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Just to be devil’s advocate here, does the TT Covid committee have any thoughts on this exchange, which seems to confirm the worst fears of the anti mask/lockdown/passport brigade?… FTR: Fraser Nelson, obviously, remains an Olympic standard cunt, regardless of his decent line of questioning here…



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10 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

Just to be devil’s advocate here, does the TT Covid committee have any thoughts on this exchange, which seems to confirm the worst fears of the anti mask/lockdown/passport brigade?… FTR: Fraser Nelson, obviously, remains an Olympic standard cunt, regardless of his decent line of questioning here…



That is interesting. I don't really know what to make of it, but it does seem odd that no consideration is given to the probability of each scenario occurring. 

The main thing I took from it was how long it took Nelson to understand the answer to his question though. :lol:


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Their brief is presumably to model based on set criteria including that Omicron matches the virulence of Delta. I mean why are they not also modelling for it being worse? We don't have the information yet on how bad it is and I doubt it will be a stretch for Sage to amend that projection once we do.


I think the response he was given is reasonable. Why model a scenario that we have limited information about other than to pin it against existing conditions? What is the logic for us calling this overly negative when we simply don't know? Could we not also call it overly positive?

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14 minutes ago, ewerk said:

There’s no evidence that omicron is less virulent, is there?

A few things I’ve been watching seem to state 2 things.


1. That they are not seeing anywhere near as many hospitalisations in SA as the last wave. However this could be down to the large amount of immunity built up in the previous wave.


2. The “Zoe” study that is run out of London and collates symptoms is recording quite a switch to mainly cold symptoms being reported. Again this is hopefully due to the vaccines / booster limiting the disease. 

I know government has to look at the bigger effects than just the health effects of the pandemic, but due to the looming effects there is going to be on NHS staff due to having to self isolate, I think a lockdown needs to happen to give them a chance.


As Schools are already off and the public seem to be avoiding hospitality of their own accord, I can’t really see much point in delaying it.

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27 minutes ago, ewerk said:

There’s no evidence that omicron is less virulent, is there?


Other than a Daily Mail article from the woman who discovered the varient in South Africa.  Fuck knows a) what accurate data she could base that on seeing as she'd only just discovered it & b) how you can compare SA to UK in this context 

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The thing that gets me is a couple of times this morning is been said that infections are probably much  higher than the official figures. There's now talk of 2,000,000 infections a day by New year. If we get anywhere near that figure the NHS will be goosed

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47 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

It already is. 

Merry Christmas :lol:

It is. My Dad has been waiting a week in hospital for a diagnostic that would have once been a few hours wait. So that's £350 a day waiting whilst he actually deteriorates, because they're operating a skeleton service because so many are off with covid. Add this disruption to the past 2 years, how the fuck do we get out of this? 

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1 hour ago, Christmas Tree said:

Sky News now picking up on the tweet @Gemmill shared the other day.





Let's hope so. You have to be careful with in vitro research, but this does make sense and seems to match what's happened with other coronaviruses. 

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Anyone help me clarify something. 

Fist Jnr. had a positive PCR result on 26/10/21

and did 10 days self isolation following it. 

He’s just had a message from his Scout group saying that one of them who was at the Laserquest meeting had tested positive. 

The latest info I can find is that, since FJ is within 90 days of a positive result, he doesn’t need to test or isolate, since he’ll have immunity. 

Am I wishful thinking here, or is that correct? 


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3 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

Anyone help me clarify something. 

Fist Jnr. had a positive PCR result on 26/10/21

and did 10 days self isolation following it. 

He’s just had a message from his Scout group saying that one of them who was at the Laserquest meeting had tested positive. 

The latest info I can find is that, since FJ is within 90 days of a positive result, he doesn’t need to test or isolate, since he’ll have immunity. 

Am I wishful thinking here, or is that correct? 


If he's under 18 he doesn't need to isolate anyway I think. Close contacts just need to do daily LFTs. Unlikely he will catch it twice in 2 months but the science seems a bit ropey on how quickly you can catch 2 different variants .

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On 18/12/2021 at 18:55, trooper said:

Just back from the Metrocentre the majority weren't wearing masks. People wandering around not keeping their distance. The virus is going mental & people are wandering around like its disappeared. Its absolutely crazy.

I went yesterday too. Easily 50% of people not in masks. All age groups too, just breathing right in your face as they push past you in a shop. Absolute fucking idiots the lot of them 

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