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46 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Called "the worst trainer I've ever seen" by Jose Mourinho too. Fucking Mourinho immediately grassing him up to Levy BTW. :lol:


Allin addresses this in the interview.  He was pulled aside later by Jose and he apologised and said he handled it wrongly.  Of course, this doesn't make good TV so that's not in the show.

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Horrible to hear, really explains why his career and performances dropped off a cliff when Jose joined Spurs. Not a dig at Jose but he’s not the right type of manager to manage someone with that history, likely why he responded better to the arm round the shoulder type manager in Pochettino rather than the stick type manager Jose is. 

Heartbreaking to hear, hope the bloke can get himself to some type of help. Being comfortable enough to be this open about it is likely a good sign at least? 

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Pretty amazing story to have played for Spurs and England at such a young age despite carrying that around with him at the times. It’s easy to throw comments about people around on social media but no one really knows what’s going on behind the scenes.

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20 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

Pretty amazing story to have played for Spurs and England at such a young age despite carrying that around with him at the times. It’s easy to throw comments about people around on social media but no one really knows what’s going on behind the scenes.

The reaction to this from what I have seen has been very positive.  Nice to see for a change.


Nee doubt the very minor set of cunts as per.

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Hopefully, as he’s still only 27, there’s a way back as a player. If he wants it, that is. He looked like he had the world at his feet about 6 years ago or whatever it was under Pochettino

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15 hours ago, Howay said:

Being comfortable enough to be this open about it is likely a good sign at least? 

I gather it was more because the tabloids had heard he had gone into rehab, so was getting ahead of the game, but being open is probably good for him in the long run and stuffs up the relevant tabloid's "exclusive" at the same time.

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Watched this last night and if his vulnerability encourages more people to talk, then it's a worthy thing. It's disgusting that he's been forced to talk  so soon after getting out of rehab, because the fucking gutter press in this country will never have their bloodlust sated. 


For him to say that he doesn't blame his mother is staggering, I'm not sure if I'd been through the things he has, I'd have anything but anger and resentment towards both her and his father. It shows that the help he got has really helped him. I'm not sure he'll ever reach the heights he seemed destined for, but he spoke so well and so honestly that I'm sure that any mental health organisation will benefit from him advocating for them. 


Have to say I thought Neville handled it well also, he wasn't probing for scandal too much, allowed Dele time to speak and appeared to genuinely empathise with him. Perhaps an opening for other sportsmen and women to speak about their own troubles?

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When you look at these 3 and 4 hundred thousand quid fines being handed out to Man United and Barcelona by UEFA for breaking FFP rules, it feels like we should just take the fucking handbrake off and start going wild in the aisles.

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1 hour ago, Gemmill said:

When you look at these 3 and 4 hundred thousand quid fines being handed out to Man United and Barcelona by UEFA for breaking FFP rules, it feels like we should just take the fucking handbrake off and start going wild in the aisles.


Apart from that aspect I'm just waiting for the vitriol that'll go Man United's way via the sports media and pundits in this country. I'm sure they're FURIOUS and note that they're ruining the game. :read:

Edited by Howmanheyman
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2 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:


Apart from that aspect I'm just waiting for the vitriol that'll go Man United's way via the sports media and pundits in this country. I'm sure they're FURIOUS and note that they're ruining the game. :read:

It’s ok. They haven’t  committed the far more heinous crime of being successful whilst not being one of the established European elite 

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I've been slagging the ice cube tray off all morning. Gonna stick it in the freezer now and see if Ricky Lambert isn't on to something.


Might be able to start a business selling moody ice pops.

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Nothing says "I'm a free thinker, not like you sheeple" quite like following an instruction to use the exact same profile picture and video content as all the other free thinkers 

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11 hours ago, Gemmill said:

Lambert can't even pronounce belligerent ffs. :lol:


Was just about to say that. The fucking irony of these lot parroting words they can’t even pronounce, let alone comprehend, in the name of not being told what to do, say etc 

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36 minutes ago, Meenzer said:

Nothing says "I'm a free thinker, not like you sheeple" quite like following an instruction to use the exact same profile picture and video content as all the other free thinkers 

You’ve been conditioned to think like that 

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2 hours ago, Meenzer said:

Nothing says "I'm a free thinker, not like you sheeple" quite like following an instruction to use the exact same profile picture and video content as all the other free thinkers 

Sheep Thumbs GIF

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