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Eddie Howe


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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

Just watching the full length interview now. First time I've seen these Podcasts but there is some great content in this, even stuff you could use in your own line of work. 


just finished watching it, thoroughly enjoyed it, hour and half flew over.

think the same two blokes should do one with steve bruce, I'm sure it would be riveting!

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12 hours ago, Gemmill said:

Diego gets paid to write about football. Some on here would pay The Fish NOT to write about football. 

Might set up a Patreon...

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Eddie must be favourite for Manager of the Year, right? If Arteta leads Arsenal to the title, then fair fucks, but that aside, Eddie is in the middle of a Comăneci routine

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4 minutes ago, The Fish said:

Eddie must be favourite for Manager of the Year, right? If Arteta leads Arsenal to the title, then fair fucks, but that aside, Eddie is in the middle of a Comăneci routine


Whilst we're at it there must be several of our players in with a shout of player of the year too if things continue as they are. 

FWIW I don't think Arsenal will sustain the start they've made.

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2 minutes ago, Craig said:


Whilst we're at it there must be several of our players in with a shout of player of the year too if things continue as they are. 

FWIW I don't think Arsenal will sustain the start they've made.

Arsenal fan I know said the other week he’d take 4th if you offered him it now when I asked if he’d settle for 2nd after the start they’ve had 

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5 minutes ago, Alex said:

Arsenal fan I know said the other week he’d take 4th if you offered him it now when I asked if he’d settle for 2nd after the start they’ve had 

I think a lot would.  Its still progress from last season.  But surely that would be a hard take after the start they have had at this point.

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5 minutes ago, Craig said:


Whilst we're at it there must be several of our players in with a shout of player of the year too if things continue as they are. 

FWIW I don't think Arsenal will sustain the start they've made.


I dunno, they're definitely in the title challenge on merit. Attacking and defending superbly. Only Newcastle have conceded fewer, only MCI have given up fewer good chances. 


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4 minutes ago, The Fish said:


I dunno, they're definitely in the title challenge on merit. Attacking and defending superbly. Only Newcastle have conceded fewer, only MCI have given up fewer good chances. 



I think they'll finish as runners up, but I can't see them sustaining the challenge against Man City. 3rd/4th is what's up for grabs and we're right in the mix. Could be any two from us, Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool & Man Utd.

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8 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

I think a lot would.  Its still progress from last season.  But surely that would be a hard take after the start they have had at this point.

Yeah, it probably would be I think he doesn’t want to get his hopes up / thinks the usual bad run after a good start is inevitable. 

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15 minutes ago, Craig said:


I think they'll finish as runners up, but I can't see them sustaining the challenge against Man City. 3rd/4th is what's up for grabs and we're right in the mix. Could be any two from us, Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool & Man Utd.


You're probably right. I don't think Man City are as invulnerable as they've been previously,  but they've got so much quality and so much depth it'd be daft to bet against them passing Arsenal at some point and never looking back. 


Liverpool would have to go some to get into the top spots. They're on 19pts from 13 games(1.46PpG). Continue at that rate for the rest of the season, they'll end up on 52pts (19+(25*1.46). Average for 4th in the last 10 seasons is 71pts. So they'd need c52pts (71-19) from the remaining 25 games or 2.08 Points per Game. Games which include;


Chelsea home and away, Man City away, Newcastle away, Arsenal, Man Utd and Spurs at Anfield, plus a Merseyside derby.  Plus the Champions League. And the Domestic Cups. They've got to squeeze the postponed Wolves game in there somewhere too. The only free weekend I can see in the calendar is the 7/8th of January. 

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4 hours ago, The Fish said:


You're probably right. I don't think Man City are as invulnerable as they've been previously,  but they've got so much quality and so much depth it'd be daft to bet against them passing Arsenal at some point and never looking back. 


Liverpool would have to go some to get into the top spots. They're on 19pts from 13 games(1.46PpG). Continue at that rate for the rest of the season, they'll end up on 52pts (19+(25*1.46). Average for 4th in the last 10 seasons is 71pts. So they'd need c52pts (71-19) from the remaining 25 games or 2.08 Points per Game. Games which include;


Chelsea home and away, Man City away, Newcastle away, Arsenal, Man Utd and Spurs at Anfield, plus a Merseyside derby.  Plus the Champions League. And the Domestic Cups. They've got to squeeze the postponed Wolves game in there somewhere too. The only free weekend I can see in the calendar is the 7/8th of January. 

Man Utd is still my pick of teams Id like to see us turn over and I said at the beginning of the season that my measure of success would be us finishing above them. The opportunity to do Liverpool over at the same time.....jerking off sex appeal GIF

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I think Howe has serious potential to eclipse both Robson and Keegan and in very short order as well. 

We shouldn't lose sight of the fact both his predecessors had emotional connections with the club which helped drive their passion for success with the club (*). Howe, by comparison, is driven by his coaching and man-management ability alone. Having witnessed 12 months of him at the helm I massive underestimated his abilities of both aspects.


