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1 minute ago, Renton said:


Mackems claim there is a media love in for us, SJP as the cathedral on the hill certainly has some resonance. The entertainers etc. Loads of media stereotypes surrounding us, mainly positive. Truth is, if we had anything like Liverpools success we would be media darlings even more. As it is, we're more akin to Spurs. It's just the way it is. 

You're calling me a mackem. You're dead to me

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1 hour ago, Renton said:

Wigan is that annoying smelly clump of hair at the top of the bum cleft. 

Wigan is the anglicised version of its original name Whinntwoldan which translates as “ Winnit Anchor”, so you’re absolutely correct. 

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1 hour ago, thebrokendoll said:


enormous empathy for very early 80s liverpool and its inhabitants. 

not any more, despise the cunts. while areas like the north east, huge swathes of wales as well as a shit loads of the south east outside the stockbroker belt have managed to largely deal with the shit hand they've been dealt, these cunts can't wait to wallow in self pity and bore every fucker to tears about how hard done by they are.

as regards liverpool fc.... they ransacked and looted their way round europe, 'jibbing' in to football grounds until they were totally responsible for the death of 32 Italians, 4 belgians, 2 french and 1 from northern ireland.

they then set about blaming every fucker else but themselves for this, and still do. 

fucking laughable these cunts think they're some kind of guardians of footballing morality, sitting in judgement of the supporters of abu dhabi and saudi fc....

they're blood soaked murdering cunts whose club should've been permanently kicked out of football in 1985.


See this is where the point between football rivalry banter and pure bigotry are crossed for me. 


Hate fans of any other club as much as want but as soon as you tar a collective of people over their football allegiance as "bloodsoaked murdering cunts" you've lost any sort of moral high ground.


You and them are far more alike than you are unalike. 

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39 minutes ago, Blastronaut said:


See this is where the point between football rivalry banter and pure bigotry are crossed for me. 


Hate fans of any other club as much as want but as soon as you tar a collective of people over their football allegiance as "bloodsoaked murdering cunts" you've lost any sort of moral high ground.


You and them are far more alike than you are unalike


utter fuckimg shite, the last sentence in particular is fuclimg ludicrous.

I've had the odd ruck outside a ground before, probably even got out a bit of a buzz out of it, however to the best of my memory no newcastle supporter or collectively so have been been responsible for one death, never mind thirty fucking nine and then then try to blame to  every fucker else apart  from yourselves.

give your head a wobble man.

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44 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:


utter fuckimg shite, the last sentence in particular is fuclimg ludicrous.

I've had the odd ruck outside a ground before, probably even got out a bit of a buzz out of it, however to the best of my memory no newcastle supporter or collectively so have been been responsible for one death, never mind thirty fucking nine and then then try to blame to  every fucker else apart  from yourselves.

give your head a wobble man.


Call me naive but I just don't understand why you're so angry about football and have so much venom for people from different postcode that aren't quite as angry as you.


I'll say it again, you've crossed the line between banter and outright bigotry.


The purveyors of today's Glasgow derby handled far more deep rooted social divides with considerably more class.

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25 minutes ago, Blastronaut said:


Call me naive but I just don't understand why you're so angry about football and have so much venom for people from different postcode that aren't quite as angry as you.


I'll say it again, you've crossed the line between banter and outright bigotry.


The purveyors of today's Glasgow derby handled far more deep rooted social divides with considerably more class.





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7 hours ago, thebrokendoll said:


utter fuckimg shite, the last sentence in particular is fuclimg ludicrous.

I've had the odd ruck outside a ground before, probably even got out a bit of a buzz out of it, however to the best of my memory no newcastle supporter or collectively so have been been responsible for one death, never mind thirty fucking nine and then then try to blame to  every fucker else apart  from yourselves.

give your head a wobble man.


Well the cause of Heysel was more shoddy infrastructure and stewardship rather than anything else. And before you get so high and mighty about Newcastle fans, I remember them crippling a mackem in North Shields leaving him profoundly disabled for life, then of course there was the West Ham petrol bomb incident. Could easily have been first degree murder that. 

Blastronaut is spot on. People are the same everywhere, just different circumstances lead to different consequences. It amazes me that as with religion, one group of humans can believe they have some kind of inherent moral superiority over another. As soon as you do this you're entering the realms of bigotry. 

Genuine question here to. If you go to Anfield or Goodison, do you not get on with the fans? I've never seen bad blood between us, save once where Arkles was bricked. Same at SJP save the odd occasion. 

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14 hours ago, Gemmill said:



Still the most consequential thing this Jimmy Hill chinned plank has done all season. Zero goals, zero assists from 458 minutes played. 


I was reading more about this tit yesterday. A month after he got Schar sent off, he flew 7,000 miles to play for Chile and got hauled off after 34 minutes for being absolute kaka. :lol:


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43 minutes ago, Renton said:


Blastronaut is spot on. People are the same everywhere, just different circumstances lead to different consequences. 

Hippy cunt

Dance Dancing GIF by Red Bull

Edited by Toonpack
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11 hours ago, Renton said:


Mackems claim there is a media love in for us, SJP as the cathedral on the hill certainly has some resonance. The entertainers etc. Loads of media stereotypes surrounding us, mainly positive. Truth is, if we had anything like Liverpools success we would be media darlings even more. As it is, we're more akin to Spurs. It's just the way it is. 

The media love a noble failure. We are the Frank Bruno or Tim Henman of football.

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2 minutes ago, Holden McGroin said:

The media love a noble failure. We are the Frank Bruno or Tim Henman of football.

Harsh to lump big Frank in with us or Henman tbh. He at least held a world championship in relatively modern times.

