Gemmill 50042 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] I thought Boumsong was shite from day one and said so. I don't remember Leazes saying it though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
U_V 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 The vast majority of managerial hirings and firings are done mid-season, we're no different from most other clubs in that respect (Wenger and Ferguson were both hired mid-season). I'm convinced that the timing of Robson's sacking would have been criticised whenever it was. If he'd been sacked in the Summer (my choice) people would have said how can you sack a manager who has just finished 4th, 3rd and 5th in the table in successive seasons? If he'd remained in place and we'd carried on the way we had been playing, then all through the season people would have been calling for him to be sacked and criticising the board for not doing it earlier. If he'd remained in place and we'd improved, finishing in a European place (noone seriously thinks we'd have finished in CL place do they?) you'd have people complaining that we showed no ambition to push on and try to win the league, plus you'd have all the crying about "being in the papers for the wrong reasons" building up and up as Robson inevitably let things get further out of control in the cancer infested dressing room . This is complete speculation on my part, but I believe that FS knew it was time for Robson to go, but thought he had another season left in him to at least get us into Europe and by not renewing his rolling contract we could let him go gracefully into retirement and wouldn't have to pay out any compo. During this year with people knowing it was Robson's last season he could openly sound out possible replacements to come in for the following season. However the fact that Robson spat his dummy out at not being allowed to carry on forever, and the dismal start to the season forced his hand into sacking him earlier than planned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 That's harsh on Robson imo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bombadil 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Part of why Shepherd is a shit chairman is because he undermines his managers by going out and buying players himself. Kluivert, Butt and possibly Viana are all players that were bought by Fat Fred, and Speed is an example of a player that was sold against his manager's wishes (same with Ferdinand if I remember correctly). I wouldn't be surprised if he had a big say in the Luque deal as well. He seems to think of himself as some kind of director of football when the truth is that he hasn't got a fucking clue. A good chairman lets his manager decide on the players he wants and then tries to make a deal with the club and the player. That's what his job should be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sweetleftpeg 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 However the fact that Robson spat his dummy out at not being allowed to carry on forever, and the dismal start to the season forced his hand into sacking him earlier than planned. 94893[/snapback] Whilst I don't agree with all of what you say and think Fat Fred and the board's treatment of Robson was piss poor, I think there is also some kind of roundabout way substance in this statement. Robson showed on numerous occasions he was a stubborn bastard, it was one of his qualities but also one of weaknesses. I think if the board had left it up to Robson to reire then we'd still be wheeling him out at 90 imo. The idea Alex put foward about Robson moving upstairs was the exactly the one I would have liked to have seen, but I don't think it would have been easy to peruade Robson to relinquish the managers job. He loved doing it, and still felt both mentally and physically up to the challenge. However, imo he did seem to be very slowly losing the plot (selling Solano on the cheap, not clamping down on trouble, the alleged incidents of players giving him the finger in training etc) and should have gone in the pre-season before he was sacked imo, whether that meant him taking the ambassadors job or being given the push, he still should have gone. However, this board has no long term planning and their laissez faire attitude is the reason we're in this mess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 50042 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] Where's Sima? His Irony-o-meter just went off the scale Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Part of why Shepherd is a shit chairman is because he undermines his managers by going out and buying players himself. laughable. Kluivert, Butt and possibly Viana are all players that were bought by Fat Fred, and Speed is an example of a player that was sold against his manager's wishes (same with Ferdinand if I remember correctly). I wouldn't be surprised if he had a big say in the Luque deal as well. He seems to think of himself as some kind of director of football when the truth is that he hasn't got a fucking clue. A good chairman lets his manager decide on the players he wants and then tries to make a deal with the club and the player. That's what his job should be. 94898[/snapback] So you are basing your "opinion" on the fact that you "presume" Shepherd doesn't do this, otherwise he would be "good"? I don't know where you get your ideas from, but the calibre of manager he has appointed simply would not stand for board interference... PS..if Kluivert happened to be true, then the vast majority of you lot should have supported him too as you agreed with his opinion that Kluivert would be "sensational", not to mention Souness "doing a good job and should be given time" and "we are better off without the bad eggs".... I mean making all these decisions that you agree with means he must be as smart as you, right ? Quite simply, all these types of statements are full of holes filled with hypocrisy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. 