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Just now, Gemmill said:

When was the last time we had a rapidly mutating global pandemic? 


I stand to be corrected, but I don't believe the flu vaccination is the same formulation every year. 

I don’t believe you can vaccinate your way out of this kind of illness. It’s even possible that mass vaccination makes mutation worse/ more likely.


Your point about flu makes my point. The vaccine has to change whereas this Covid vaccine is the same.

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I know, but like you play the guitar for a living, so maybe you're not best placed to say how we should manage our way through a global pandemic? 


Nor am I, but I'm at least listening to those that have made this their career for the last 30 to 40 years and who are experts in their field. 

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Me and the wife were watching the news conference last night, both in disbelief at how many people in the UK (iirc it was 9 million), were unvaccinated. You then look at the charts clearly showing the vast majority of people in hospital, on ICU and dying, are unvaccinated.


Unbelievable really that people are still choosing to go without.

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3 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

I know, but like you play the guitar for a living, so maybe you're not best placed to say how we should manage our way through a global pandemic? 


Nor am I, but I'm at least listening to those that have made this their career for the last 30 to 40 years and who are experts in their field. 

I’m not winging it between chord



There are virologists and doctors who don’t agree with how it’s being handled… including the guy who invented mRNA 


I do believe that the vaccines are largely safe in the short term, although there is clearly an issue with heart health especially in younger men. Past that we can’t know.


there is a vaccine called novavax which has been promised for the last year or so. It is a traditional vaccine that doesn’t use vector or mRNA technology.


i was hoping to get that but it has been delayed and delayed.




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3 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:

Me and the wife were watching the news conference last night, both in disbelief at how many people in the UK (iirc it was 9 million), were unvaccinated. You then look at the charts clearly showing the vast majority of people in hospital, on ICU and dying, are unvaccinated.


Unbelievable really that people are still choosing to go without.

It’s a personal choice like drinking, smoking or being over weight.


i am staying clear of crowds and close contact and wearing a mask in shops.


as I said above I would take novavax

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So it's a no to the existing vaccines on the market that have been used billions of times but a yes to this new vaccine that hasn't even been used once in the real world. 

Ever think maybe you're just a contrary cunt?

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9 minutes ago, ewerk said:

So it's a no to the existing vaccines on the market that have been used billions of times but a yes to this new vaccine that hasn't even been used once in the real world. 

Ever think maybe you're just a contrary cunt?

Well, you could just as easily argue the other way. mRNA vaccines have only been around for a couple of years.


if someone started smoking today, after a couple of years they could say it was safe (people used to think it was)

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1 hour ago, Asprilla said:

Well, you could just as easily argue the other way. mRNA vaccines have only been around for a couple of years.


if someone started smoking today, after a couple of years they could say it was safe (people used to think it was)


There's a concept in science of mechanistic plausibility.. If you were educated in biology to perhaps A level standard you would understand why the mRNA vaccines pose no long-term threats to health. But clearly you aren't.


Also, if you want a more traditional vector based vaccine, you could opt for Britain's great AZ effort. I mean it's less effective, and more likely to give you both minor and severe adverse effects, but you're welcome. 

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So in day 3 of covid now. Last night was rough, bad fever and tight chest. Woke up, dosed myself on paracetamol combined with ibuprofen, and temperature is down but feel wiped out. My sense of taste has changed a little bit too. My cereal had a metallic taste. 

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4 minutes ago, Renton said:


There's a concept in science of mechanistic plausibility.. If you were educated in biology to perhaps A level standard you would understand why the mRNA vaccines pose no long-term threats to health. But clearly you aren't.


Also, if you want a more traditional vector based vaccine, you could opt for Britain's great AZ effort. I mean it's less effective, and more likely to give you both minor and severe adverse effects, but you're welcome. 

Jesus I can choose whichever medication I wish. 🤦‍♂️


you’re trying to sound smart and failing.


you have no fucking clue if mRNA poses long term threats or not


every medication that was ever withdrawn was first approved


there are specific potential side effects with vector vaccines that I wish to avoid



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5 minutes ago, Renton said:

So in day 3 of covid now. Last night was rough, bad fever and tight chest. Woke up, dosed myself on paracetamol combined with ibuprofen, and temperature is down but feel wiped out. My sense of taste has changed a little bit too. My cereal had a metallic taste. 

At least when it’s over you’ll feel like a God!


You took it on, kicked its arse and will be topped up with all those natural antibodies.


