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American Drama


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Lost, Alias and Prison Break are the only American dramas I can stomach nowadays. Though, even in saying that, Alias has struggled since JJ Abrams left, and I really can't see how Prison Break can possibly go into a second season, despite one already being confirmed.


As for the other stuff; I used to like 24, but got tired of it midway through the third season. House just seems like every other drama on tv. Desperate Housewives is complete and utter CACK. And the rest are either all just parodies of one another, or, when they're not, they get cancelled before the story's aloud to even get going.


Still better than British dramas like, but that's not saying much.

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West Wing, Sopranos, 24 are all outstanding; great writing, high acting standard, all have the same fast pace that draws you in.


American comedy is also coming on leaps and bounds, from improv-comedy like Curb, animated series like american Dad and Family guy to Satirical news shows like the Daily Show with John Stewart


Smallville is good.. but a little less like a drama and a little more like a teen-sci-fi-thing... same category as Buffy, Angel etc.


Hate Sex in the City, Desperate Housewives, O.C., one tree hill and so on and so forth.

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House is fucking stupid tbh. And Hugh Laurie's accent is awful.



I concur. British actors can't do American accents, for some reason they're really shit at it. Hugh Laurie sounds like he's trying too hard. I saw the railer for the new Denzel Washington film where Clive Owen has an American accent...it ain't pretty. The Halle Berry school of acting.

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British actors can't do American accents, for some reason they're really shit at it.



Kate Winslet does it well in Eternal Sunshine.



I've never heard Kate speak....titnotism you see.

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