I had him down as a 'steady Eddie' (no pun intended) who would guide the tiller in the right direction until a big-name coach the owners could convince to come on board would sign up to the project. As one of my mates put it - he was to be Newcastle's answer to Mark Hughes at Man City. Couldn't be happier to be proven wrong. 

With perhaps Keegan and Robson aside, I cannot recall another manager who engaged me more when interviewed. And I'm talking every single interview. It's obvious it's not just a front as well - he refuses to be drawn on anything that could potentially be considered contentious and he's careful to ask journalists to clarify their point if he thinks for one moment he doesn't fully understand it. He also realises getting the press on board is vital to success and harmony - having a laugh and a joke with them but also being human - referring to them by first name, asking them how they are etc. - the example that sticks in my mind was when he stopped Keith Downie and asked him during a press conference if he was OK after the tree landed on his car during the storm earlier this year. Contrast that with the likes of Kinnear and Bruce who treated the press as sworn enemies. Fucking hell, it's unreal.


But back to the comparisons, I always hoped Keegan and Robson would deliver something. With Howe it's different; I feel confident it WILL come. Personally I think he has the potential to be one of the best man-managers/coaches this country has ever produced. Long may it continue.


(*) - let's not forget his immediate predecessor should have had that emotional connection as well, but failed to EVER get anywhere near it.



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I knew very little of Howe before, just that he had progressed Bournemouth steadily up the leagues over a lengthy management tenure there. Having heard and witnessed plenty of him and watching a lot of his press conferences you can see that he would have interviewed extremely well, and of course with his massive bollocks he was not phased by the relegation that we were staring down the barrel of. He could see beyond it, to the progression that we could make with the financial backing and intent to achieve that the new owners were bringing. It's been a match made in fucking heaven and you're right that he could well become a Newcastle legend in what will be an unprecedentedly short period of time.

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13 hours ago, Alex said:

Arsenal fan I know said the other week he’d take 4th if you offered him it now when I asked if he’d settle for 2nd after the start they’ve had 

Like us settling for 17th each season.

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7 hours ago, Craig said:


With perhaps Keegan and Robson aside, I cannot recall another manager who engaged me more when interviewed. And I'm talking every single interview. It's obvious it's not just a front as well - he refuses to be drawn on anything that could potentially be considered contentious and he's careful to ask journalists to clarify their point if he thinks for one moment he doesn't fully understand it. He also realises getting the press on board is vital to success and harmony - having a laugh and a joke with them but also being human - referring to them by first name, asking them how they are etc. - the example that sticks in my mind was when he stopped Keith Downie and asked him during a press conference if he was OK after the tree landed on his car during the storm earlier this year. Contrast that with the likes of Kinnear and Bruce who treated the press as sworn enemies. Fucking hell, it's unreal.



I actually find his media sessions fairly dull with little given away. Everything he says is measured and respectful and designed not to attract headlines. You get the feeling that it’s absolutely a front and he’s got to be very much different off camera.

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8 minutes ago, ewerk said:

I actually find his media sessions fairly dull with little given away. Everything he says is measured and respectful and designed not to attract headlines. You get the feeling that it’s absolutely a front and he’s got to be very much different off camera.


I get what you saying but what do you expect? He does what I expect of a manager in such a situation but does it well by listening to the questions and answering them honestly without giving away too many specifics. It's not like he doesn't say anything, he frequently comments on how well he thinks we played in games regardless of the results, and what we need to work on. I believe that his comments about taking it a game at a time, although cliched, are so for the reason that that is absolutely what you have to do. He doesn't get drawn into speculation or mid-long term commentary which again is appropriate. Sure it might mean there are no grand media grabs, nor potential banana peels but that's not exactly a bad problem to have in my book.


Of course he will be different behind the scenes, but I wouldn't call it a front, just his media persona. I'm glad we don't have a raving lunatic who pretends to be your best friend until you ask a question they don't like, or someone who blames everyone else, or holds a grudge, or is negative towards the players/ fans/media as all of them would just cause undue distraction. Here's here to manage the team not tickle the whimsy of reporters out to create a sensationalist headline.

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I'd call it measured and considered, rather than dull. Of course he'll have opinions that won't be air in public - consistently refusing to be drawn on the Almiron / Grealish situation being a good example. 

I'd much prefer this than a manager calling specific journos a cunt or speaking disrespectfully about another manager / club's situation.

