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Other Games 22/23

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Arsenals fans are the absolute pits however, ultimately them winning anything will lead to misery as their expectations are stratospheric & the entire media image of their fans is predicated on who can complain the loudest. 


The perfect scenario is Man City beating them on something hilarious like goal difference. 

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1 minute ago, Howmanheyman said:

We'd never in a fucking million years get that penalty at the usual stadiums against the usual clubs btw.


The same keeper fucking levelled Ryan Fraser a mile away from the ball and we got fuck all. 

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10 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Wasn’t there one of them given earlier in the season? Basically if the keeper comes and takes the player out without touching the ball it’s a penalty.

The one in the world cup comes to mind for me when I thought the keeper couldn't do anything else - came out then the player knocked it past him and handily collided with the keeper. 

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