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Eddie and Mad Dog's Snail-Like Slow As Fuck Starters v Ça plane pour Mappe, Ça plane pour Ekitike, Ça plane pour moi, moi, moi, moi, (Hou-hou-oou-oou!) ça plane pour PSG


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3 hours ago, Howay said:

Fucking magic that. The only thing that was a negative for me was the stream I watched made me suffer through the absolutely worst fucking commentary I’ve ever heard in my life, that thick fucking cunt Ray Hudson - jesus fucking wept what an insufferable prick. The press is absolutely back now, confidence will be sky high after that what a brilliant performance where we barely gave them a sniff. 


Guess who 5 Live havegot on to talk about it. John fucking Carver.  :lol:

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Bed at 1 and fucking cat woke me up at 6 and Im still smiling non stop. :lol:   Hung over, voice gone, ears ringing and need a proper fry up to sort me out. 


What a fucking night though, even though me and my weak bladder were stuck right in the middle of a row, apologies to all the toes that got stood on. We were 2nd back row in the leazes east stand corner and whilst the low roof does increase the sound, it was truly non stop noise throughout the game. Never experienced noise like it. You could tell the fans had given everything as it was almost deadly quiet walking and queueing for the metro. Everyone was spent.


Such a proud night to be a Newcastle fan, almost like being in a "if Carlsberg did Champion league nights" commercial.


How the hell they will manage to get themselves recovered and ready for West Ham is beyond me. Absolutely class.

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10 hours ago, Andrew said:


@LondonBlue called it tbh. They can't handle being pressed the way we can do it. Theyve produced absolutely fuck all. 

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I did wonder if the post Neymar, Messi era would change that. 


Top result fellas.


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9 hours ago, Gemmill said:


I'm gonna put this off now and stick a podcast on. The whole of the NE is gonna be knackered tomorrow. Either hungover or adrenaline sleep-starved.


At my mate's shed/bar, got home a bit pissed around eleven, watched YouTube videos of everything I could see about the match. Didn't get to bed until 01.35. Had to be up at 05.15. Reminds me of a very similar timetable to the original Barcelona game. Fucking brutal but worth it. :lol:

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10 hours ago, wykikitoon said:

Apparently Alvarez has scored a worldy

He did.


Got to watch the last few minutes of your match as ours finished first. So i got to see 1 goal at least. Nice one. No-one likes the froggies.

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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:


As an example, tweeting that Dan Burn having his goal moment stolen from him by VAR was worse than the Liverpool offside decision. :lol:


Knows exactly what he's doing. Understands what the REAL problem with VAR is and BREAKS Liverpool twitter. He's a good kid.


Hope he never succumbs to working full time for Sky or anyone like that.

His channel is quality and he likes us 🙂

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Gordon offensively last night wasnt as affective as he has been.  But him and Miggy seriously set the tone in terms off pressing and tracking back. Superb.

Gordon has really settled this season, looks happy as a dog with two dicks.

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9 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I’m quoting this just so you can’t edit out the typos tomorrow- it’ll make your gums bleed. :lol:

Celebrated with some whisky. Woke at 4 by my lad having a nightmare. Hungover and exhausted. Couldn't give a fuck cos WUHGONNAWINTHECHAMPIONSLEEEEEEEG

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