missing link'


Before these finds, palaeontologists knew that lobe-finned fishes evolved into land-living creatures during the Devonian Period.


But fossil records showed a gap between Panderichthys, a fish that lived about 385 million years ago which shows early signs of evolving land-friendly features, and Acanthostega, the earliest known tetrapod (four-limbed land-living animals) dating from about 365 million years ago.


Infographic (BBC)


In 1999, palaeontologists Professor Neil Shubin, from the University of Chicago, and Professor Edward Daeschler, from the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, set out to explore the Canadian Arctic in an attempt to find the "missing link" that would explain the transition from water to land.


After several years of searching with very little success, they hit the jackpot in 2004.


"The really remarkable find came when one of the crew found a snout of a flat-headed animal sticking out of the side of a cliff - that is totally what you want to find because if you are at all lucky the rest of the skeleton is back in the cliff," said Professor Shubin.


The team found three near-complete, well-preserved fossils of the new species, Tiktaalik roseae, in an area of the Arctic called the Nunavut Territory. The largest measures almost 3m (9 ft) in length.


"When we got back into the lab we removed the rock from the bone, and we began to find some really significant stuff," Professor Shubin told the BBC news website.




The creature shares some characteristics with a fish; it has fins with webbing, and scales on its back.


But it also has many features in common with land animals. It has a flat crocodile-like head with eyes positioned on top and the beginnings of a neck - something not seen in fish.


"When we look inside the fin, we see a shoulder, we see an elbow, and we see an early version of a wrist, which is very similar to that of all animals that also walk on land," said Professor Shubin.



"Essentially we have an animal that is built to support itself on the ground."


The scientists believe the position of the creature's eyes suggest it probably lived in shallow water.


"We are capturing a very significant transition at a key moment of time. What is significant about the animal is that it is a fossil that blurs the distinction between two forms of life - between an animal that lives in water and an animal that lives on land."


Dr Andrew Milner, a palaeontologist from the Natural History Museum, UK, said it is unusual to find a fossil like this in such good condition.


"This material is amazing because it includes a nearly complete skeleton - which is always handy because instead of assembling the fossil from bits we can see the whole skeleton and be sure that this is how the animal was put together."


Professor Jennifer Clack, from the University of Cambridge, said that the find could prove to be as much of an "evolutionary icon" as Archaeopteryx - an animal believed to mark the transition from reptiles to birds.


"The discovery of the Tiktaalik gives hope of equally ground-breaking finds to come," she said.


A cast of one of the fossils will be on display at the Science Museum in London from Thursday.



No doubt they will say its god's way of testing their faith !

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What They Don't Want You to Know


In order to understand the land fish fossil you need to realize that everything is controlled by a group of heathen scientists made up of hippies with help from Communists.

The conspiracy first started during the 1960s in San Francisco. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including 9/11.


Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by 'pledging' money to fake preachers on God Channels.


They want to discredit good evangelical folks like us and imprison resisters in Cuba using ships.


In order to prepare for this, we all must pledge $3000 each to The God Channel on 1 800 352 352 that's 1 800 GOD GOD. Since the media is controlled by Commies and Pinkos we should get our information from The God Channel.




Edited by Tom_NUFC
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Toonelaide will not be happy about this.


Blaydon, I mean Toonelaide :D won't give a shit, he'll just quote large tracts from the New Testament and experiences from his own life that basically prove beyond doubt that Jesus is the son of God. Meanwhile, all you non-believers are going to hell.

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Did anyone see that documentary about Emmanuelle college a few weeks back. Shocking and depressing. So is Blaydon an evangelical christian then?


How about we put the evangelical christians up in a big fight against the fundamental muslims, to see whose God is real.


Shit, forgot that was already happening. :D

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Did anyone see that documentary about Emmanuelle college a few weeks back. Shocking and depressing. So is Blaydon an evangelical christian then?


How about we put the evangelical christians up in a big fight against the fundamental muslims, to see whose God is real.


Shit, forgot that was already happening.  :razz:




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I thought Toonelaide might be Blaydon as they have a very similar posting style when it comes to football matters. But he vehemently denied it so it couldn't be him :D

For the record though, I don't think it is him.

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