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SJW Snowflakes


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He also referred to the white supremacists as "us". I shit you not. There are also some nice people among them, apparently. It was a nice quiet protest by all accounts and they had a permit so the fact they were covered in swastikas and wearing kkk robes doesn't matter :lol:


wow, when he's not reading autocue he's incapable of sticking to the script isn't he.

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Sorry, the verbatim quote is "there were some very fine people among  [the white supremacists]"


reminder: they were shouting "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil"

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17 minutes ago, ewerk said:

Anyway, congrats to @Rayvin on his new role as Trump's communications director.


I'd be great at that tbf.


I should stress that my feelings on this have little to do with Trump though, and everything to do with wanting the increasing tensions to stop.

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2 hours ago, Meenzer said:

Trump claiming that the "alt-left" came charging in, "swinging clubs". :munch:


Not comfortable with Antifa getting the label "Alt Left". I wanted that for when a rational left wing movement was able to develop from the ashes of progressivism and identity politics :(


Also they already have a label. They self identify as anarcho-communists.

Edited by Rayvin
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Bless them, a few senior Republicans are starting to tentatively approach something approximating criticism of Trump's defence of actual swastika-brandishing white supremacists. Give them a year or two and who knows what might happen.

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@rayvin why are you so quick to attack antifa? They're just the usual collective of anarchist types up for a ruck. What they're not is fascists or neo nazis.


We sided with Stalin to beat these fuckers last time. You can't compare the two, as the dim witted president seems determined to do. 


"blood and soil", swastikas, kkk robes, "Jews will not replace us" - all indefensible. Trump has emboldened these people with his rhetoric and when he talks off script his true feelings emerge. He isn't fit to be president. 

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1 hour ago, Dr Gloom said:

@rayvin why are you so quick to attack antifa? They're just the usual collective of anarchist types up for a ruck. What they're not is fascists or neo nazis.


We sided with Stalin to beat these fuckers last time. You can't compare the two, as the dim witted president seems determined to do. 


"blood and soil", swastikas, kkk robes, "Jews will not replace us" - all indefensible. Trump has emboldened these people with his rhetoric and when he talks off script his true feelings emerge. He isn't fit to be president. 


In terms of ideology you can't compare them. Antifa are well meaning if totally deluded, despite their belief that violence is necessary and their hatred of the soft left and centre (they hate us more than the nazis, incidentally - the nazis are at least honest, apparently). The Nazis are intentionally destructive and the Communists are unintentionally destructive.


That said, in terms of tactics being used on the ground, ideologies to one side, they're equivalent right up to the point where that nutter killed a woman. That puts the Nazis ahead in the violence stakes, but it's not for want of trying by Antifa. Both sides believe in violence as a political solution, both sides want to shut down debate, and both sides believe there is a civil war coming and are agitating for it.


But look, this isn't actually my main problem here. Antifa can do whatever they like as long as we're not thinking that they're the heroes of this whole affair and thus inadvertently leave the door open for absolute chaos as with when we allied with Stalin to beat the Nazis last time..! The main problem I have here is that the rhetoric being used by Antifa and the SJWs is driving more and more people to the Nazis. Simply put, the 'Nazi high command' must fucking love them. We need to look compassionately at the problem of young white men being radicalised into this, and look at all component factors. Some of those factors absolutely are that these men are very insecure, and that university Professors calling for 'white genocide' and such like are not helping to de-escalate the problem.


The reason a sensible conversation on this isn't being had, is that the SJWs and those sympathetic to them know they can't have an honest one which their ideological positions would survive. So they're betting the farm on being able to stop the nazis by force, rather than accept that their ideology, while not as harmful as nazism, is exclusionary and problematic with respect of certain demographics, and that this needs to change.

Edited by Rayvin
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3 minutes ago, Dr Gloom said:

the rhetoric being used by Antifa and the SJWs is driving more and more people to the Nazis?


do me a favour :lol:




You know what, fuck it - I've had enough of this now :lol:


Trump bad. Nazis bad. Antifa good. World is simple. There are no shades of grey. Everything is entirely as the media presents it to be.


Is there some sand around to stick my head in?

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8 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


In terms of ideology you can't compare them. Antifa are well meaning if totally deluded, despite their belief that violence is necessary and their hatred of the soft left and centre (they hate us more than the nazis, incidentally - the nazis are at least honest, apparently). The Nazis are intentionally destructive and the Communists are unintentionally destructive.


That said, in terms of tactics being used on the ground, ideologies to one side, they're equivalent right up to the point where that nutter killed a woman. That puts the Nazis ahead in the violence stakes, but it's not for want of trying by Antifa. Both sides believe in violence as a political solution, both sides want to shut down debate, and both sides believe there is a civil war coming and are agitating for it.


But look, this isn't actually my main problem here. Antifa can do whatever they like as long as we're not thinking that they're the heroes of this whole affair and thus inadvertently leave the door open for absolute chaos as with when we allied with Stalin to beat the Nazis last time..! The main problem I have here is that the rhetoric being used by Antifa and the SJWs is driving more and more people to the Nazis. Simply put, the 'Nazi high command' must fucking love them. We need to look compassionately at the problem of young white men being radicalised into this, and look at all component factors. Some of those factors absolutely are that these men are very insecure, and that university Professors calling for 'white genocide' and such like are not helping to de-escalate the problem.


The reason a sensible conversation on this isn't being had, is that the SJWs and those sympathetic to them know they can't have an honest one which their ideological positions would survive. So they're betting the farm on being able to stop the nazis by force, rather than accept that their ideology, while not as harmful as nazism, is exclusionary and problematic with respect of certain demographics, and that this needs to change.



You do know that Antifa isn't an actual group right, it's just an umbrella name for a group of groups. They aren't like the KKK or the nazi party of America. Also tell me again, where were the groups of armed left wing Militia when all this was happening? Or did the left wing MSM just forget to mention them. Just so you know I think you're a not very closeted racist misogynist cunt.

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