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2 hours ago, The Fish said:



I've lived in a few different places and can assert with some confidence that there are some peoples who stay true to the stereotype; Scousers, South Africans and Parisians. 


Never a truer word, the Saffers I’ve dealt with have been cunts to a man (the white ones).


Parisiens - stuffed with pride and a good dollop of arrogance, rest of France are less than complimentary about them too. (That said last one I worked with is a great bloke, but he’d spent years working here and the US).

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5 hours ago, thebrokendoll said:

I was gonna avoid this topic today, but fuck it.  :lol:

howay mate, that first statement is ludicrous man, the entire football community at the time knew it would kick off in belgium, there'd been several liverpool supporters stabbed in rome the year before and they wanted revenge. the fact that it was an entirely different set of supporters they'd be coming in to contact with was neither here nor there, they were italian and that was good enough.

it wasn't poor infrastructure or stewarding that tore down the segregation fencing and charged at the juventus supporters waving flag poles it was liverpool's support. you've been and truly scousewashed here I'm afraid, the only thing you've missed out is their claim they'd been infiltrated by chelsea's headhunters!  

I've no intention of getting all high and mighty about newcastle's support, I can't stand some of the fuckers! i can't help thinking you've picked a couple of bad examples there though, I think the petrol bomber stated at the time that it was his intention to put newcastle on the map, but not only that his actions provided the basis for one of the best footballing ditties ever created, who can say hand on heart that they haven't enjoyed a rousing rendition of 'he's only a poor little hammer'? i doff my hat to his just and noble cause! 

as for the ferry landing hoo- hah, I haven't really got a great deal of sympathy and that would apply had the victim been one of ours instead of a mackem. if two sets of blokes make arrangements to kick the shit out of each other and somebody gets the shit kicked out of them, well, you haven't really got anybody to blame but yourself have you?

it's the bud the police horse incident i feel the most shame over, I mean what the fuck was the stupid cunt even thinking?

I can't abide cruelty to animals, but it wasn't even that, the horse probably weighed the best part of a ton and never so much as flinched. fancy losing your liberty for 12 months for that mincy jab? the stupid twat!  :lol:


It's just a bit sad that even now there are still people like yourself who still weaponise events like Heysel to completely dehumanise the inhabitants of an entire region as a whole, as if the entirety of Merseyside and North Wales were are all complicit, 40 years after the fact.


I had only checked in to this thread yesterday to see if anyone had watched the cup final. I only felt the need to call it out because it was disappointing to see far more bigoted bile on here than I'd heard at the pub up this way during an old firm cup final. 

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21 minutes ago, Blastronaut said:


It's just a bit sad that even now there are still people like yourself who still weaponise events like Heysel to completely dehumanise the inhabitants of an entire region as a whole, as if the entirety of Merseyside and North Wales were are all complicit, 40 years after the fact.


I had only checked in to this thread yesterday to see if anyone had watched the cup final. I only felt the need to call it out because it was disappointing to see far more bigoted bile on here than I'd heard at the pub up this way during an old firm cup final. 


honestly man.

you've reduced me to tears here.

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12 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:

My own personal view of Liverpool.




Met many a decent Scouser.


A lot of them dealt superbly with the miscarriage of justice at Hillsborough.


Working class 'northern' city


Usually socialist 





Glory hunting, non-scouse fans


Media coverage 


Pulling the ladder up in the PL






Holier than thou attitude 


Buying our better players 


Getting the decisions because of the pressure put on officials.



There's probably more stuff that can be added on to both sections this is just off the top of my head.


Yep, I’ll go with that. I’d also add that the city centre is compact and has a lot of character, much like Newcastle.


I don’t mind Carragher though so I’d like to swap him out for 80s sitcom ‘Bread’.

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6 hours ago, thebrokendoll said:

howay mate, that first statement is ludicrous man, the entire football community at the time knew it would kick off in belgium, there'd been several liverpool supporters stabbed in rome the year before and they wanted revenge. the fact that it was an entirely different set of supporters they'd be coming in to contact with was neither here nor there, they were italian and that was good enough.

it wasn't poor infrastructure or stewarding that tore down the segregation fencing and charged at the juventus supporters waving flag poles it was liverpool's support. you've been and truly scousewashed here I'm afraid, the only thing you've missed out is their claim they'd been infiltrated by chelsea's headhunters!  

