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So some info and advice sought.y temperature spiked last night and developed a cough, but no worse than a mild cold so far. Tested positive on lateral flow, booked all the family in for PCR this afternoon. We're awaiting results from the youngest who was tested yesterday  already. Sothat's me and the youngest almost certainly positive, my oldest and wife are lateral flow negative still.


My opinion is, unless the wife and oldest have immunity, they are bound to get this with us all living in a semi-detached house. However, my wife is treating us like lepers trying to partition the house and eating times, wearing masks etc. But ateod I just think this is unworkable and futile. How have others coped with this? The thought of this for a week is horrendous tbh. I might spit in her coffee. ;)


Regards my Dad, amazingly the hospital have said because he is so close to death, I can come in anyway. I just don't think walking through a hospital whilst positive and symptomatic is the right thing to do though, so I'm not doing it. I saw him yesterday and he couldn't even recognise me in the full PPE, plus he is virtually unconscious. The timing of this just couldn't be worse could it? Honestly not looking for sympathy here, you've all given me plenty of that, thanks, just advice. 

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2 minutes ago, Renton said:

So some info and advice sought.y temperature spiked last night and developed a cough, but no worse than a mild cold so far. Tested positive on lateral flow, booked all the family in for PCR this afternoon. We're awaiting results from the youngest who was tested yesterday  already. Sothat's me and the youngest almost certainly positive, my oldest and wife are lateral flow negative still.


My opinion is, unless the wife and oldest have immunity, they are bound to get this with us all living in a semi-detached house. However, my wife is treating us like lepers trying to partition the house and eating times, wearing masks etc. But ateod I just think this is unworkable and futile. How have others coped with this? The thought of this for a week is horrendous tbh. I might spit in her coffee. ;)


Regards my Dad, amazingly the hospital have said because he is so close to death, I can come in anyway. I just don't think walking through a hospital whilst positive and symptomatic is the right thing to do though, so I'm not doing it. I saw him yesterday and he couldn't even recognise me in the full PPE, plus he is virtually unconscious. The timing of this just couldn't be worse could it? Honestly not looking for sympathy here, you've all given me plenty of that, thanks, just advice. 

I tested positive on lateral flow (including confirmatory PCR) for 14 days straight. I had no symptoms at any point but sort of isolated in our loft room for the first 7 days and wore a mask/rubber gloves around the house.


After 7 days, due to childcare issues, I stopped isolating (although stayed at home) in the house. Neither my wife nor my two daughters (5yrs and 2yrs) caught it. Therefore, it is possible but I’ve heard of so many cases of household transmission that I suspect we were the exception rather than the rule.

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That really is the cherry tomato on top of your shit sandwich. Sorry to hear it.

Regarding your living arrangements I've always thought that if myself or the wife got it then whoever was positive would isolate to the bedroom for the duration. What she is suggesting is sensible for you but maybe no quite so easy for your child. It makes sense to take precautions but ultimately it's about what is workable for you.

It sounds like at this point visiting your father would be more for you than for him. Is your mum still okay to go in and see him? I suppose it's hard to know whether he'll hang on long enough for you to get over this and be able to get to see him again but you're looking at it from a sensible perspective. If the hospital are saying it's okay then it's totally up to you. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer here.

So basically I've no fucking clue what you should be doing about any of this. :lol: 

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2 minutes ago, ewerk said:

That really is the cherry tomato on top of your shit sandwich. Sorry to hear it.

Regarding your living arrangements I've always thought that if myself or the wife got it then whoever was positive would isolate to the bedroom for the duration. What she is suggesting is sensible for you but maybe no quite so easy for your child. It makes sense to take precautions but ultimately it's about what is workable for you.

It sounds like at this point visiting your father would be more for you than for him. Is your mum still okay to go in and see him? I suppose it's hard to know whether he'll hang on long enough for you to get over this and be able to get to see him again but you're looking at it from a sensible perspective. If the hospital are saying it's okay then it's totally up to you. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer here.

So basically I've no fucking clue what you should be doing about any of this. :lol: 


Yeah, we can segregate bedrooms and fortunately have 2 bathrooms, so doing this. Living space is harder. Plus we are both supposed to be wfh. Chances are we'll all test positive on PCR so I'll know more tomorrow.


I was quite amazed at the hospital's accommodation towards us. In contrast to my sister who they refused me to see despite there being no obvious issues with covid at the time. My Mum will be going later today. Trouble is, I've been driving her everywhere, hugged her, kissed her etc. So I reckon it's in the post for her too. She's 80, overweight, and has several relevant comorbidities. I just have to hope the triple vaccines protect her sufficiently. All a bit of a fuck up this, I'm beginning to see a funny side. :lol:


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I'd be more worried about the impact on your kids from having to wear a mask, or seeing their mam wear a mask, in their own house. That must be quite weird/concerning for them - it's like the Sci-Fi movie has now landed in their own home. 


Having said that, this thing is all weird as fuck, and people react to it very differently, so I think it's impossible to say what's right and what's wrong. If this is how your wife feels things should go, I'd be inclined to just let it play out. If I got it, I'd sleep in the other room, but other than that we would just behave as normal. 


