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Film/moving picture show you most recently watched


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the single man - depressing as hell but nice cinematography


i am legend - mindless action fun


the king of kong: a fistful of quarters - really entertaining documentary about geeky donkey kong gamers


I recently read about the original ending to this, and it sounded much better.

The book's canny good. Plus, it's an easy read and little more than a novella anyway.

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the single man - depressing as hell but nice cinematography


i am legend - mindless action fun


the king of kong: a fistful of quarters - really entertaining documentary about geeky donkey kong gamers


I recently read about the original ending to this, and it sounded much better.


Care to share it with the group?

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just watched that pursuit of happyness today.


I thought it was pretty good actually a lot of will smith movies are kinda shit but this one was acted pretty well and I thought the dialogue between Will Smith and Jaden Smith was good.



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Gran Torino - Loved it. 9/10. Maybe even close to a ten. ;)


No chance. Decent film, massively over rated imo.


It was a film I wanted to see at the time but I never got into the hype/rating so I actually loved it.

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Bombon, El Perro

Lovely Argentinian film from 2004 about a down on his luck middle aged gent who's lost his low paying petrol station job and been forced to move back in with his daughter. After doing someone a favour, he's rewarded with a pedigree dog and from then on his luck gets better and better as he enters it in shows and offers it's stud services. I most enjoyed when the Dog sits next to him in the car.


Lovely film, got that on DVD.


You seen Tetro yet?


Never even knew it was being made. After the panning that Youth Without Youth got I'd lost all hope for Coppola.


Alice In Wonderland

Saw it with a cinema full of kids and it was all very quiet. No laughs or owt. It's not bad though.

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Saw 'Alice in Wonderland' last night. I usually like Tim Burton films but this was disappointing. There was no element of horror or suspense, the characters were interesting in a surreal way but there was no emotional connection for me. Also, the whole concept doesn't really suit such a strong narrative - I'm not convinced AiW could ever be turned into a particularly enoyable film. Hats off to Depp's performance though (pun intended).


This was also the first full length 3D film I've seen. It confirmed my prejudices - it adds nothing imo. Does anyone actually think it makes things look more real? For me the converse is true - the characters look like 2D cut outs in a 3D box. And then the director has to put the inevitable 'sword jutting out of screen' shots in. Yawn. The novelty wears off in 10 minutes, after which you're still obliged to wear the skanky glasses on your head and develop a migraine.


It was made in 2d and retrofitted to 3d.

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How To Train Your Dragon (3d)


I went in with low expectations and the first hour is pretty ropey with nothing that you don't get from the trailer. But the last 40 minutes really picks it up with some fantastically entertaining 3D action, some very touching moments and some unexpected views on terrorism and how any hope in 'defeating' it lies with the next generation the film is aimed at (no-one else thought that was the point like, but I'm certain of it). Still don't know why anyone angry in a film has to be Scottish. Shrek, The Spartans, The Mad-Hatter (ONLY when he's angry) and now these vikings (whose less angry children are all American :yes ).


Checking the people involved I was even more wrong to have low expectations, there's a lot of ex-Disney involvement. People that worked on most of the modern classics from Beauty And The Beast onwards.


Oh, and there was a new Toy Story 3 trailer before it which was immense <_<


One more thing. Out of 17 screens it's sad to see 12 taken up with Alice in Wonderland and Avatar. I remember when the multiplexes promised more screens would mean more choice.

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Shutter Island. 7.5.


Its difficult to say anything without giving any clues away.



Good movie. Recommended


Strange film this to rate.


First of all the music is very hitchcocky old school and just seems so out of place and annoying.


The film is good but in a way you feel as though you've watched two films at the end.


Given all the ingredients I feel I should have come away going wow, which I didn't.


Maybe the wine didn't help.

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Shutter Island. 7.5.


Its difficult to say anything without giving any clues away.



Good movie. Recommended


Strange film this to rate.


First of all the music is very hitchcocky old school and just seems so out of place and annoying.


The film is good but in a way you feel as though you've watched two films at the end.


Given all the ingredients I feel I should have come away going wow, which I didn't.

Maybe the wine didn't help.


no I felt the same sober, went to see it last night


I was constantly expecting something to happen, went in expecting more horror than I got actually

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