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Announcing the Toontastic Patreon


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Hello everyone, it is no secret that we've been putting this together but here it is! The official TT Patreon.




You'll find everything you need to know on the page, but here is a quick rundown of how it works and what it is for.


The purpose of this Patreon is to cover the running costs of the board, pay for any maintenance or upgrade costs in future and cover any unexpected expenses that may come with running this place.


We want to stress from the outset that there is no pressure for anyone to become a patron, we've tried to keep the donation amounts fairly low, starting at £2 a month. If you can afford to donate, then please do, if not, no worries.


We're not locking any board content behind a paywall, everyone, patron or not, will be able to see and post as they always have.


We do have one little bonus for Patrons however, at the end of each year we will be donating any excess funds to a local charity, as nominated and voted on by our patrons.

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1 hour ago, Andrew said:

Hello everyone, it is no secret that we've been putting this together but here it is! The official TT Patreon.




You'll find everything you need to know on the page, but here is a quick rundown of how it works and what it is for.


The purpose of this Patreon is to cover the running costs of the board, pay for any maintenance or upgrade costs in future and cover any unexpected expenses that may come with running this place.


We want to stress from the outset that there is no pressure for anyone to become a patron, we've tried to keep the donation amounts fairly low, starting at £2 a month. If you can afford to donate, then please do, if not, no worries.


We're not locking any board content behind a paywall, everyone, patron or not, will be able to see and post as they always have.


We do have one little bonus for Patrons however, at the end of each year we will be donating any excess funds to a local charity, as nominated and voted on by our patrons.


Link still fucked here. ;)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Is the site running slow as fuck for everyone else? Just the day after Andrew picked up his GLA? Just sayin’.





  • Haha 2
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I believe the slowdown is coming from a SHIT LOAD of "members" trying to access the site, I assume a load of bots.

We've had registrations turned off to try to ride out the chinese bot wave but this might require a little tweaking.


I'll do some experimenting over the next few days but be warned this might result in us seeing those bot posts again.

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10 hours ago, Andrew said:

I believe the slowdown is coming from a SHIT LOAD of "members" trying to access the site, I assume a load of bots.

We've had registrations turned off to try to ride out the chinese bot wave but this might require a little tweaking.


I'll do some experimenting over the next few days but be warned this might result in us seeing those bot posts again.

How many new member requests per day on average, and could we not have new members not allowed to create new topics?

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27 minutes ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

How many new member requests per day on average, and could we not have new members not allowed to create new topics?


The new member topic thing isnt a standard invision feature, so unfortunately its not a plug and play solution.


New signups themselves aren't causing the slowdown, but if you look on the main page, down the bottom you can see our "most users ever online" peaked at 1500ish a few days ago.


We're essentially getting lightly DDOSd. We currently have 650ish online, earlier today it was over 1000.


I do think that an invision upgrade will help to fix this, but the licence is pricey and we are currently saving up patreon money for it.

  • Thanks 3
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