@Gemmill will be so jealous of your superhuman status.


All the best.

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4 minutes ago, Renton said:

So in day 3 of covid now. Last night was rough, bad fever and tight chest. Woke up, dosed myself on paracetamol combined with ibuprofen, and temperature is down but feel wiped out. My sense of taste has changed a little bit too. My cereal had a metallic taste. 

Vitamin d, zinc and vitamin c can help


hope you get better soon

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1 minute ago, Asprilla said:

Jesus I can choose whichever medication I wish. 🤦‍♂️


you’re trying to sound smart and failing.


you have no fucking clue if mRNA poses long term threats or not


every medication that was ever withdrawn was first approved


there are specific potential side effects with vector vaccines that I wish to avoid




I've got a PhD in Pharmacology and work at quite a high level in the pharma industry currently, including for BionTech, so I think it's fair ro say I know a bit more about this than you. But okay, keep kidding yourself all "opinions" are equal. You are classic Dunning Kruger. 

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Just now, spongebob toonpants said:

This is what I was thinking. 


One thing is for certain none of his arguments are in good faith. A masterful long-con troll job

In what specific way?


you do know that people see things differently right

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1 hour ago, Christmas Tree said:

Me and the wife were watching the news conference last night, both in disbelief at how many people in the UK (iirc it was 9 million), were unvaccinated. You then look at the charts clearly showing the vast majority of people in hospital, on ICU and dying, are unvaccinated.


Unbelievable really that people are still choosing to go without.


Not sure this is true tbh, think they include those who haven’t been boosted in those figures.

Realistically if 90% pf the population have been vaxxed how could the 15k hospitalised, as claimed, all be unvaxed, it’s alarmist bollocks.

Typical divisive politics, and it’s working.

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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:


You going on tour like? ;)





Sorry, couldn't resist. :razz:



7 minutes ago, spongebob toonpants said:

This is what I was thinking. 


One thing is for certain none of his arguments are in good faith. A masterful long-con troll job

Hang on a minute, he plays the guitar, is against the covid vaccination and is pro-brexit? I think he's Laurence Fox and the living in France bit is a fib to put us off the scent. 

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1 hour ago, Christmas Tree said:

Me and the wife were watching the news conference last night, both in disbelief at how many people in the UK (iirc it was 9 million), were unvaccinated. You then look at the charts clearly showing the vast majority of people in hospital, on ICU and dying, are unvaccinated.


Unbelievable really that people are still choosing to go without.

I want to pick up on this, as I think it's a lie and what really annoys me, is Donald Trump style, we have a leader who is lying - despite the evidence to the contrary being published publically!

Which charts? The PHE publish this data and it says the opposite.

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report - week 51 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Page 38 and 39 show people in Emergency care and deaths. In both of these categories, the majority of over 50's, admitted and dying ARE vaccinated (which you would expect given that 80%+ of the population are vaccinated)

The majority of deaths and admissions are over 60's and vaccinated. (Using the data in the link, week 51 - 2528 deaths in over 60's  - 551 of those unvaccinated. NOT anywhere near a majority.
under 60's deaths total 428 , of which 231 are not vaccinated, so a slim majority of unvaccinated there.

For admissions to hospital (not death) the figures aren't that much different, around a 50-50 split, in under 60's and the majority vaccinated in the over 60's.

There's no denying (table 11) that vaccination MASSIVELY reduces chances of illness and death - but its not a silver bullet on its own against Delta (and perhaps omnicron) , as the WHO, BMJ, SAGE (shite) , CDC all said back in the early days of Delta.

Until treatments arrive (shortly) we really did need extra mitigations (such as masks on public transport , shops socially distancing / capacity limts etc, ventilation standards).


Take a look at that and please correct me , if possible - as it's driving me and my colleagues mad.

For clarity - I'm VERY anti UK response , pro vaccine (but pro personal choice too) and think we've been outliers playing the same game as other neoliberal economies (USA, Brazil, SA etc).. We've had so many unecessary total lockdowns instead of sensible long term middle measures imo. (All my 2 cents)

Anyone polically interested, Boris set out his objective on 3rd February, where he shoe horned into his PM speech  his rebuttal to the WHO's Public health Emergency of International Concern, raised 3 days earlier .


PM speech in Greenwich: 3 February 2020 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

"And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage, then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange, some country ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion, of the right of the populations of the earth to buy and sell freely among each other."


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