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Green Room


Very good, best bit was the Dead Kennedys cover at the Nazi gig :lol:

I saw that on Friday and really enjoyed it. Stewart is very menacing in a calm way. Some very tasty scenes in it. Had me wincing a few times. Blue Ruin by the same director is also very good.


I watched Crimson Tide last night which I'd never seen before. Really good film and nice to watch Denzel before he started playing the same role in everything.

Edited by David Kelly
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Just recently watched Deadpool. One of the funniest I've seen.

Well if art1225 thinks it's one if the most funniest things he's ever seen then that's a good enough recommendation for me. :good:
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Watched the first 10 mins of Grimsby. There was a 'comedy' scene where a kid with AIDS got shot and sprayed his blood into Danielle Radcliffe's mouth who also got Aids

Aye, that wasn't a highlight, other parts were funny though.
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I watched Grimsby last night off the back of the chatter on here - thought it was funny but not the sort of satirical stuff he did in the past.


Better than the Dictator though, IMO.

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I watched Grimsby last night off the back of the chatter on here - thought it was funny but not the sort of satirical stuff he did in the past.


Better than the Dictator though, IMO.

High praise indeed :cuppa:

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I watched Grimsby last night off the back of the chatter on here - thought it was funny but not the sort of satirical stuff he did in the past.


Better than the Dictator though, IMO.

I watched it on Friday night after the match and it was a reasonable film to stick on late on half pissed. Some of it was really cringy but there was some funny if completely forgetable bits. I turned the Dictator off after fifteen minutes so I suppose the fact that I got through this must have meant it was better.


I watched The Witch last night. Not exactly the light hearted film that I really wanted at the end of a bank holiday weekend but quite interesting. Finchy was quite good in it.

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I watched What We Do In the Shadows on Friday night. Was spannered but it was pretty good.


Went to see the new X Men yesterday, which was decent enough. I don't know if it was just the terrible dialogue or if Lawrence was just phoning it in, but she stood out as particularly wooden in it. Which is odd cos she's clearly not a shit actress.

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I watched What We Do In the Shadows on Friday night. Was spannered but it was pretty good.


Went to see the new X Men yesterday, which was decent enough. I don't know if it was just the terrible dialogue or if Lawrence was just phoning it in, but she stood out as particularly wooden in it. Which is odd cos she's clearly not a shit actress.

What We Do In The Shadows is brilliant.


Thought the new X Men was (like the third film in the first run) the worst one they've done. Storm in particular made no sense at all. Still much better than Captain America.

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