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I can’t get into the mindset of people who don’t take their litter home, it’s disgraceful & remarkably stupid.

Never mind taking a shite in a burger box :sick: 

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This is the flipside of the "let's all have a staycation this year and enjoy what our great country has to offer!" line. People don't realise (a) just how many British tourists go abroad every year and are having to be accommodated here instead, and (b) that all the cuntish behaviour you see in Benidorm and beyond is going to be happening here now instead. Terrific. :good: 

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  On 25/06/2020 at 06:35, Gemmill said:



It's hard to overstate how badly the virus is being handled here. We have states outright lying about their numbers and falsely attributing C19 deaths to other illnesses. Then, in the honest states, we have entire swathes of the population that believe some combination of three extremely dangerous myths: a) it was never real in the first place and was a Chinese/Democrat/whoever the fuck conspiracy; b) it is real but no more harmful than the common cold, and has been hugely blown out of proportion by a Chinese/Democrat/whoever the fuck media to bring Trump down; c) it actually is real and harmful, but it's now "over", so there's no need to continue wearing PPE or maintaining social distancing.

That's quite apart from the lunatics who claim that governors' lawful orders are tyranny and violations of the Constitution (funny how these used to be the states' rights people, but as soon as the states start doing something they don't like, they become huge proponents of federal overrreach, suggesting Trump should have governors and mayors arrested) and that masks and stay-at-home orders violate the Constitution. Then we have the enormous segment of the population that is just fucking stupid, and recognizes COVID as a deadly disease that we need to protect ourselves from, but thinks it can't happen to them/they won't get it on a run to the store/only old people get it/I don't have any symptoms so I must be good. 

I was at the grocery store in rural PA, where I've been for most of the past 4 months, and the amount of people I saw unmasked and just doing the usual shit would boggle your mind. There are 17 (total, not necessarily active) documented cases of COVID in this county, and it's not too likely you'll encounter one of the people who has had it or currently has it. But if one of them does start spreading it around, it's going to move like wildfire, and that's what's already happening in the South and Southwest. Trump rallies and megachurch reopenings are sure to help it along as well. I think the EU would do well to put us on no-fly or quarantine lists, because this shit ain't ending here any time soon. We'll still be dealing with it well into the fall. 

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Even if semi-sensible people are relying on a vaccine this year, there'll be thousands/millions who will refuse it for exactly the reasons you stated. 

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  On 25/06/2020 at 11:01, Tom said:

I can’t get into the mindset of people who don’t take their litter home, it’s disgraceful & remarkably stupid.

Never mind taking a shite in a burger box :sick: 


There’s loads of litter everywhere. Fucking disgusting like 

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Leicester lockdown tightened as coronavirus cases rise


Stricter lockdown measures have been announced for Leicester after coronavirus cases have risen in the city.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said non-essential shops will close on Tuesday and schools will close for most pupils on Thursday.

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  On 29/06/2020 at 20:31, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

Scotland not ruling out screening visitors from England.


I’ve got to go up in a couple of weeks. I live in the SW England area for COVID stats. I can also walk to Bournemouth beach in about half an hour. SW England & Scotland both about 5/6 million population . I know where I’d feel safer tbh...




And Sturgeon is blatantly posturing  as per fuckin usual. I have no problem whatsoever with Scotland becoming independent but an inability to see through that utter fraud means you’ll never get it. 

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  On 29/06/2020 at 20:49, PaddockLad said:

I’ve got to go up in a couple of weeks. I live in the SW England area for COVID stats. I can also walk to Bournemouth beach in about half an hour. SW England & Scotland both about 5/6 million population . I know where I’d feel safer tbh...




And Sturgeon is blatantly posturing  as per fuckin usual. I have no problem whatsoever with Scotland becoming independent but an inability to see through that utter fraud means you’ll never get it. 


We’ll all feel much better if you went to Bournemouth too.

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  On 29/06/2020 at 20:49, Kid Dynamite said:

Sounds good in theory. But Leicester is a short drive to Coventry, Derby, Birmingham and Nottingham so shutting them shops will only push people fort her afield 


It’s not even just that though. From what I recall from living down there as a student there’s loads of market towns in Leicestershire and then there’s bound to be plenty of retail parks that are presumably outside the lockdown zone. You’re right in that there’s quite a lot of cities not far away from Leicester too. Not so much Birmingham but the other ones you mention aren’t far at all

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