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The oddest thing was how easily he let him get away with claiming (in 2013) that he was clean in 2009. He so obviously wasn't - why would he be given that he's made it very clear that he thought doping was basically acceptable in as much as it was required to compete at the top level.

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Lone Survivor. Not bad but more than a touch unbelievable. Typical American fare but a lot better than Peter Bergs last film.

Now You See Me. Started well but run out of steam. Ended up being very much like the magic tricks they performed, all style & no substance.

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Apparently filming started before Armstrong was exposed and that informs the approach of the doc. Switched from hagiography to a Oprah style rehabilitation. Not seen it, but the reviews suggest that it's as much a look at how willing Alex Gibney would willingly believe the blatant lies from Armstrong that had been widely scoffed at going back years and approach the film as a glowing tribute to someone clearly off his tits whenever he so much as rode to the shops.


As much as I loved Enron, Taxi To The dark Side and Mea maxima Culpa I've not been in too much of a hurry to watch his Wikileaks doc because the interviews he did to promote it seemed so weighted against Assange & Co. Even the title "We Steal Secrets" describes something a CIA director said, but is used to imply criminality by Wikileaks.


Wonder more about his judgement with every film he does.

Australians are basically South Africans lite.

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Lone Survivor. Not bad but more than a touch unbelievable. Typical American fare but a lot better than Peter Bergs last film.


It's a true story


Although they were attacked by 10 Taliban rather than 100 apparently. The whole nearly getting his head chopped off thing was artistic licence too

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It's a true story


Although they were attacked by 10 Taliban rather than 100 apparently. The whole nearly getting his head chopped off thing was artistic licence too

I know it's a true story but it's clearly been through the Hollywood treatment. No surprise to hear that there was actually less Taliban and I'm quite certain that if they'd actually jumped forty foot and landed back first onto a rock they wouldn't be getting up any time soon!

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The Lego Movie


I haven't laughed so much in the cinema since Goldmember. Superb.

Was fantastic.


For me two of the highlights, Good Cop v2 and "SPACESHIP" :lol:

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Four SBS lads saved a battalion of U.S. Army Rangers in the first couple of months of the afghanistan war iirc.



:lol: Then had a cup of tea.


Then their Dads thrashed them to sleep with a broken bottle, if they were lucky!

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Lego movie was quite bizarre. A lot of the humour was lost on my son but he was transfixed anyway. Enjoyable enough way to spend a Sunday evening 5.5/10

Probably have the same effect on me on Thursday. just blankly staring at the pretty moving colours, trying desperately to keep the 1/2 ton of starburst down

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Just seen the Lego Movie with my nephew and sister, very silly but in an enjoyable way. Half the fun was trying to spot the different types of lego I had as a kid. I had the spaceman that was in the film, in white rather than blue and his helmet (fnar fnar) was broken in exactly the same way as the character.

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Surprise, surprise it was In Bruge. I watched this when it first came out on DVD and was thoroughly unimpressed. On second viewing I have no idea why I didn't like it. It doesn't quite feel like a film but in a good way, well acted with some very quotable lines that we have already seen today. 9/10.


Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any direct flights from Ireland to Bruges, otherwise I'd be planning a trip in December.

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