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SJW Snowflakes


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  • 1 month later...

Oh dear...




Cenk Uygur has been taken down by the SJWs... and the progressive movement within the Democratic Party may die with his resignation. So he apparently wrote some sexist stuff 18 years ago, has formally and fully apologised for it, but they've taken him out back and shot him anyway.


I'm not a big fan of Cenk, but he runs a YouTube news channel that has 3.5m subscribers and exclusively promotes SJW views (albeit with a degree of rationality). Moral purity test failed though...

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The thing that gets me is that his apology was actually really good. He held his hands up, said he had changed hugely - and I think you can see that. He's dedicated his life to running that news channel to support progressive causes.


But they've turned on him anyway because once you've made a mistake, you are forever guilty, it would seem.

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3 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

I don't think anybody can hold up to their standards. It really is like religious people 100 years ago. Posturing for morality points.

Especially when it's to the overall detriment of their cause.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Jordan Peterson interviewed by Channel 4. It's half an hour long but he does a great job of combatting the more problematic elements of current left wing thinking. He's getting this attention because he's just released his book, but clearly he's moving from YouTube fame to the mainstream now.

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He is sort of right about the gender pay gap not existing. It exists in high paid executive roles and in the lower paid sector. However in IT where I work the gender pay gap is virtually non existant. Unfortunately there is a huge gender employment gap with women in IT being vastly outnumbered by men. I would say this is due to poor guidance within schools with IT and computer science being seen as a boys subject.

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The way they measure it is so disingenuous. Basically taking the average salary at a business for men and women and comparing it, then just saying "it's because women are over represented in low paying jobs". 


Well aye. That's how you explain it if you calculate it like an arsehole. The work is in looking at it on a role by role basis, but if you did it that way you'd actually have to start handing out payrises. So they hide behind this bullshit, shareholders still get their dividends, CEOs still get their bonuses, and the world keeps on turning. 

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