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It's not a criticism of him but an assessment. It's absolutely perfect for where we are right now. He's in charge of what is seen as a controversial club but refuses to be drawn on the matter. We're massively exceeding expectations and he can refuse to comment on the likes of CL qualification because he has held a consistent line of not making public any team targets. He's absolutely doing the right thing but where I disagree with Craig is that I don't find it engaging. I know he's a brilliant manager working his balls off for the club but listening to him doesn't set my heart aflutter. You could be inspired listening to Keegan and Robson and with the likes of Kinnear, Pardew and Bruce you could listen to them with the expectation of them saying something stupid or being thin skinned. Howe is largely a nothingness when it comes to the media and that's fine. I listened to the podcast with Humphries and that's the most I've heard him open up in an interview and even then you could tell he's very much telling you what he wants and not giving away anything he didn't want to.

Edited by ewerk
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33 minutes ago, ewerk said:

I actually find his media sessions fairly dull with little given away. Everything he says is measured and respectful and designed not to attract headlines. You get the feeling that it’s absolutely a front and he’s got to be very much different off camera.

Yeah I watched the clip of the high performance thing, fuck watching 90mins of his “David Brent with A levels” guff, that great wet lettuce Humphrey egging him on, not for me Clive  :cuppa:


But wtf do I know? I may well have reacted well to that when I was younger and I may be a lot less of a cynical old bastard now. Whatever he’s doing with the players it’s plainly very effective.  He’s the single most significant figure in the history of AFC Bournemouth. If he wins a trophy with Newcastle United it’s arguable that he’ll be the talked about in the same terms in the North East… nearly 19 years since SBR was sacked..  two generations of young fans who’ve not known any real hope at the club.  He’s their man. 


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5 minutes ago, ewerk said:

It's not a criticism of him but an assessment. It's absolutely perfect for where we are right now. He's in charge of what is seen as a controversial club but refuses to be drawn on the matter. We're massively exceeding expectations and he can refuse to comment on the likes of CL qualification because he has held a consistent line of not making public any team targets. He's absolutely doing the right thing but where I disagree with Craig is that I don't find it engaging. I know he's a brilliant manager working his balls off for the club but listening to him doesn't set my heart aflutter. You could be inspired listening to Keegan and Robson and with the likes of Kinnear, Pardew and Bruce you could listen to them with the expectation of them saying something stupid or being thin skinned. Howe is largely a nothingness when it comes to the media and that's fine. I listened to the podcast with Humphries and that's the most I've heard him open up in an interview and even then you could tell he's very much telling you what he wants and not giving away anything he didn't want to.


I get the point you're making, but on a personal level I do find it engaging. Perhaps more so because he's followed in the wake of the absolute drivel and bullshit bingo we were served up by his predecessor on a weekly basis. 

Here's a question though - if a high-profile manager became was available and interested in taking over, say a Guardiola or Ancelotti, would you want the change? Not for me - right now Howe is absolutely what we need. 

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Ancelotti no. Guardiola yes.


I wouldn't have Ancelotti because I'm not convinced he's interested in a project which is exactly what we are. Guardiola head an shoulders the best football manager on the planet and interested in medium term development and one of the most important things he offers is that world class players will want to play for him.


I'm not sure Eddie Howe would take offence at playing second fiddle to Pep.

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7 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Ancelotti no. Guardiola yes.


Totally, though it would be horrendous to get rid of Howe for anyone.


You can tell how well respected Howe is by other managers, including Pep, through their comments and body language, which is in stark contrast to Bruce before him where their pleasant platitudes were as empty as Steve's crisp packets.


I'm looking forward to seeing how Howe reacts to the inevitable challenges we will face as the season progresses; cup team selections, injuries, switch up tactics mid-game and the pressure that will come from being where we are on the table.

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4 hours ago, ewerk said:

It's not a criticism of him but an assessment. It's absolutely perfect for where we are right now. He's in charge of what is seen as a controversial club but refuses to be drawn on the matter. We're massively exceeding expectations and he can refuse to comment on the likes of CL qualification because he has held a consistent line of not making public any team targets. He's absolutely doing the right thing but where I disagree with Craig is that I don't find it engaging. I know he's a brilliant manager working his balls off for the club but listening to him doesn't set my heart aflutter. You could be inspired listening to Keegan and Robson and with the likes of Kinnear, Pardew and Bruce you could listen to them with the expectation of them saying something stupid or being thin skinned. Howe is largely a nothingness when it comes to the media and that's fine. I listened to the podcast with Humphries and that's the most I've heard him open up in an interview and even then you could tell he's very much telling you what he wants and not giving away anything he didn't want to.

Absolutely agree. When I watched that interview I didn't really get the sense this was some show of vulnerability, some peak behind the curtain. The closest I came to seeing the private Eddie Howe was when he spoke of wishing he could have spoken to his late mother again. Even then and when he talked about missing parent-teacher meetings, or spending time with his kids it felt like there was a guard up. Which, like you say, isn't a criticism just an assessment. He's not the kind of public figure that gets your pulse racing, but frankly I don't want or need that from the manager. He clearly has personal connections with his players and that's what really matters.


Said it before, but he reminds of of Hughton in that regard, measured, professional, comes across well without stirring oratory, or endearing charm. 

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