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Just now, Dr Gloom said:

i don't know what the solution is. i'm pretty sure it doesn't involve an inclusive approach to nazis though. 


The solution isn't an inclusive approach to nazis.

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Iconoclasm is back on the menu it seems, albeit not religiously directed. Confederate statues I think you could make some manner of argument for on the basis that they were put up years after the civil war seemingly in a statement of defiance against black people getting rights. Not that I think they should be torn down by mobs of knuckle draggers, but surely a conversation about whether it's really acceptable to have them there is long overdue. I don't think it is personally, given the context they were put up in.


However, we're now getting it taken to extremes, inevitably:


Mount Rushmore needs to come down, apparently - https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/9kkkby/lets-get-rid-of-mount-rushmore


Along with Nelson's Column - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/22/toppling-statues-nelsons-column-should-be-next-slavery


I'd imagine there's a book burning in the offing as well.

Edited by Rayvin
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20 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

Iconoclasm is back on the menu it seems, albeit not religiously directed. Confederate statues I think you could make some manner of argument for on the basis that they were put up years after the civil war seemingly in a statement of defiance against black people getting rights. Not that I think they should be torn down by mobs of knuckle draggers, but surely a conversation about whether it's really acceptable to have them there is long overdue. I don't think it is personally, given the context they were put up in.


However, we're now getting it taken to extremes, inevitably:


Mount Rushmore needs to come down, apparently - https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/9kkkby/lets-get-rid-of-mount-rushmore


Along with Nelson's Column - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/22/toppling-statues-nelsons-column-should-be-next-slavery


I'd imagine there's a book burning in the offing as well.


Surely you're all for book burning being a massive racist which this post proves.


The Confederate statues were put up to antagonise blacks. The knuckle draggers are the ones who wish to keep their jackboot firmly on the throats of the coloureds and women.


People aren't clamouring to destroy Mount Rushmore (but it is in a place seized contrary to treaties from the Lakota people and pisses all over them) so it is a conversation to have. Also why shouldn't we have a re think on Nelson, he was an imperialist believer in slavery at a time when people were questioning the rights of one person to own another.


But like I said you are a nazi so it seems right you would protect the rights of white supremacists to lord it over the inferior people of the world.

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I was genuinely unsure how we had gotten on to me being a racist for a bit but the ignore system really does work well at hiding people's posts in this layout! :D


I'm surprised it's not been taken up a notch to referring to me as an out and out nazi now - that seems to be the level of reasoned analysis we're talking about here. I'm also a satanist for what it's worth. And I eat puppies.


I note that 54% of Americans don't think the confederate statues should be torn down. So, they have a more 'extreme right' position than I do on the matter. Heaven only knows what words can be summoned up to describe such people in a bid to shame them out of a discussion.

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10 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

I'm surprised it's not been taken up a notch to referring to me as an out and out nazi now


You were actually :lol:


And ftr, yes, America needs to take a long hard look at the history it celebrates. There's very few people of those times completely free from sin but displaying statues of 'heroes' who were in effect traitors to their country should probably not be acceptable.

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1 minute ago, ewerk said:


You were actually :lol:


And ftr, yes, America needs to take a long hard look at the history it celebrates. There's very few people of those times completely free from sin but displaying statues of 'heroes' who were in effect traitors to their country should probably not be acceptable.


Of course I was :lol:


And yeah that's a fair point aside from the racial element actually (which would be enough anyway IMO).

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I think - as said previously - it's worth remembering that the US had actual fucking segregation within our parents' lifetime. You don't recover from that kind of thinking overnight (unless you're brutally efficient like the Germans).

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