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Eddie’s Broon Ale necking Black Garter Slags vs PaddockLad’s mates’ southern softy shandy-drinking la las.

Monkeys Fist

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4 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Miggy ffs. If there's two good choices and one bad one, you know which one that kid is picking.

Spot on, really tough watching him now that his purple patch of goals is over. 

Thought we were riding our luck with some of the passing about the back in the first half and finally got caught out by it. This ref can absolutely fuck off mind, they spent the whole first half just kicking us anytime we got to half way and he let it happen. 

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Lol, classic. So he's offside, but not near the ball so it's still a foul in the box. Actually makes sense as ridiculous as it first seems.

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