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Newcastle United, League Cup Winners 2025 - The Party Never Stops


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I can understand controlling numbers for the Moor and if they did a bus parade ending at the Moor “event” fair do’s but hours in a field (no booze) in the rain (forecast) no thank you.

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1 minute ago, ewerk said:


Fucking muslims.


Riot police were called to an incident of civil unrest in Newcastle City Centre last night after reports of a so called dry event on the town moor.


Locals were said to be outraged at the lack of alcoholic beverages on sale and took to barricading the front of the Milburn entrance with flaming wheelie bins.


Sandra, 19 from Benwell had this to say. “Ya man, I was just taking the bairns doon to see some owld yank bloke gerriz moister than an oyster by slapping bass when I sent me youngest grandbairn owa to the bar to get a drink and he comes back and tells iz that thaz nee Stella. Ah was raging man. What was ah meant to give him like? The didn’t even have nee fruit drinks like Bucky or dark fruits man. Daft cunt had to have a fruit shoot and ah cannit gerrim to sleep noo. So obviously we stormed the Milburn. I’m even more mad noo coz ah hoyed one of me primarni crocs at the security gadgy and he’s not give iz it back.”


More to follow.

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I wonder if there's gonna be a Saudi group coming over for it, so they want some security and control over it, and to be able to daub the place in Sela branding. Something that probably couldn't be achieved by a bus tour. 


Given the lengths they went to the night before the final with that tower in London, I'm sure they'll put a canny event on, and some money will be spent making sure it's decent for those that can attend.


But I'd much rather be able to jump on the metro into town, watch them wave and shake the cup about for 10 minutes, and then go about my day. 


I fully approve of the one child per adult rule though. It's about time we started punishing people for having too many kids. 

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Just now, Gemmill said:

I wonder if there's gonna be a Saudi group coming over for it, so they want some security and control over it, and to be able to daub the place in Sela branding. Something that probably couldn't be achieved by a bus tour. 


Given the lengths they went to the night before the final with that tower in London, I'm sure they'll put a canny event on, and some money will be spent making sure it's decent for those that can attend.


But I'd much rather be able to jump on the metro into town, watch them wave and shake the cup about for 10 minutes, and then go about my day. 


I fully approve of the one child per adult rule though. It's about time we started punishing people for having too many kids. 

It might be a case of there will inevitably be a protest against sportswashing arranged for the same day and they'd rather keep that separate from the celebration. Hard to separate when you have a photo of the lads on an open top bus driving passed a banner asking what happened to Khashoggi :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

Howay the guys :lol: 

Made my teeth itch writing it tbh. Almost as bad as Shearer saying "howay the boys" on a video he sent to Lineker which he played on their podcast.

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5 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

It might be a case of there will inevitably be a protest against sportswashing arranged for the same day and they'd rather keep that separate from the celebration. Hard to separate when you have a photo of the lads on an open top bus driving passed a banner asking what happened to Khashoggi :lol:


Get the chairman to the front of the bus and have him do the Gladiator style thumb down thing, and watch as the crowd descends upon the protestors like a swarm of ants.



I know a lad who now has a season ticket cos his mate is one of the original group of 7 or whatever it was that formed that Newcastle Fans Against Sportswashing group. Got it transferred over from the other lad. 


Wonder what those lads got up to on Sunday. 

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5 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:

The Chinese have hacked Gemmill’s account. Too much buying shite off Temu

One child per adult. Girl children not allowed (leave them on Great North Road to be run over, as is tradition).

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Just now, Gemmill said:


Get the chairman to the front of the bus and have him do the Gladiator style thumb down thing, and watch as the crowd descends upon the protestors like a swarm of ants.



I know a lad who now has a season ticket cos his mate is one of the original group of 7 or whatever it was that formed that Newcastle Fans Against Sportswashing group. Got it transferred over from the other lad. 


Wonder what those lads got up to on Sunday. 

"Get in.....oh no....what have I become?"


Suicide Samurai GIF

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1 hour ago, Toonpack said:

I can understand controlling numbers for the Moor and if they did a bus parade ending at the Moor “event” fair do’s but hours in a field (no booze) in the rain (forecast) no thank you.

Aye, it's all a bit prawn sandwich brigade, but letting 200,000 radgies turn up to the town moor for a piss up is probably a recipe for disaster. Anyone who has been to the Hoppings after dark knows it's like a scene from Mad Max.

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3 minutes ago, Kid Dynamite said:

Aye, it's all a bit prawn sandwich brigade, but letting 200,000 radgies turn up to the town moor for a piss up is probably a recipe for disaster. Anyone who has been to the Hoppings after dark knows it's like a scene from Mad Max.

The hoppings before dark isn't much better. It's the time when normal people are at work and the mutants haven't had a message back from their dealers yet.

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6 minutes ago, Kid Dynamite said:

Aye, it's all a bit prawn sandwich brigade, but letting 200,000 radgies turn up to the town moor for a piss up is probably a recipe for disaster. Anyone who has been to the Hoppings after dark knows it's like a scene from Mad Max.

199,999 radgies, TBD won’t get a ticket

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3 hours ago, PaddockLad said:

Ridiculously fair minded scousers klaxon…



Decent apart from that god awful accent and the fact that they showed themselves up when talking about the 'Saudi money'.  They clearly couldn't care one bit about where the money came from, they were just pissed off that we (and Forest) had money to spend like they had been able to for years because of Littlewoods.  I

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15 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

crying with mask on Blank Template - Imgflip




I'll do a 600 mile round trip to spend the day in a field provided....


it's red hot 

there's dance music being played in the 138-144 bpm range.

at least half those in attendance are scantily clad dready hippie chicks.

every fucker is on at least one form of psychedelic drug.

there's chilled cider and white wine readily available.

in the event of getting the munchies there's stalls selling chicken tikka pieces wrapped in nan bread or moroccan falafels with a mint yoghurt sauce

Edited by thebrokendoll
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6 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:




I'll do a 600 mile round trip to spend the day in a field provided....


it's red hot 

there's dance music being played in the 138-144 bpm range.

at least half those in attendance are scantily clad dready hippie chicks.

every fucker is on at least one form of psychedelic drug.

there's chilled cider and white wine readily available.

in the event of getting the munchies there's stalls selling chicken tikka pieces wrapped in nan bread or moroccan falafels with a mint yoghurt sauce

It’s not the Henley regatta man !!!

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