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Newcastle United: Club Sold To PCP - Official

The Mighty Hog

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On 30/07/2022 at 23:58, Rayvin said:


Exactly where I am, with a particular emphasis on the part in bold - with the exception of the fact that neither do any of those on the part of the people attacking the club either, with the possible exception of amnesty international. No one commenting on this from within football gives a fuck about the actual realities of this. They don't care about Yemen, they don't care about treatment of women, they don't care about journalists and political dissidents. All they care about is that it didn't happen to their club.


For my attempt at the mental gymnastics though, I have arrived at this: if I ever had to vote for this country to stop funding atrocities around the world through willfully co-operating with these sorts of regimes, I would. 100% guaranteed. But while that's not on the paper, I am not going to take one for the team and stop following my football club in an act that will achieve precisely fuck all, and which against a backdrop of complete lack of action on the real issues anywhere else, would only be handing benefit to other despotic, rich psychopaths who happen to back other football clubs. Given that this is presently an 'evil prevails' situation no matter which way the benefit goes, I'm just going to keep supporting my fucking football club.

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On 05/08/2022 at 00:18, Kid Dynamite said:

Hoy Lascelles in with them 


"Jamaal, thanks to your exceptional leadership skills we have an exciting new role for you in an up and coming development within the club..."

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