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2 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

Harsh to lump big Frank in with us or Henman tbh. He at least held a world championship in relatively modern times.

True. The American media lap up cocky superstars. We’d smash them down. We love a try-hard that just falls short.


Maybe I should have likened us more to Eddie The Eagle….

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My own personal view of Liverpool.




Met many a decent Scouser.


A lot of them dealt superbly with the miscarriage of justice at Hillsborough.


Working class 'northern' city


Usually socialist 





Glory hunting, non-scouse fans


Media coverage 


Pulling the ladder up in the PL






Holier than thou attitude 


Buying our better players 


Getting the decisions because of the pressure put on officials.



There's probably more stuff that can be added on to both sections this is just off the top of my head.


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I’ve never met a good scouser. EVER.  

They’ve never particularly bothered me (more than any club) until Klopp started losing games and then his true colours (and the clubs) came out. 


Robbie Fowler used to be my favourite non-nufc player when growing up. I’d maybe lend him a tenner one day.

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Outside of football I don't have a problem with scousers as a rule, but then outside of football I don't really have a problem with anyone - even mackems - so long as football or human rights records don't come up.


Within the confines of football I don't like any cunt - even a good proportion of our own fans can get fucked tbh.


However, I do hold a special kind of dislike for Liverpool fans (for purely footballing reasons) - followed closely by Everton fans and then Villa fans. I'd take the crazy ramblings of the world's biggest MLF over any of those three because at least the mackem is unintentionally hilarious 100% of the time.

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9 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:

My own personal view of Liverpool.




Met many a decent Scouser.


A lot of them dealt superbly with the miscarriage of justice at Hillsborough.


Working class 'northern' city


Usually socialist 





Glory hunting, non-scouse fans


Media coverage 


Pulling the ladder up in the PL






Holier than thou attitude 


Buying our better players 


Getting the decisions because of the pressure put on officials.



There's probably more stuff that can be added on to both sections this is just off the top of my head.



That's fair enough.

Outside of football, the main reason scousers are disiked imo is that they have a very strong partisan regional identity, reinforced by a strong accent. Does that not sound familiar though? 

Whereas places around the greater Manchester area, West Yorks, South Yorks, east and west midlands, let's be honest, you could be anywhere. Nothing wrong with having a strong regional identity imo. 

My thing against scousers is their self-perceived wit. Sorry lads, you're really not that funny, sayting something in a squeaky voice doesn't make it so.  

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2 hours ago, Renton said:


That's fair enough.

Outside of football, the main reason scousers are disiked imo is that they have a very strong partisan regional identity, reinforced by a strong accent. Does that not sound familiar though? 

Whereas places around the greater Manchester area, West Yorks, South Yorks, east and west midlands, let's be honest, you could be anywhere. Nothing wrong with having a strong regional identity imo. 

My thing against scousers is their self-perceived wit. Sorry lads, you're really not that funny, sayting something in a squeaky voice doesn't make it so.  


If you chat with someone from elsewhere about Newcastle, you can speak of the positives and when they suggest that there's thiings lacking, or not as positive most Geordies will agree. Some might make allowances, or offer mitigation, but no Geordie is going to stand there and claim Northumberland Street is as good as Milan, or that Byker is a great place for frothy coffees and smashed avocado. 


Try the same with a Scouser and they'll lose their fucking mind, insisting that their city is the bestest, most glorious settlement ever to grace the world. Best at music (have they had anything truly great since the Beatles?), best at football, best at humour, nicest people (are they fuck), best best best and absolutely zero faults. I've no problem with regional pride, as long as it comes with even a little fucking humility.

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3 hours ago, Renton said:


That's fair enough.

Outside of football, the main reason scousers are disiked imo is that they have a very strong partisan regional identity, reinforced by a strong accent. Does that not sound familiar though? 

Whereas places around the greater Manchester area, West Yorks, South Yorks, east and west midlands, let's be honest, you could be anywhere. Nothing wrong with having a strong regional identity imo. 

My thing against scousers is their self-perceived wit. Sorry lads, you're really not that funny, sayting something in a squeaky voice doesn't make it so.  

Oh you underestimate people from Yorkshire.  You couldn't be anywhere because they fucking tell you! AND I'm from Yorkshire :lol: Does my fucking tits in.

Liverpool has some stunning architecture.

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14 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

Oh you underestimate people from Yorkshire.  You couldn't be anywhere because they fucking tell you! AND I'm from Yorkshire :lol: Does my fucking tits in.

Liverpool has some stunning architecture.


So does Bradford... still a shithole though. 

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19 minutes ago, The Fish said:


If you chat with someone from elsewhere about Newcastle, you can speak of the positives and when they suggest that there's thiings lacking, or not as positive most Geordies will agree. Some might make allowances, or offer mitigation, but no Geordie is going to stand there and claim Northumberland Street is as good as Milan, or that Byker is a great place for frothy coffees and smashed avocado. 


Try the same with a Scouser and they'll lose their fucking mind, insisting that their city is the bestest, most glorious settlement ever to grace the world. Best at music (have they had anything truly great since the Beatles?), best at football, best at humour, nicest people (are they fuck), best best best and absolutely zero faults. I've no problem with regional pride, as long as it comes with even a little fucking humility.


Yeah. I lived in Liverpool for half a decade and have worked with people at every job I've had since from the city, including currently. That's just utter lazy bullshit. Not saying you don't get people like that but it could be just as true of some from Manchester , which also probably subconciously clouds your perception (bitter bastards both sides of that divide). And aye, that opinion literally could also be taken from the SMB in reference to us, it's exactly the type of shite they perpetuate, whereas the truth is, Newcastle just simply has mnore heritage/character/standing than Sunderland and they are jealous as fuck about it. 

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