Thought I’d do some reading on Heysel and came across this. I’d advise anyone to read it. Difficult (for me) to work out the actual source other than someone at Brighton Uni? Sounds balanced and is very illuminating….


https://cris.brighton.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/371097/Interwoven Tragedies final.pdf




Edited by PaddockLad
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Certainly don't subscribe to the idea of hating another fanbase but Liverpool do annoy me more than most. As a club they just have this victim complex, like a permanent siege mentality due to a belief that they're special and that the whole world is out to get them as a result. There's a strong 'holier than thou' running through them as well, RAWK is a great example of it. Only newspapers that the high scouse council have approved may be shared on the forum. The match thread must remain unblemished from uncontrolled enthusiasm so that the designated commentary posters may bask in everyone's adulation, no cursing or speaking freely, It's as far from TT as you can get in a football forum IMO and paints this picture for me of a club and supporterbase that view themselves as some sort of defining institution within football, certainly in this country.


But to be fair to them... that mentality really does seem to take them places. They have forged themselves something of a unique collective identity that is difficult to break down, and it seems to pervade the team as well. So while yes, they're annoying as fuck most of the time, I do also have some respect for the club and what they've collectively built it into.


I would actually say Klopp made me dislike them far more than I did before he was there though. I would hold Man United higher in the 'clubs I despise' stakes.

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45 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

Thought I’d do some reading on Heysel and came across this. I’d advise anyone to read it. Difficult (for me) to work out the actual source other than someone at Brighton Uni? Sounds balanced and is very illuminating….


https://cris.brighton.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/371097/Interwoven Tragedies final.pdf




That's a balanced view, I would have thought it was a student thesis.

I'm so old that my thesis was pre Heysel and Hillsborough, but was titled Football Hooliganism: Ritual Rhetoric or Reality. I was so fucking pleased with the title

Anyway here's a long read about Thatcher and the policing of the miners strike and football fans in the 80s



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I think my dislike of Liverpool Football Club(TM) is entirely justified from various aspects across my life. My mother was desperate for me to be a Liverpool fan because she was, I received more than one liverpool shirt as a gift even after I'd fallen in love with Newcastle.

Then as I grew up a bit their incredible over-representation in the media with ex players making up the vast majority of punditry across most channels was infuriating, they could do no wrong ever. Playing against them was always a fucking slog regardless of whether we won or lost.


STEEEEVIE GEEEEE and The Suarez shit thereafter where they got absolutely free rides for assault, racism etc.

Klopp turning out to be one of the most unbearable, ingenuine dickheads in football over the last several years rounds that one out.

As a city I don't mind Liverpool as somewhere to go eat and do a bit of shopping, personally prefer manchester but whatever. Its fine.


As for scousers, my time working in Liverpool taught me that, while there were plenty of good lads there, there aren't many more unbearable groups of people to be around than the scousers whose personality is "from liverpool". I'm not going to elaborate on that one much further as I genuinely reckon you all know exactly what I mean by that.


Also the beatles can fuck off and John Lennon was a cunt.

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I’ve known some absolutely cracking lads from Liverpool and some utter pond life too. 
The city is… meh. 
Full of cunts begging in my experience. 
Also, when you live in a city like Newcastle, it sets a high bar, which most places fail to pass. 

As for the club, the list of reasons to dislike them is large, and grows every season, but at the top, always, and why I’ll always dislike them more than most, is because they’re responsible for this.



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9 hours ago, spongebob toonpants said:

That's a balanced view, I would have thought it was a student thesis.

I'm so old that my thesis was pre Heysel and Hillsborough, but was titled Football Hooliganism: Ritual Rhetoric or Reality. I was so fucking pleased with the title

Anyway here's a long read about Thatcher and the policing of the miners strike and football fans in the 80s




it is a canny read that, although it shares the same glaring omission(s) that many other similar articles do from the 80s, that of the policing of the women's greenham common protest and most specifically that of the peace convoy/new age travellers in the ludicrously named 'battle" of the beanfield.

it wasn't a battle, it was a meticulously planned and sustained assault by the police on another section of society that thatcher took exception to. it rivalled orgreave in its brutality, possibly even exceeded it as it was carried out in front of and impacted women and children. fucking horrendous and largely forgot about, 




Edited by thebrokendoll
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1 hour ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I’ve known some absolutely cracking lads from Liverpool and some utter pond life too. 
The city is… meh. 
Full of cunts begging in my experience. 
Also, when you live in a city like Newcastle, it sets a high bar, which most places fail to pass. 

As for the club, the list of reasons to dislike them is large, and grows every season, but at the top, always, and why I’ll always dislike them more than most, is because they’re responsible for this.




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Just seen the replay of that. From the referee’s angle he can clearly see an arm across the Southampton player pushing him back. You don’t need VAR there. I’m not one to believe in red shirt bias but that was a clear example right there. Southampton robbed of a FK and a red card against their opponent.

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25 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Just seen the replay of that. From the referee’s angle he can clearly see an arm across the Southampton player pushing him back. You don’t need VAR there. I’m not one to believe in red shirt bias but that was a clear example right there. Southampton robbed of a FK and a red card against their opponent.


Hooper has to be one of the worst top flight officials.

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