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directors almost always have the final cut. a good editor will work alongside a director and will have a big say over the way the story is told through the pictures but ultimately it is the director's vision and it is the editor's job to help shape the vision to the director's choosing. the director has ultimate creative control.

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Hitchcock used to leave the editor to it.


And then when the edit was finished he would have watched it, corrected and made changes but as we have all now agreed there is no fucking way any film director would leave an editor to make the creative decisions for how a film is cut.


Apart from it seems in this case where the director brother let his editing brother, who by the way won a fucking bafta for editing this film, take the lead in the creative edit process.




John (the editor) created a more elaborate embroidery of those two elements than had been originally conceived, cutting back and forth more often, “playing off words more, playing with the chronology,” creating a delicate balance by “looking at her eyes” and the “nuances of the face.” By cutting this way, John underlines the fact that Karen is barely up to speed for this job and establishes that while she may become a villain, she’s also vulnerable


Did I mention a fucking Bafta for his editing you condescending tit. :lol:

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Oh yes they would


Ok seeing the board is full of industry experts, I'd love to see a list of films/movies, even tv shows, where the editor has categorically, the final decision for the releases/broadcast production?


btw naming anything by the Coen brothers does not count, they only edit the offline.


I dont think anyone was saying that, they were saying that an editor can have a dramatic input on the final look and pace of a film. This is why just as there are world class directors, there are also world class editors as there are sound people, composers etc etc.


It is widely known for example that Scorsese used to let his editor, Thelma Schoonmaker have a great deal of input into the final look of his films. Worth noting aswell that she won an oscar for editing raging bull, he did not.


Your stupid assumption that these "editing greats" would simply turn up, sit and be told where to snip is just that, stupid.

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Oh yes they would


Ok seeing the board is full of industry experts, I'd love to see a list of films/movies, even tv shows, where the editor has categorically, the final decision for the releases/broadcast production?


btw naming anything by the Coen brothers does not count, they only edit the offline.



Dir or studio nearly always has final cut approval (court cases have been fought over it). As wth Happy's point earlier, some Dir let the editor get on with it and come in from time ot time to see the rough edit.

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Oh yes they would


Ok seeing the board is full of industry experts, I'd love to see a list of films/movies, even tv shows, where the editor has categorically, the final decision for the releases/broadcast production?


btw naming anything by the Coen brothers does not count, they only edit the offline.


I dont think anyone was saying that, they were saying that an editor can have a dramatic input on the final look and pace of a film. This is why just as there are world class directors, there are also world class editors as there are sound people, composers etc etc.


It is widely known for example that Scorsese used to let his editor, Thelma Schoonmaker have a great deal of input into the final look of his films. Worth noting aswell that she won an oscar for editing raging bull, he did not.


Your stupid assumption that these "editing greats" would simply turn up, sit and be told where to snip is just that, stupid.


Michael Clayton. 5/10


Could have been an allright film however an over enthusiastic editor got his hands on it and it ended up being all over the place.



But you did and that has been my point. As for the rest, when you spent as many hours in an avid suite as I have then come back and try and explain to me how it works. Stupid assumptions - fuckwit.

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Oh yes they would


Ok seeing the board is full of industry experts, I'd love to see a list of films/movies, even tv shows, where the editor has categorically, the final decision for the releases/broadcast production?


btw naming anything by the Coen brothers does not count, they only edit the offline.


I dont think anyone was saying that, they were saying that an editor can have a dramatic input on the final look and pace of a film. This is why just as there are world class directors, there are also world class editors as there are sound people, composers etc etc.


It is widely known for example that Scorsese used to let his editor, Thelma Schoonmaker have a great deal of input into the final look of his films. Worth noting aswell that she won an oscar for editing raging bull, he did not.


Your stupid assumption that these "editing greats" would simply turn up, sit and be told where to snip is just that, stupid.


Michael Clayton. 5/10


Could have been an allright film however an over enthusiastic editor got his hands on it and it ended up being all over the place.



But you did and that has been my point. As for the rest, when you spent as many hours in an avid suite as I have then come back and try and explain to me how it works. Stupid assumptions - fuckwit.


Angry man shouting at the moon. :lol:


I basically commented on a film and said the editing of it spoiled it for me..... Which it did.


You have then ranted and raved trying to tell everyone how clever and knowledgable you are.


I have pointed out the Martin Scorese example and could further teach you about Tarrantino and the woman who has edited most of his films, Sally Menke, from pulp fiction to Inglorious Bastards (she got nominated for an oscar btw).


By the way, I have also spent many hours in an Avid suite and being surrounded by people who havent got a creative bone in their body. I am sure though as a tea boy you've seen it all.


Now fuck off you tiresome boring prick. :D

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Oh yes they would


Ok seeing the board is full of industry experts, I'd love to see a list of films/movies, even tv shows, where the editor has categorically, the final decision for the releases/broadcast production?


btw naming anything by the Coen brothers does not count, they only edit the offline.


I dont think anyone was saying that, they were saying that an editor can have a dramatic input on the final look and pace of a film. This is why just as there are world class directors, there are also world class editors as there are sound people, composers etc etc.


It is widely known for example that Scorsese used to let his editor, Thelma Schoonmaker have a great deal of input into the final look of his films. Worth noting aswell that she won an oscar for editing raging bull, he did not.


Your stupid assumption that these "editing greats" would simply turn up, sit and be told where to snip is just that, stupid.


Michael Clayton. 5/10


Could have been an allright film however an over enthusiastic editor got his hands on it and it ended up being all over the place.



But you did and that has been my point. As for the rest, when you spent as many hours in an avid suite as I have then come back and try and explain to me how it works. Stupid assumptions - fuckwit.


Angry man shouting at the moon. :lol:


I basically commented on a film and said the editing of it spoiled it for me..... Which it did.


You have then ranted and raved trying to tell everyone how clever and knowledgable you are.


I have pointed out the Martin Scorese example and could further teach you about Tarrantino and the woman who has edited most of his films, Sally Menke, from pulp fiction to Inglorious Bastards (she got nominated for an oscar btw).


By the way, I have also spent many hours in an Avid suite and being surrounded by people who havent got a creative bone in their body. I am sure though as a tea boy you've seen it all.


Now fuck off you tiresome boring prick. :D


Yet again the only thing you have pointed out is how much of a clueless wanker you are.

Right I'm off to make some tea, want some?

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2 sugars for me, Earl Grey for the Fish please Sammy


Not a problem but I refuse to put milk in Earl Grey fish so sort that out yourself.

By the way just don't pick up contrary twat's mug because I pissed in it. :lol:

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Goal on BBC this afternoon can't help but watch it whenever it's on.

As an aside this is the 10,000th post in this thread!



I was gonna post even without having watched owt because of that but you beat me to it you rhastclart.

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