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Sniper Elite 4

Monkeys Fist

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Got this for nowt this month, having studiously avoided War games previously.  


It’s a very decent stealth/sniping game, has a good range of difficulty, decent AI and great levels. ( the x-ray kill shot animations are brutal :D). 

I’ve rattled through on standard difficulty, I’m going to replay it on a harder setting, and give myself a “Officers can only be killed with a Testicle Shot” challenge. 

I ended up buying the season pass for the extra levels it has. 

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I’ve been stealthing my way through the first few levels of Sniper Elite 5 in my few days off last week. 

Very much the same as 4, with some nice extra gear , the levels though- huge! 

Started in a Normandy coastal town, plenty of cover and open sight lines etc, next level was a woodland Chateau, so external and internal sneakers, just started the third level which is Mont.St. Michel. 

It’s insane, and I’ve just got to the town walls- need to get up to the sniper nest in the highest tower at the top. 

Can’t recommend this series highly enough- great sniping, excellent close quarters combat, good weapon choices as you progress.  
Replayability is good too, as there are multiple ways kill your targets- some absolutely comic tbh 

“ Dear Frau Schmidt

Hansi died when a loose gargoyle inexplicably fell on his head whilst on patrol.”

Headphones are a must too, the sound on these games is amazing but also a vital part of gameplay when you’re sneaking about in urban areas, listening for footsteps, voices and vehicles. 
Sound is also a vital part of masking the sound of your gunfire. 


If you’ve got PS+ they’re all available from Essential membership level upwards. 

Get popping those Hoden, Mein Herrs! 

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