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John Charles De Menezez.

Ugly Mackems

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High ranking police officer being interviewed on BBC1 says that the decision was to incapacitate the potential suicide bomber but not necessarily to kill him.


When asked how they could incapacitate the suicide bomber he answered by shooting him in the head.


Yet he still denied it was a shoot to kill policy.



You can seriously see the Met. Officers quite horrifically getting away with murder.

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High ranking police officer being interviewed on BBC1 says that the decision was to incapacitate the potential suicide bomber but not necessarily to kill him.


When asked how they could incapacitate the suicide bomber he answered by shooting him in the head.


Yet he still denied it was a shoot to kill policy.



You can seriously see the Met. Officers quite horrifically getting away with murder.



the poliss cant win though.


how do you incapacitate a suspect carrying high explosives without killing him, yourself, your colleagues, and pretty much everything else within 25m or so?


tough one

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