94957[/snapback] Well wtf are you saying about him ?????????????????? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc. 94956[/snapback] the kiddies forums are calling you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. 94957[/snapback] Well wtf are you saying about him ?????????????????? 94967[/snapback] I've critcised him where he's fucked up imo daddio Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc. 94956[/snapback] the kiddies forums are calling you 94971[/snapback] You mean the ones where you post as NE5 and get stuck into the soopafan punch-ups? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. 94957[/snapback] Well wtf are you saying about him ?????????????????? 94967[/snapback] I've critcised him where he's fucked up imo daddio 94976[/snapback] Everybody fucks up sometimes though .... Who do you want as manager this time round Alex Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spongebob toonpants 4366 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 I quite like Freddie, but then again I have regularly been accused of accepting mediocrity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. 94957[/snapback] Well wtf are you saying about him ?????????????????? 94967[/snapback] I've critcised him where he's fucked up imo daddio 94976[/snapback] Everybody fucks up sometimes though .... Who do you want as manager this time round Alex 95016[/snapback] Hiddink. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc. 94956[/snapback] the kiddies forums are calling you 94971[/snapback] You mean the ones where you post as NE5 and get stuck into the soopafan punch-ups? 94978[/snapback] who's NE5, LeazesMag is banned on newcastle Online ? Does it not occur to you that myself, and others, consider that experience of supporting the club does actually qualify knowledge of it ..... I mean, I DO remember the 60's, McKeag etc, I'm not making it up or owt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 (edited) Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. 94957[/snapback] Well wtf are you saying about him ?????????????????? 94967[/snapback] I've critcised him where he's fucked up imo daddio 94976[/snapback] Everybody fucks up sometimes though .... Who do you want as manager this time round Alex 95016[/snapback] Hiddink. 95020[/snapback] anyone else if we can't get him ? [in the real world this may happen] 2 or 3 more perhaps Edited February 15, 2006 by LeazesMag Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Craig 6821 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc. 94956[/snapback] the kiddies forums are calling you 94971[/snapback] You mean the ones where you post as NE5 and get stuck into the soopafan punch-ups? 94978[/snapback] who's NE5, LeazesMag is banned on newcastle Online ? 95025[/snapback] Just coincidence that he started posting more regularly when LeazesMag was banned and that he airs the same views as you, eh? Howay Leazes, 'fess up on that one - everyone know's it's you anyway! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23734 Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Basically, if your name's not Leazes Mag, you fall into "the majority" or most people as he sometimes refers to it. For example: Most people thought Shola was an adequate replacement for Shearer Most people thought Boumsong was great just because he was foreign. The fact that most people thought nothing of the sort is totally irrelevant to his argument. He attributes the tag most people to whoever he's arguing with, as it makes it a damn sight easier than actually arguing the points they're putting to him. 94881[/snapback] Gemmil, I reckon you have a nerve taking the piss out of other forums, when you come out with such childish posts like this. To be honest, even my 11 year old daughter would offer a proper reply to a supposed discussion. Pathetic really. Dearie me... 94953[/snapback] She's learning from the master though so she has an unfair advantage. Most people ....etc. 94956[/snapback] the kiddies forums are calling you 94971[/snapback] You mean the ones where you post as NE5 and get stuck into the soopafan punch-ups? 94978[/snapback] who's NE5, LeazesMag is banned on newcastle Online ? 95025[/snapback] Just coincidence that he started posting more regularly when LeazesMag was banned and that he airs the same views as you, eh? Howay Leazes, 'fess up on that one - everyone know's it's you anyway! 95045[/snapback] Westend lad = LeazesMag = NE5 That's what I thought anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted February 15, 2006 Share Posted February 15, 2006 Better than Lord Westwood though 94901[/snapback] Better than most Alex, [which neither you or anyone else can still show differently despite your moronic repetition of Shepherd is shit...doh...compared to how many others exactly..doh again] I only genuinely hope you don't have your eyes opened and learn the hard way...because then we will all suffer.... you should have learned by the last fuckwit manager that sometimes you should be careful what you wish for Dearie dearie me....[again] 94955[/snapback] If you can find one quote where I've said Shepherd is shit I'd like to see it. 94957[/snapback] Well wtf are you saying about him ?????????????????? 94967[/snapback] I've critcised him where he's fucked up imo daddio 94976[/snapback] Everybody fucks up sometimes though .... Who do you want as manager this time round Alex 95016[/snapback] Hiddink. 95020[/snapback] anyone else if we can't get him ? [in the real world this may happen] 2 or 3 more perhaps 95027[/snapback] Dave Jones Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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