Happy Face 29 Posted July 13, 2006 Share Posted July 13, 2006 There's not really that much to discuss about Big Trouble in Little China though is there? The discussions of good films with any kind of depth can be most engrossing. For example Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49867 Posted July 13, 2006 Share Posted July 13, 2006 I've got The Woodsman to watch from Screenselect. I don't even remember adding it to my list. Anyone know if it's any good? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adios 717 Posted July 13, 2006 Share Posted July 13, 2006 I've got The Woodsman to watch from Screenselect. I don't even remember adding it to my list. Anyone know if it's any good? 159354[/snapback] What are they trying to tell you? It's very good, asks questions, don't watch it if you're not in the mood for something very serious and somewhat psychologically disturbing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted July 13, 2006 Share Posted July 13, 2006 I've got The Woodsman to watch from Screenselect. I don't even remember adding it to my list. Anyone know if it's any good? 159354[/snapback] http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?...80entry136580 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49867 Posted July 13, 2006 Share Posted July 13, 2006 Cheers, sounds like it'll be good, if a bit unpleasant to watch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jill 0 Posted July 16, 2006 Share Posted July 16, 2006 Reeker.. I thought it was alright up to a point, typical crappy horror film really (which I am a fan of) but the 'evil thing' was terrible and made me laugh far too much. The twist at the end has been done a million times as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted July 16, 2006 Share Posted July 16, 2006 Love all Irvinne Welsh's stuff, glue is a good'n. Find it quite easy to translate, maybe because I'm a proper geordie. 158981[/snapback] Aye, me too. Also, I think me Granny getting the Sunday Post and me reading The Broons and Oor Wullie helped. 159150[/snapback] I was a big Oor Wullie and Broons fan, never thought of it like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted July 16, 2006 Share Posted July 16, 2006 Final Destination 3 - some quality deaths, keep them coming 8 - 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tooj 17 Posted July 16, 2006 Share Posted July 16, 2006 Top Gun; absolute classic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.../\......\o/... 0 Posted July 17, 2006 Share Posted July 17, 2006 Top Gun; absolute classic 160353[/snapback] It has such a gay vibe to it, my t-shirt turned pink just watching a trailer for it. Hulk - Utter tosh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tooj 17 Posted July 17, 2006 Share Posted July 17, 2006 Top Gun; absolute classic 160353[/snapback] It has such a gay vibe to it, my t-shirt turned pink just watching a trailer for it. 160376[/snapback] It does yes, but it's still a GREAT film Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fish 11313 Posted July 17, 2006 Share Posted July 17, 2006 Sleepers. worth watching, I like Hoffman's bumbling lawyer, and DeNiro's Priest. nothing awesome, but good watching none the less. Was gonna watch the Big Red One as well, but I'm knackered and off to bed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lazarus 0 Posted July 17, 2006 Share Posted July 17, 2006 Just finished watching Superman Returns. Actually a decent film - was expecting something pretty bad but it was very watchable. the film kinda drags at the beginning and at the end and i'd forgotton just how good the theme tune is! this films major problem is christopher reeve and the original film (even though SR is not a remake). Christopher reeves is still Superman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fish 11313 Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 Just finished watching Superman Returns. Actually a decent film - was expecting something pretty bad but it was very watchable. the film kinda drags at the beginning and at the end and i'd forgotton just how good the theme tune is! this films major problem is christopher reeve and the original film (even though SR is not a remake). Christopher reeves is still Superman. 160774[/snapback] pretty much the same though special mention to some genuinely funny bits which escape the memory right now... but I know I laughed out loud a couple of times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7628 Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 (edited) I liked how the kept the opening credits in the same style as the rest of the films. That and kate bosworths legs were the highlights for me. Edited July 20, 2006 by J69 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 Watched 'Capote' the other night and although it took me a while to get into it I really enjoyed it in the end. Philip Seymour Hoffman is class as ever. And I have a bit of a thing for Catherine Keener too. Also watched 'Brokeback Mountain' last night. I suppose everybody knows what it's about but I thought it was excellent. It's beautifully shot and the story is so sad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49867 Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 Also watched 'Brokeback Mountain' last night. I suppose everybody knows what it's about but I thought it was excellent. It's beautifully shot and the story is so sad. 161969[/snapback] Which one did you prefer though? Ledger or Gyllenhall? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 Also watched 'Brokeback Mountain' last night. I suppose everybody knows what it's about but I thought it was excellent. It's beautifully shot and the story is so sad. 161969[/snapback] Which one did you prefer though? Ledger or Gyllenhall? 161979[/snapback] Williams or Hathaway tbh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49867 Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 Also watched 'Brokeback Mountain' last night. I suppose everybody knows what it's about but I thought it was excellent. It's beautifully shot and the story is so sad. 161969[/snapback] Which one did you prefer though? Ledger or Gyllenhall? 161979[/snapback] Williams or Hathaway tbh 161999[/snapback] Haddaway every time. Agree though, it was a good film, and desperately sad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tooj 17 Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 Also watched 'Brokeback Mountain' last night. I suppose everybody knows what it's about but I thought it was excellent. It's beautifully shot and the story is so sad. 161969[/snapback] Which one did you prefer though? Ledger or Gyllenhall? 