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watched Taken last week. The best film I have seen in years, some quality quotes from Liam Neeson


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."


HAHA brilliant


P.S , he is hard a fuck


I really liked Taken. Wasn't sure what to expect with Neeson as an action hero or even a modern day action movie. He's class in it thoguh.

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Black Swan is essentially a remake of Showgirls with better FX, but worse acting.


Showgirls.............now there is a shit film. The lead actress looks like a white Ronaldinho with a bad tit job, and it was about as sexually arousing as Dickie Bird trying to stick a frozen trout up your arse. Even when I was about 16, that missed the target.

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watched Taken last week. The best film I have seen in years, some quality quotes from Liam Neeson


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."


HAHA brilliant


P.S , he is hard a fuck



A nice shout. Watched Taken again tonight and had forgotten just how good it is. 7/10

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The Tourist - Like a shitter version of Knight and Day. She meets a bloke on the train, they spend about 6 hours together and then in the final scene she tells him she has fallen in love with him. It just didn't add up, zero chemistry. Angelina looks gorgeous in it mind.

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Catfish. Documentary about some bloke (early 20s) that befriends an 8 year old lass on Facebook after she sends him a painting of a photograph he took (the photo was published). Anyway, he then gets chatting to her mam and her 19 year old half-sister who is fittttt. Gradually him and the 19 year old start having a bit of an online romance. Then it slowly becomes apparent that things are not quite as they seem.


It's good, worth a watch. And only 1.5 hours long so it stays interesting.


Unstoppable. Action thing with Denzel and the kid who played Capt Kirk on the new Star Trek. A big fuckoff runaway train is careering through middle America, and it's up to Denzel and this kid to stop it. It was ok, but honestly if it had have fucking exploded and killed everyone you wouldn't really have cared.

Edited by Gemmill
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Guest You FCB Get Out Of Our Club

Watched that Unthinkable. It was alright but grusome, cutting peoples cocks, electricuting them, cutting their fingers off and slitting their wives throats as a form of torture doesn't make easy viewing like. The story line is some yank has turned muslim, and he's placed 3 nukes in cities around America which will go off unless the President says he's pulling all troops out of muslim lands. Anyway he gives them the right run around and gives them the locations of the three....there's a proper twist at the end though, which leaves you wanting to see what happened. Canny enough film but grusome at the same time, and anyone that's seen it, he wants the kids protected, then that happens surely a story writers faux pas. 7.5/10.

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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.

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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.


:lol: Fuck I'm meant to be seeing this today. Dunno what to do now cos when you put it like that it does sound like total shit. 127 Hours maybe.


Re prices, my lass now won't go to the pictures unless we go to the Gallery at the Metrocentre. £17 a ticket! £20.50 if it is IMAX!

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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.

Never go full retard

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I act retarded all the time, it's easy


'High on Crack Street'


Being a fan of boxing, all the hype about 'The Fighter' got me interested in this guy Dickie Ecklund. He was Micky Ward's half-brother and was a crackhead who managed a professional boxing career (19-10), the zenith of which was going the distance with SRL in his hometown. Anyway, apparently there was a HBO doc which followed three crackheads in Boston over 18 months, one of them being Dickie. I searched for it and watched it online, hoping to see footage of Dickie vs SRL and seeing how a crackhead coped vs one of the all-time greats.

It is one of the most nauseating things I have ever seen, this doc, and I am really not the type to be affected like that by a film. It wasn't anything gory or graphic in nature, just watching these three hopeless losers spiral into oblivion via drugs, when it all seemed so easily avoidable. I cannot claim to understand addiction, as luckily I have not encountered those urges in my life, except towards masturbation (I am typing one-handed) - ok, that was a joke. I won't give anything away, although it's all very predictable; the doc wasn't particularly great, but I have not seen such a candid account of junkies before. Not a pleasant watch.

Edited by Kevin S. Assilleekunt
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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.


:lol: Fuck I'm meant to be seeing this today. Dunno what to do now cos when you put it like that it does sound like total shit. 127 Hours maybe.


Re prices, my lass now won't go to the pictures unless we go to the Gallery at the Metrocentre. £17 a ticket! £20.50 if it is IMAX!


Speech isn't a film that needs a cinema trip. It's more like a telly piece.

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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.


:lol: Fuck I'm meant to be seeing this today. Dunno what to do now cos when you put it like that it does sound like total shit. 127 Hours maybe.


Re prices, my lass now won't go to the pictures unless we go to the Gallery at the Metrocentre. £17 a ticket! £20.50 if it is IMAX!


Speech isn't a film that needs a cinema trip. It's more like a telly piece.


Aye that's been my feeling about it tbh. These reviews have been read out to her.

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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.


:lol: Fuck I'm meant to be seeing this today. Dunno what to do now cos when you put it like that it does sound like total shit. 127 Hours maybe.


Re prices, my lass now won't go to the pictures unless we go to the Gallery at the Metrocentre. £17 a ticket! £20.50 if it is IMAX!


Speech isn't a film that needs a cinema trip. It's more like a telly piece.


Aye that's been my feeling about it tbh. These reviews have been read out to her.


Don't know if it's on in Newcastle yet, but Hereafter the new Eastwood looks like a decent punt.




