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spongebob toonpants

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I want to be outraged, but.... :D


I'm paranoid about the toilet lid being up in my house cos I just know that if it was - the kittens would be in there! I found one of them inside the laundry basket with the lid on it the other day - didn't have a clue where it was, I could just hear this high-pitched mewling :(

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When I was at my friend's house the other day, her cat went (in the space of about 2 seconds) from being happily curled up in the bathroom to being on the very narrow outside ledge of the bathroom window.. you've never seen panic like it. :D

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I lost one of my little darlings the other day and as they're not old enough to go out yet, I knew she must've been in the house but I checked all the usual spots and couldn't find her anywhere. After a frantic search (I was typically on my way out of the door and in a rush) I just caught sight of the tip of a tail under my bed. She'd managed to crawl into the suitcase that lives under my bed, despite the fact there's only a 1" gap between the top of the case and the underneath of the bed. She's like ferkin Houdini in reverse :D

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When we fist got our cat she use to follow us in to the toilet all the time, so we'd make sure the lid was always down. She got into the habit therefore of running into the bathroom and jumping on the toilet lid. One day I opened the door after using the bog and had left the lid up by mistake. Cue one kitten charging and jumping onto the toilet only fot the lid not too be there. She was caked in blue loo and Mrs SLP cried, but I had a ringside seat and it was fucking hilarious. :D

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Your cat on the bottom shelf looks a bit dead tbh



I tend to forget to feed that one :D



Really ? I wouldn't be surprised if it took its own life. The choice of death or being made to look like a frog isn't an easy one.

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When we fist got our cat she use to follow us in to the toilet all the time, so we'd make sure the lid was always down. She got into the habit therefore of running into the bathroom and jumping on the toilet lid. One day I opened the door after using the bog and had left the lid up by mistake. Cue one kitten charging and jumping onto the toilet only fot the lid not too be there. She was caked in blue loo and Mrs SLP cried, but I had a ringside seat and it was fucking hilarious.  :D



Similar thing happened to my kitty, only it's jump was synchronised perfectly with me flushing. Couldn't help piss myself laughing as all four legs frantically flapped about in cartoon stylee fashion trying to get a grip of something!! :(

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