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Eddie “ Eagle-Eyed Action Man, with Gripping Hands” Howe’s Unstoppable Force vs Playmobil Heed’s Perennial Bottle Arse(nal)’s. Sun 7th May. Saint James’es’s Park. 16:30h.

Monkeys Fist

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"Trying to get his arm out of the way" what a load of shite from the commentary, lucky prick.


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3 hours ago, Toonpack said:

VAR's a major worry today, suspect PL would like the title race to run a bit longer, we win and it is definitely over.


That's it like.

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1 minute ago, acrossthepond said:

I know we're partisan but you have to say that wasn't a penalty. Let's be honest with ourselves. 

If that law is that it isn’t a penalty because it hits his leg first then that’s fair enough.

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1 minute ago, acrossthepond said:

I know we're partisan but you have to say that wasn't a penalty. Let's be honest with ourselves. 

It did appear to hit his thigh first, but he was absolutely bringing his arm down towards the ball intentionally so if there's any contact on the ball from the arm even after the thigh it's handball. 


And now, fuck this shit.

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