161979[/snapback] Williams or Hathaway tbh 161999[/snapback] Haddaway every time. 162000[/snapback] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted July 20, 2006 Share Posted July 20, 2006 The Great Yokai War Most of you will know Takashi Miike as the bloke that directed Audition or Ichi the Killer. Some will know his other great films like The Happiness of the Katakuris, The City of Lost Souls, D.O.A., The Bird People in China, Gozu, Visitor Q or Shinjiku Triad Society. All of these have a theme of violence that make them great fun to watch but very much adult only. The Great Yokai War is meant to be for kids, but to be honest, I can't see much difference between this and Gozu other than the lead character is a pre-teen. I'll go through what I can remember with and warn you now, there are spoilers. But I've seen the film and don't know what I watched so don't let that worry you. First of all there was this fresh born humanoid cow covered in blood that's VERY disturbing and it's telling the farmer about how a war is coming. Nowt to do with the rest of the film just freaks the shit out of you (and your bairns). So the main character is this young lad, ten, eleven, something like that. And he's soft as shite, gets bullied and has no mates. His mam and dad are dead and his older sister has pissed off to Tokyo for a bloke. He's been left in the care of his grandad who's senile and thinks his grandson is his dead son. Anyway this lad goes to a village festival and a dragon bites him on the head to anoint him as the chosen one. When he tells his senile granddad this, his granddad says he has to go to the mountains and retrieve the goblin sword because that's what the chosen kid does. Intercut with this is the story of some evil fella who's got a sidekick that looks like Christina Aguilera. And she’s gobbing acid all over these people that look like thundercats. When they're really pissed off and hate her guts, she hoys them in a machine full of red spunky glob and they turn into hate filled machines of carnage that are sent into Japan to wreak bloody havoc. Now the young lad starts seeing this little guinea pig or something that no-one else can see. It was the only survivor when one of the nasty machines described earlier ate a herd of guinea pigs. But it’s wounded, so the lad takes it home bandages it up and has a new mate. He spends many a happy hour walking around town with his guinea pig friend on his head. For the rest of the film, if the guinea pig is with the lad, he’s on his head, they’re that close. Only problem is his Granddad has gone missing. So he takes his new mate up the goblin mountain to find his granddad. But when he gets there he meets a woman with a stretchy neck who trips him over with her neck. He sees a door but the door turns into a load of eyes that look back at him. He manages to open the door, but outside the sky is a wifey’s head. The lad is scared shitless (as am I) and runs away, but his granddad is calling him so he conquers his fear and goes back to fight. Turns out that was just a test though. And no-one wants to fight. They just want the anointed one to help them out. He’s proved he is said individual so he’s in. Now Christina Aguilera turns up with a few of her machines. Did I mention she’s got a beehive hairdo? She grabs the guinea pig and shoves him in a microwave. The lad grabs the goblin sword and tries to fight back, but he’s canny shit. The sword gets broke and Christina and her machines bugger off with the guinea pig in the microwave. So the lad is left with the people who were testing him. They consist of a red fella who’s hair stands up when danger is close, a half man half turtle with a crap shell, a ball of flame and a damp bint who spends her time saving people that drown. This rag tag collection needs help in getting back the guinea pig so they ask all their mates. These include a wall, an umbrella, and a bloke who counts beans. The only bloke that agrees to help is the bean counter, though his only skill is counting beans. So off they go to find Christina and her evil master and the guinea pig in the microwave and the machines. To get there they hang onto the wing of a Boeing 747. This is taking too long. When they get there (wherever there is) the young un kicks seven shades of shit out of loads of the machines because his sword was reforged by a 1 legged thundercat. But there’s too many, so he leaves the turtle and the red fella to fight on. He takes the soggy bint with him and the bean counter drops his beans and has to find them all. When he finds Christina Aguilera, she’s taken his guinea pig out of the microwave and put it in the red goo. So the young lad has to slice the shit out of his guinea pig turned evil fighting machine mate. He annihilates him, but then cries on him so he comes back to life but is pissing blood all over the shop. Christina Aguilera loves her evil boss so he says to her lets both jump in the goo, be a proper evil machine and rule together, but the goo works on hate, so when she agrees he stabs her. So she hates him more than anything so he jumps in expecting to be the nastiest machine ever, but the bean counter has just found his last bean and by a massive contrivance has thrown it into the goo at EXACTLY the same time. Since the bean counter loves his bean more than anything, it has the opposite effect in the goo, rather than an evil machine, the bean of love causes a massive love explosion that sends the turtle into space. Years later the kid is at home and his granddad is dead. The guinea pig is there, but the grown up kid can’t see him anymore because he’s lost the ability. He doesn’t believe anymore you see, so the evil fella looks like he could come back. I’ve never grinned through a film so much in my whole life. Hugely entertaining and highly recommended. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lazarus 0 Posted July 23, 2006 Share Posted July 23, 2006 Just watched the remake of the fog. not quite a scene for scene remake and wasnt too bad i suppose. couldve been a lot better though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brock Manson 0 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Butterfly Effect Good film, I enjoyed it. Very intense and thought-provoking, and Ashton Kutcher puts in a good performance (which was great!). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JawD 99 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Dead Birds I'm in that screen select thingy and this came through the door. Sure it wasnt on my list but I watched it anyway. Starts off in a typical western scene. After a couple off shootings and blood splattered heads you realise its not your run of the mill western. The gang of people may their way to a house in te middle of nowhere and on the way encounter some kind of bald twisted dog like animal, and kill it. When at the house they basically all start freaking out and either killing or bring killed. Its kind of a horror flick and I did end up watching it all. Wasnt bad, and worth watching when there's nowt else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49867 Posted July 24, 2006 Share Posted July 24, 2006 Butterfly Effect Good film, I enjoyed it. Very intense and thought-provoking, and Ashton Kutcher puts in a good performance (which was great!). 163661[/snapback] Away and shite, it's teen-movie guff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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