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Eddie’s One Man Dugout Wonderboys vs. Fag Ash Lil’s Wall Pushing Disappointments.

Monkeys Fist

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Commentary crossing their fingers and toes that this is rescinded. Somehow forgetting that he is clearly last man/denying a clear goal scoring opportunity the dopey cunts.

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1 minute ago, Meenzer said:

Genuinely amazed that wasn't overturned mind. Class. :lol:

I mean, I know they find ways for certain teams, but how could they for that?

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1 minute ago, Gemmill said:

Love to see Klopp's day falling apart. His teeth are about to have a very misaligned afternoon.

Security should him remind that SJP is no smoking at half time- make the cunt go out on Barrack road for his fag. 

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5 minutes ago, Gemmill said:


His lack of a right foot is ridiculous. They can just show him to the byline every time, knowing that he absolutely will not attempt a cross. I like him, he seems like a class lad, but it is insane how one footed he is.


Sticks out like a sore thumb in this team right now. Matter of time only I think till Eddie makes the Barnes Gordon switch. 

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