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15 minutes ago, Renton said:


I've got a PhD in Pharmacology and work at quite a high level in the pharma industry currently, including for BionTech, so I think it's fair ro say I know a bit more about this than you. But okay, keep kidding yourself all "opinions" are equal. You are classic Dunning Kruger. 


I have been to enough doctors to know that they all don’t think the same and that the worst ones try and pull rank.


that’s why the phrase “second opinion” is so well known.



why don’t you tell me what music you like and I’ll tell you where you’re going wrong :lol: 

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16 minutes ago, ewerk said:

When it comes to science though opinions count much less than FACTS.

Facts are not always what they appear to be


especially with science


funding and agendas have far more impact on what constitutes a fact than people realise


These “facts” are then distributed to trusting people in order to push an agenda


”the” science is the latest buzz term. Science moves with new evidence, it’s not static.


I’ve still yet to hear a good argument as to why Japan’s cases are so low.


either their masks are better or worn more often or there’s some other reason


equally why is it that case rates in Israel are so much higher than the Palestinian territories where the vax rate is lower


i’m not claiming any particular reason is true, merely exercising right to be cautious of taking everything at face value 

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11 minutes ago, Asprilla said:


I have been to enough doctors to know that they all don’t think the same and that the worst ones try and pull rank.


that’s why the phrase “second opinion” is so well known.



why don’t you tell me what music you like and I’ll tell you where you’re going wrong :lol: 


You're equating fundamental biochemistry established over decades by thousands of scientists with musical taste? You really are an idiot 

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Just now, Renton said:


You're equating fundamental biochemistry established over decades by thousands of scientists with musical taste? You really are an idiot 

If you’re so smart why do you keep having to use ad hominem attacks?

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8 minutes ago, Asprilla said:

equally why is it that case rates in Israel are so much higher than the Palestinian territories where the vax rate is lower

The answer is obvious if you give it a moment's thought and engage half of your brain.

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Just now, Asprilla said:

If you’re so smart why do you keep having to use ad hominem attacks?


Yeah, you know, it's a message board, I tell it like it is. You're a very stupid person, even if, or especially if, you don't know it yourself. 


As an example about mRNA. You have no idea what it is, what it does, or how it works. But you give your "opinion" any way. I'm not a fan of willful ignorance. 

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5 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

Japan was in a "state of emergency" in the run up to the Olympics last year and I can't help but remember that spectators were banned from attending all events. 


@Asprilla what figures are you claiming for Japan? Fewer cases? Fewer deaths? Science please...

Fewer cases and fewer deaths


6 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

Japan was in a "state of emergency" in the run up to the Olympics last year and I can't help but remember that spectators were banned from attending all events. 


@Asprilla what figures are you claiming for Japan? Fewer cases? Fewer deaths? Science please...

Lower across the board


could be lower testing and reporting too obviously 


just Google Japan Covid and look at the graph


surely it should be of interest to know why their case and death rates appear to be so low

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19 minutes ago, Asprilla said:



I’ve still yet to hear a good argument as to why Japan’s cases are so low.


COVID-19 pandemic in Japan - Wikipedia

The bottom line, according to the WHO - is that they acted quickly and decisively - they actually did the same approach that we did but did it in an enforcable and policed way (just far earlier once cases were seen). The WHO are on record as saying , after the ebola outbreaks - that you don't necessarily have to make the "right decision" just a quick one and authoritatively.

Japan has also seen MERS and SARS with its neighbours and learned to take things seriously.


Funny , because all the excuses that the UK government gave were based on reasons that are WORSE in japan!

Population density - worse in Japan - Country comparison Japan vs United Kingdom Population density (people per sq. km) 2022 | countryeconomy.com
"Heathrow transport hub" - Tokyo has more air traffic than London. List of busiest airports by passenger traffic - Wikipedia
older population  - Japan has a far bigger proportion of vulnerable older people - Japan Demographics 2020 (Population, Age, Sex, Trends) - Worldometer (worldometers.info)
"we are a free country" - so is every other European nation and the majority of world nations, and the people acted in a socially responsible way, as they seem to do in the UK when they are not fed misinformation by their "economy first" government.

And while I'm on about the economy, this economy that has "stopped" and is on its knees, is another lie. Sure we've taken a hit - but public money should be used for public sector or the private citizen, NOT businesses such as airlines and bloody pubs (e.g. pay each person directly a living wage, like Germany etc).

Take a look at GDP growth since 2010 to 2020 - 3% every year, year on year growth  - over the last 2 years we've lost 6% and 10% respectively - so 16% down in 2 years after being 30% up after 10 previous. A net growth still, by a long way.

or the FTSE in 2010 (5500ish) to today (7400) - thats an increase in the value of our top 100 businesses by almost 50% over 12 years.

All underpinned by Billions of public funds propping up failing businesses and austerity that took so much away from the public. (Bank bailout had full cross party support - HS2 costs the same as our entire pandemic response up until September last year, but wouldn't be cancelled, royal yacht etc). They are taking the piss and how they've got such support for putting multinational businesses balance sheets in front of public health is beyond me. (And its not cos we need the taxes for the NHS, because most of these companies dont even pay it and have staff on zero hour contracts etc).

I'll take health, over money to companies that doesn't even result in any increase in standard of living , any day thank you.

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4 minutes ago, Renton said:


Yeah, you know, it's a message board, I tell it like it is. You're a very stupid person, even if, or especially if, you don't know it yourself. 


As an example about mRNA. You have no idea what it is, what it does, or how it works. But you give your "opinion" any way. I'm not a fan of willful ignorance. 

I’m not the one with Covid to be fair 

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I've posted twice here with links and effort and everything and the shit keeps getting thrown. I gave reasons and links.

Is it cos I is "long time away".

At least ewarks not giving me shit about selling watches in the Cayman Islands as a looky looky man.

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1 minute ago, ewerk said:

No, people are ignoring you because you're a boring, thick cunt.

Now thats a return to normality you utter utter cretin.

Dont you have some beans to count?

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Just now, Asprilla said:

I’m not getting involved with your Dad situation, this is just a lame forum argument


Yeah, just proving you're a cunt once again. Thank fuck there's few like you here. 

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5 minutes ago, Renton said:


Yeah, just proving you're a cunt once again. Thank fuck there's few like you here. 

Literally the opposite of my intention but seemingly you’re prepared to bring him in to it.


i’m out

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1 minute ago, Asprilla said:

Literally the opposite of my intention but seemingly you’re prepared to bring him in to it.


i’m out


Naah, you bought my covid status into it. 

See ya. 

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22 minutes ago, Asprilla said:

Fewer cases and fewer deaths


Lower across the board


could be lower testing and reporting too obviously 


just Google Japan Covid and look at the graph


surely it should be of interest to know why their case and death rates appear to be so low


No cunt knows :lol:



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4 minutes ago, Renton said:


Naah, you bought my covid status into it. 

See ya. 

How the hell am I supposed to know that’s how you caught it… or that your Dad has it.


if I’d have known I wouldn’t have mentioned it. Honestly 

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3 minutes ago, Asprilla said:

How the hell am I supposed to know that’s how you caught it… or that your Dad has it.


if I’d have known I wouldn’t have mentioned it. Honestly 


Fair enough, but bringing it up at all wasn't relevant or nice was it? Luckily I'm vaccinated and despite being clinically at risk, hopefully this will be relatively mild for me. You might not be so lucky.

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