Gross that you've been kissing your mam btw. 

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36 minutes ago, Renton said:

So some info and advice sought.y temperature spiked last night and developed a cough, but no worse than a mild cold so far. Tested positive on lateral flow, booked all the family in for PCR this afternoon. We're awaiting results from the youngest who was tested yesterday  already. Sothat's me and the youngest almost certainly positive, my oldest and wife are lateral flow negative still.


My opinion is, unless the wife and oldest have immunity, they are bound to get this with us all living in a semi-detached house. However, my wife is treating us like lepers trying to partition the house and eating times, wearing masks etc. But ateod I just think this is unworkable and futile. How have others coped with this? The thought of this for a week is horrendous tbh. I might spit in her coffee. ;)


Regards my Dad, amazingly the hospital have said because he is so close to death, I can come in anyway. I just don't think walking through a hospital whilst positive and symptomatic is the right thing to do though, so I'm not doing it. I saw him yesterday and he couldn't even recognise me in the full PPE, plus he is virtually unconscious. The timing of this just couldn't be worse could it? Honestly not looking for sympathy here, you've all given me plenty of that, thanks, just advice. 

As two of my kids tested positive we just thought you can’t expect them to not leave the house over Xmas and have to stay in their rooms. Part because it seemed unfair and equally thought it was probably futile. It was my eldest first and we didn’t even expect him to isolate in his room. As of now, they’re out of isolation and my lass has it. Me and one of the little ones haven’t had it (yet). It’s fucking rife in schools anyway with little in the way of mitigation so I guess we thought we might as well all see if we get it as you have to feed, bath, etc young kids so what are you going to do? 

Also, I’m pleased you’re being allowed to see your dad. 

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2 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Are we saying the hospital know you have covid but are happy to let you go there anyway btw? 


Yes. Just told me to mask up, good hand hygiene, and get in full PPE in the ward. This has been okayed by infection control apparently. Tbh I feel too shit to endure the PPE anyway. 

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If you get to a point where you feel well enough, I would just go tbh. The hospitals must be absolutely riddled with this thing at the minute anyway. 


Hope your mam is alright if she ends up getting it btw. My 92 year old gran got the OG one before vaccines existed and she'll be 94 this year, and the wife's 92 year old gran got it (also pre vaccine) and was completely asymptomatic throughout. FTR she has no further birthdays to look forward to, but that's not related to covid. 


Hopefully all the jabs mean your mam skates through it fine. 


I take it you aren't feeling great with it btw? 

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7 hours ago, sammynb said:

For somewhere that held it at bay for so long, our bunch of Tories have just gone fuck it, you're all getting it and the current infection rate (per-capita) has got to be close to the highest in the world atm.


If it's any consolation, last week the rate per 100,000 people in my part of London got as high as 2,800. God bless the neighbourhood-level drilldowns you can do in the UK Covid dashboard. :lol: 

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1 hour ago, Renton said:

So some info and advice sought.y temperature spiked last night and developed a cough, but no worse than a mild cold so far. Tested positive on lateral flow, booked all the family in for PCR this afternoon. We're awaiting results from the youngest who was tested yesterday  already. Sothat's me and the youngest almost certainly positive, my oldest and wife are lateral flow negative still.


My opinion is, unless the wife and oldest have immunity, they are bound to get this with us all living in a semi-detached house. However, my wife is treating us like lepers trying to partition the house and eating times, wearing masks etc. But ateod I just think this is unworkable and futile. How have others coped with this? The thought of this for a week is horrendous tbh. I might spit in her coffee. ;)


Regards my Dad, amazingly the hospital have said because he is so close to death, I can come in anyway. I just don't think walking through a hospital whilst positive and symptomatic is the right thing to do though, so I'm not doing it. I saw him yesterday and he couldn't even recognise me in the full PPE, plus he is virtually unconscious. The timing of this just couldn't be worse could it? Honestly not looking for sympathy here, you've all given me plenty of that, thanks, just advice. 

Me and the boy had it pre Christmas and the other 3 didn’t catch it. We’d already pretty much excepted it would be paying us a visit and we accepted individual isolation was not going to work on various levels.


A year earlier we would have had a totally different mindset.


Even though most people seem to be having either no symptoms or a very mild cold, it’s still a very scary prospect so I can understand your wife’s reaction.


We’ve had a couple of years of horror stories so it’s bound to make people scared. I was terrified in the first few days thinking when is this going to hit my chest etc


I couldn’t of imagined a week locked up with my son and Fortnite :lol: 


Good luck with it all.

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8 minutes ago, Alex said:

I saw an estimate which put the rate in England as 1 in 25 recently. Seems plausible tbh


We are at 1 in 50 atm with a figure that one currently passing it onto seven others - fucking madness.

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16 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

On the plus side, if it's all Omicron you've avoided most of the deaths that this thing was bringing with it. 


True. Bit concerned about whether long covid will turn out to be a bigger issue with Omicron, suppose we will see in the long run.

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3 hours ago, Renton said:

I'm beginning to see a funny side :lol:

 Get suited up, visit your Dad, but refuse to say anything but “I am the one who coughs!” to anyone. 

Then go home and cook some blue meth. 👍

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