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Generic small time football blather thread FOREVER


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9 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:




I’m not sure I even get his analogy. Fred and Rose West were pretty shit hot when it came to serial killing, definitely top tier, alongside Shipman. 


This analogy would put them in the Barry Davies category rather than Robbie Savage territory.


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I took a break from here over the Christmas, but since I signed back in yesterday it's now completely unusable on my phone (Pixel 8 ) - it actually crashes my phone, not just the browser, and it's embedded tweets that are the cause.  If there's none the page loads ok, if there's one or two it takes an age to load, and if there's lots, the touchscreen becomes unresponsive, the screen goes black and I get a load of error messages.  I've tried browsers other than chrome too - all fucked. 


This is the only place that's causing it - I'm on my laptop atm. 


So basically, you're all gonna have to find a new hero to worship cos the G-Man is peace-ing out, except for the VERY rare occasions when I'm on my laptop or tablet.  The alternative is that you all club together and buy me an iphone, which tbf you might all actually want to do. 

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When it fucked on my old Samsung, it was the same thing happening (phone crashes, same error messages), but a move to Firefox sorted it.  Moving to Firefox hasn't sorted it this time. 


The odd thing is that when I first got this new phone, I used the transfer utility to get everything from my Samsung across to here, and this place was fine on Firefox.  But transferring from a Samsung to a Pixel brought other problems, so I did a full reset over the Christmas, and that's completely borked this place.  There must have been something transferred across in my Samsung settings that allowed this place to run ok, but that's fucked now. 

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