Reviews - IMDb

‎2hr 9min‎‎ - Rated 12A‎‎ - Suspense/Thriller‎‎ - English‎

Director: Clint Eastwood - Cast: Matt Damon, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jay Mohr, Richard Kind, Cécile De France, Lyndsey Marshal, Mylène Jampanoï, Steve Schirripa, Marthe Keller, Niamh Cusack - : Rated 3.6 out of 5.0

"Hereafter" tells the story of three people who are touched by death in different ways. George is a blue-collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife. On the other side of the world, Marie, a French journalist, has a near-death experience that shakes her reality. And more »when Marcus, a London schoolboy, loses the person closest to him, he desperately needs answers. Each on a path in search of the truth, their lives will intersect, forever changed by what they believe might -- or must -- exist in the hereafter. « less



Empire - Newcastle Upon Tyne

The Gate Leisure Complex, 2nd floor, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5TG, United Kingdom

14:30 17:20 20:10

ODEON Metrocentre

Metro Centre, 48 Garden Walk, Gateshead, NE11 9YZ, United Kingdom

12:15 15:10 18:20 21:20

ODEON Silverlink

Silverlink Retail Park, Osprey Drive, Wallsend, NE28 9NG, United Kingdom

12:20 15:10 18:10 21:10

Edited by Park Life
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King's speech. Good technical performance from Firth, not convinced it's an Oscar winning perfromance in the same way I wasn't that convinced by Hoffman in 'Rain man' and Day-Lewis in 'My left foot'. I suspect it might be easier to act as a person with a disability, might be wrong like. Good luck to him though.


As for the film, sorry, I thought it was dull and boring. Think about it - it's about a monarch with a speech impediment, hardly a thriller. Worth watching on DVD but don't do it too late or you'll fall asleep before the end. It's almost impossible to emphasise with George VI as he is a complete c,c,c,c,c, cock.


Btw, cost me £18 for two tickets and the nachos are now a fiver. What a fucking rip.


:lol: Fuck I'm meant to be seeing this today. Dunno what to do now cos when you put it like that it does sound like total shit. 127 Hours maybe.


Re prices, my lass now won't go to the pictures unless we go to the Gallery at the Metrocentre. £17 a ticket! £20.50 if it is IMAX!


Speech isn't a film that needs a cinema trip. It's more like a telly piece.


Aye that's been my feeling about it tbh. These reviews have been read out to her.


Don't know if it's on in Newcastle yet, but Hereafter the new Eastwood looks like a decent punt.




Reviews - IMDb

‎2hr 9min‎‎ - Rated 12A‎‎ - Suspense/Thriller‎‎ - English‎

Director: Clint Eastwood - Cast: Matt Damon, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jay Mohr, Richard Kind, Cécile De France, Lyndsey Marshal, Mylène Jampanoï, Steve Schirripa, Marthe Keller, Niamh Cusack - : Rated 3.6 out of 5.0

"Hereafter" tells the story of three people who are touched by death in different ways. George is a blue-collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife. On the other side of the world, Marie, a French journalist, has a near-death experience that shakes her reality. And more »when Marcus, a London schoolboy, loses the person closest to him, he desperately needs answers. Each on a path in search of the truth, their lives will intersect, forever changed by what they believe might -- or must -- exist in the hereafter. « less



Empire - Newcastle Upon Tyne

The Gate Leisure Complex, 2nd floor, Newgate Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5TG, United Kingdom

14:30 17:20 20:10

ODEON Metrocentre

Metro Centre, 48 Garden Walk, Gateshead, NE11 9YZ, United Kingdom

12:15 15:10 18:20 21:20

ODEON Silverlink

Silverlink Retail Park, Osprey Drive, Wallsend, NE28 9NG, United Kingdom

12:20 15:10 18:10 21:10


I must admit, I like the sound of it, but I've only read one review so far and it got two stars!

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Off to watch Neds at the Tyneside onTuesday night. It gets great reviews but hasn't had a proper release.

The reviews I saw have just been ok. The Kid in it is meant to be great though, and I do fancy seeing it.

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Off to watch Neds at the Tyneside onTuesday night. It gets great reviews but hasn't had a proper release.

The reviews I saw have just been ok. The Kid in it is meant to be great though, and I do fancy seeing it.


95% on rotten tomatoes like. Mind, the King's speech got the same and Black Swan only got 88% despite the girl on girl action.

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Off to watch Neds at the Tyneside onTuesday night. It gets great reviews but hasn't had a proper release.

The reviews I saw have just been ok. The Kid in it is meant to be great though, and I do fancy seeing it.


95% on rotten tomatoes like. Mind, the King's speech got the same and Black Swan only got 88% despite the girl on girl action.


:) They should have called it Tuppence Licker.

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I think Eastwood makes quite a few dull films tbh. Films are meant to be exciting, with nudity and good imagery, like tits. He seems to make these morose stories about Sean Penn getting molested and a hermaphrodite boxer getting brain-damage; it does not excite me in the way a true film like Predator or Under Siege gets me going.

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Re prices, my lass now won't go to the pictures unless we go to the Gallery at the Metrocentre. £17 a ticket! £20.50 if it is IMAX!




Aye it's canny mental. I mean you go to a bar area pre movie, and you get a drink and pop corn in that price. And your seat is a two seat leather sofa. But it's still expensive. Oh and you get shown into the film from the back, upstairs so you don't have to deal with the riff raff in the normal seats.

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