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9 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

I’m not getting my second jab till next week but I agree with the ginger taxi queue predator.

Boris ballsed it up again by leaving it too late to stop the Indian variant getting in - we can all agree there - but as long as we continue to get jabs in arms we should continue to ease restrictions. Going to have to live alongside this virus at some point and as long as the vaccines continue to protect against the dominant variant, what alternative is there?

If 96% of new cases are the delta that would suggest the alpha is down to a couple of hundred and the original virus is effectively extinct - I think that has to be something to cling on to hope wise. 


Of course mutations might get even nastier which is why I'd press ahead with vaccinating kids instead of throwing them under the herd immunity bus. 

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10 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

I’m not getting my second jab till next week but I agree with the ginger taxi queue predator.

Boris ballsed it up again by leaving it too late to stop the Indian variant getting in - we can all agree there - but as long as we continue to get jabs in arms we should continue to ease restrictions. Going to have to live alongside this virus at some point and as long as the vaccines continue to protect against the dominant variant, what alternative is there?


I agree once everyone is double jabbed, hence the delay. What annoys me though is STILL there so many people who literally have no understanding of immunology or epidemiology spouting bollocks about herd immunity and the like. For once can people not trust the experts who have been consistently right throughout this pandemic? Ignoring their advice until it is too late is a common feature of this government and explains why we have the worst outcomes of any large developed nation in the world, along with the USA. 

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2 hours ago, TheGingerQuiff said:

More cases the better. Deaths haven't spiked. Let it rip and get antibodies up faster. Surely restrictions at this point are just delaying herd immunity 

I'm one of the specialist nurses for the long COVID clinic locally. If you saw the amount of fit and healthy young adults who are fucked 6-12months after catching COVID you wouldn't be wishing for it to "let rip"

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1 hour ago, TheGingerQuiff said:

Deaths haven't increased though. There's no evidence that long covid is chronic. 

There's also the problem that the antibodies from vaccines are out of date. Having antibodies from the most current virus in circulation will help against subsequent variations. 

No evidence that long covid is chronic? 




Edited by Kid Dynamite
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I'm only a very occasional visitor to this thread, because to be quite honest I'm all covid'd out. I've had enough of the blanket saturation from the media and the seemingly endless conversations at work. I tried for a while researching opinions of those other than the 'experts' stood alongside johnson and hancock in their briefings and they raise some pretty compelling arguments. which to honest just ends up confusing you (or rather me) more.

I do know though that's plenty of people out there who are far from stupid and have for them very valid reasons for not wanting to be vaccinated. I respect their decision.

I do think we're reaching a tipping point now, despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to report on the anti-lockdown protests, the last one in london was 12 miles long and contained hundreds of thousands of people. there's another one planned for the 26th June, who knows, it might hit a million?

on a personal level I've no real desire to join them, because I don't like london very much. however if push come to shove I'd have to concede I have more in common with them then I do with the lunatics I see on me way to work at 5.30am walking about with their blue masks on when there's hardly another living soul on the streets.


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1 hour ago, thebrokendoll said:



I'm only a very occasional visitor to this thread, because to be quite honest I'm all covid'd out. I've had enough of the blanket saturation from the media and the seemingly endless conversations at work. I tried for a while researching opinions of those other than the 'experts' stood alongside johnson and hancock in their briefings and they raise some pretty compelling arguments. which to honest just ends up confusing you (or rather me) more.

I do know though that's plenty of people out there who are far from stupid and have for them very valid reasons for not wanting to be vaccinated. I respect their decision.

I do think we're reaching a tipping point now, despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to report on the anti-lockdown protests, the last one in london was 12 miles long and contained hundreds of thousands of people. there's another one planned for the 26th June, who knows, it might hit a million?

on a personal level I've no real desire to join them, because I don't like london very much. however if push come to shove I'd have to concede I have more in common with them then I do with the lunatics I see on me way to work at 5.30am walking about with their blue masks on when there's hardly another living soul on the streets.



What harm are those blue mask wearers doing to you or society? Then consider what harm anti-vaccers are doing to society maybe? 


As ewerk alludes to, what restrictions bother you now? For me, I'd like to be able to go to work and I miss foreign holidays, even my trip to Jersey looks like its off now, but that's directly attributable to Johnson, I mean which country would accept us now we're once again the most infected country in Europe again? But other than that lifes pretty bearable, I can wait another 4 weeks to go to a wedding.


This country reached a tipping point where it stopped trusting experts, in some fields at least, years ago, and we've been in steady decline ever since. Now everyone's an expert, everybody's opinion counts equally apparently. It's not going to end well imo. 

Edited by Renton
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The ‘clever’ people on the antivax side seem to be mostly those playing the gullible for personal gain, attention etc

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10 hours ago, TheGingerQuiff said:

Jabbing test e would prevent long covid and you can self administer that

Well given covid only turned up 18months ago we can't quantify the symptom duration in years yet bright spark 

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I once got a chinned by a virus and got reactive arthritis that took me a year to shake off. Was admitted to hospital because my inflammation markers were so high. The moral of the story is if you're high t then you'll recover. Reopen the country

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I honestly don’t get the fuzz some people are making about having to wear a piece of protective gear to cover their mouth and nose. It is obviously annoying but not doing any harm. To make masks a sign for the abolishment of freedom is blowing things out of proportion.

In fact I do see my freedom rights seriously diminished by those tossers who think the rules don’t apply to them and who are causing variation after variation and wave after wave.

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11 minutes ago, TheGingerQuiff said:


So how many are suffering with it for a year or more up to now then, expert? 

Well I do 1 clinic a week and probably average 6 or 7 patients. Probably 50% of those had COVID in the first wave (so 12months+) and continue to have long COVID symptoms. We are in the process of appointing a research assistant to pull out the longitudinal data. 

Ps. I prefer "Specialist" to "Expert"

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Hardly any, then. Not vast swathes, the vast majority of long covid sufferers recover. We even had some at nufc. It's not killing people in great numbers anymore, open the country. Let people manage their own risk. Nothing stopping you and Renton locking yourselves away still until you feel safe

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2 minutes ago, TheGingerQuiff said:

Hardly any, then. Not vast swathes, the vast majority of long covid sufferers recover. We even had some at nufc. It's not killing people in great numbers anymore, open the country. Let people manage their own risk. Nothing stopping you and Renton locking yourselves away still until you feel safe

Locking myself away :lol: I've been elbow deep in it since day one man. I'm Florence Nightingale remember ;) 


If your going to repeat what you read on Facebook will you do everyone a favour and fact check it first ...

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28 minutes ago, TheGingerQuiff said:

Masks at work at the fucking pits like. I don't care wear one in shops and whatnot but 8 hours is manky as fuck 

All the NHS staff seem to manage it

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