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Newcastle United: Club Sold To PCP - Official

The Mighty Hog

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2 hours ago, safcforever said:

I wouldn’t worry too much about all that. They probably need some transition funds. Bruce and his team out. New team in. Small changes around the place (maybe the sportdirect boards down) private jets everywhere. Petrol money for the people who pick Geordie Gazza up 



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18 hours ago, David Kelly said:

Were they bullshit rolls, or were they actually important rolls that Ashley just didn't want to pay for?  You know, like scouts and directors of football.

Bacon rolls surely?

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I’m torn between both POV tbh and still feel conflicted.

On the one hand the Saudi regime is abhorrent and I’d rather our club wasn’t  associated with them.

On the other, if they didn’t buy us they were just going to put their cash in somewhere else. As long as these are the rules of the game, why not enjoy the ride? We don’t make the rules. You don’t choose your football club, you can’t stop supporting it just because the people who own it are vile. We didn’t choose the Saudis nor we did we choose Ashley. 

Edited by Dr Gloom
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4 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

I got loads of shit for making the same points on here when the takeover was first announced. 


The truth is we all wanted it to happen and we're all prepared to more or less turn a blind eye because we're in the very fortunate position of not actually having been able to influence this at all. So we get the benefits with plausible deniability.


I don't think any of us were under any illusions about what Saudi stood for before this takeover was on the radar though. But we can simply shrug and say "this is the world we live in". Because it is.

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I wasn't remotely prepared for giving a shit about NUFC again. I had fully checked out of NUFC and football in general because there was literally no point in having an interest in a club that was only concerning itself with maintaining its existence. 


I know there are people who stuck with them, and who will think I'm a cunt, and they'll be right. 


So aye, I don't really know what my point is here. The Saudis are total bastards, but they've given me back an interest in football, and now I get to take the piss out of CT in the Newcastle Forum as well as in General Chat, and I don't think people talk about this enough when they list all the bad stuff that the Saudis have done. 

Edited by Gemmill
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The truth is we had absolutely fuck-all say in it, just like we’ve fuck-all say in the way Ashley ran us in to the ground. 

Blaming fans is utterly misguided, blame the fuckers who Ok’d the deal, because they’re the ones who had the power to stop it, but didn’t. 

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1 minute ago, Monkeys Fist said:

The truth is we had absolutely fuck-all say in it, just like we’ve fuck-all say in the way Ashley ran us in to the ground. 

Blaming fans is utterly misguided, blame the fuckers who Ok’d the deal, because they’re the ones who had the power to stop it, but didn’t. 



But what were they going to say 'No we don't want to pass it due to human rights issues'

Meanwhile the cunts in the government are sucking them off :lol:

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The stuff in the article about having a minute's silence the next time an LGBT (surely no one is trying to pull off being a T in Saudi btw) person is beheaded. That would be incredible. But it's also literally incredible to imagine a football stadium ANYWHERE doing that. 


So to put it on Newcastle and say "well this is what you could be doing".... Sorry, but unfortunately, no. 

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I'll read it later, but I'll tell everyone now, it will make sod all difference to how I feel about the takeover. The country is already raking in blood money in so many ways, it's why SA are favoured trading partners. 

The sheikhs of Man City have made sure they are top of the tree, and the Russian gangster has got Chelsea going head to head with a nod and a wink from Poison pal Putin. We didn't ask for football to go this way, it's just the world we live in now. 

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2 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

The stuff in the article about having a minute's silence the next time an LGBT (surely no one is trying to pull off being a T in Saudi btw) person is beheaded. That would be incredible. But it's also literally incredible to imagine a football stadium ANYWHERE doing that. 


So to put it on Newcastle and say "well this is what you could be doing".... Sorry, but unfortunately, no. 

Oh absolutely not. I appreciate that people won’t be falling on their swords to expose KSA atrocities on match day but they don’t need to wave Saudi flags either or wear towels on their heads. 

We can do fuck all about the takeover, however I feel like I personally have a responsibility to be aware of the issues and be especially aware when I’m being mollycoddled by an expensive PR machine. 

I won’t project that on to others, it’s just for my personal mindfulness. That said I doubt I’ll be buying season tickets and shirts either. 

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