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What phone have you got?

Southern Geordie

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3G version of the V3... but tbh I prefer my old V3, slimmer and does the job fine... might switch to the SLVR.. looks ace.



Had a V3 thought about the v3x but though it looked very plasticy compared to the V3. Just got the V3i the same as the V3 but with the possibilty of video a 512 MB walkman and a 1.3 megapixel camera. In my opinion, far better than the V3x.

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k750i. Shit phone. The joystick thing breaks after a while so it takes ages to scroll down in the contact list.



I've got a K750i and have had it for ages and the joystick has yet to break. I suspect you have spastic hammer hands.

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k750i. Shit phone. The joystick thing breaks after a while so it takes ages to scroll down in the contact list.



I've got a K750i and have had it for ages and the joystick has yet to break. I suspect you have spastic hammer hands.



More adept at handling little joysticks tbh.

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My phone is a Siemens A55  :blush:




fnar fnar



Include the A55 in that and you're onto something. Brock and his Seaman's ASS?





Maybe this is the wrong time to say I set it to vibrate :(

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k750i. Shit phone. The joystick thing breaks after a while so it takes ages to scroll down in the contact list.




The letters on your number buttons will take you directly to the contact you're looking for, are you daft?

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