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Shamone Muthafucka-loving Harrods shopping Cottaging Cunts vs Eddie’s Absolutely shagged out, but still awesome Stalwarts.

Monkeys Fist

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Great finish BTW. 


Lee Dixon and Tyldesley chatting pure shite here as normal about the "handball". Learn the rules you stupid cunts. 


Dixon sounds like he's auditioning for a gig as a snooker commentator. 

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12 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

Longstaff back on the Cigs I see


An assistbfor Wyki, well played.


Love how the players all have to give the ref their opinion even though it doesn't matter at all.

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1 minute ago, wykikitoon said:

So when I say Burn etc has given the ball away that's realism?  But that's not allowed?


Stating we are playing about par is a bit different about having a hissy fit when Ciggy or Burn misplaces a pass.

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These two arseholes still going on about the handball ffs. Absolute embarrassment. 


Dixon nearly got it earlier when he mithered "probably cos he wasn't the one that actually scored", but still puzzling over it. :lol:


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