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2017 GE 1

Kevin Carr's Gloves

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4 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:

 Corbyn is a good talker, but howay, that's basically all he's done since leaving his pampered private education.


We need someone straight from the streets. Real talk.



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2 minutes ago, Meenzer said:

The question is whether the Tories will stay there after they're elected.


The battleground has moved though, and the Tories seem to know it. If they keep forcing their agenda, and we dig our heels in on Corbynesque policies, eventually the battle will be won. The only long term hope the Tories have is that idealists such as myself cave in, or they move to the left. Eventually, a Corbyn style Labour government will get in, ideally implement proportional representation (properly) and then the Tories are doomed.

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9 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:

I think there was nothing to see here in last nights debate. Corbyn is a good talker, but howay, that's basically all he's done since leaving his pampered private education. Talk / protest / talk / protest. Paxman was hopeless and neither politician got a real severe drill down drilling on the big issues.


May, has been in government for 7 years and therefore has a record to be judged on. She is also not a seasoned campaigner like Corbyn so is less comfortable in that situation. Corbyn is offering free everything for everyone. Who wouldn't like that.


More important to me was coming back from the Lakes yesterday and watching the likes of Dianne Abbott on Marr. This woman could actually be Home Secretary in just over a week :lol:


I really do like the free stuff, but I'm struggling with my conscience voting for Abbott, Corbyn and McDonnell. I do have serious issues with not only their back story, but their actual intelligence and ability to run the country.



That record being utter dogshit.

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21 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:

I think there was nothing to see here in last nights debate. Corbyn is a good talker, but howay, that's basically all he's done since leaving his pampered private education. Talk / protest / talk / protest. Paxman was hopeless and neither politician got a real severe drill down drilling on the big issues.


May, has been in government for 7 years and therefore has a record to be judged on. She is also not a seasoned campaigner like Corbyn so is less comfortable in that situation. Corbyn is offering free everything for everyone. Who wouldn't like that.


More important to me was coming back from the Lakes yesterday and watching the likes of Dianne Abbott on Marr. This woman could actually be Home Secretary in just over a week :lol:


I really do like the free stuff, but I'm struggling with my conscience voting for Abbott, Corbyn and McDonnell. I do have serious issues with not only their back story, but their actual intelligence and ability to run the country.


You're as much a shambles as whatever May's performance last night was. I think I caught the cameramen laughing at one point 

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12 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


The battleground has moved though, and the Tories seem to know it. If they keep forcing their agenda, and we dig our heels in on Corbynesque policies, eventually the battle will be won. The only long term hope the Tories have is that idealists such as myself cave in, or they move to the left. Eventually, a Corbyn style Labour government will get in, ideally implement proportional representation (properly) and then the Tories are doomed.


See that's another of my worries. I don't want left or right to be doomed and I don't want to be one of these countries that has endless hung parliaments where manifestos are torn up and rehashed in smoke filled rooms. 

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7 minutes ago, Christmas Tree said:


See that's another of my worries. I don't want left or right to be doomed and I don't want to be one of these countries that has endless hung parliaments where manifestos are torn up and rehashed in smoke filled rooms. 


Means we're all better represented though. Even though I accept it fortifies UKIP (as finished as I think they are).

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4 minutes ago, Ayatollah Hermione said:


Consensus is that Corbyn came out of it looking better so of course he's found issue with it. It must be fucking hard work keeping this up, CT


But I don't think that was ever in doubt. He's good at talking (in general non specific terms), she's not.


Hes promising free everything, she's trying to sort out a very serious social care crisis.


The performance of either in this sort of staged event is trivial for me as it reveals little about that persons ability to run a country.


I still love the idea of the manifesto and really hope it will work and life is wonderful, but I still have niggles that it's possible and really can't bring myself to see Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott as a dream team.


im reminded of all the "free stuff" that Greek party promised and how that turned out.


as it stands I'm still voting Labour but ......,

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Watching it this morning it's slightly disappointing that it wasn't the bloodbath that came across on Twitter.


There's 5 minutes with Paxman where the audience are fully behind him and May looks close to tears though.  Corbyn only ever seemed amused and exasperrated with him (as did the audience at that time) which is a much better look.


And on the other topic, if the choice is Diane Abbot as home secretary or Boris Johnson as Foreign secretary Diane gets my vote every day.

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I don't think any team that involves abbot could ever be considered one of dreams, but look at the Tory front bench ffs:


Flip flopping careerist and national treasure/joke Boris Johnson, Jeremy "destroy the NHS/ dead behind the eye" hunt, Dr Liam "shady fucker" Fox.


Not to mention the incompetent matron running the show. First candidate for pm to ever u turn on one of her own manifesto promises.  Shambolic.


thats before we even start talking about the long term economic plan which his been swept under the carpet. And just a ten year delay on their target for eliminating the deficit, all while debt has been ballooning.


how these cunts are still favourites is astonishing 



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Atrocious media work these days. 


They don't want to inform the public of the policies of the two parties so we can make an informed decision, they want to catch them out on their sums so they can get re-tweets. 


Paxman was the same last night.  He pushed May hard on police numbers and in fairness she trotted them off, but then, that was her job for 7 fucking years, rather than a manifesto which is only weeks old, by virtue of May's u-turn  and snap election.

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9 minutes ago, ewerk said:



This didn't sound like it went well. Annoyingly. The presenter is coming under fire for being overly aggressive about it but at the end of the day, this is the sort of thing he should be ready for from radio and tv personalities that he's about to make poorer.

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3 minutes ago, Happy Face said:

Atrocious media work these days. 


They don't want to inform the public of the policies of the two parties so we can make an informed decision, they want to catch them out on their sums so they can get re-tweets. 


Paxman was the same last night.  In fairness he pushed May hard on police numbers, but then, that was her job for 7 fucking years, rather than a manifesto which is only weeks old, by virtue of May's u-turn  and snap election.


After the Abbott fiasco every politician going on TV/radio should have the costs drilled into them or at least have a quick reference cheat sheet in from of them to avoid this sort of ridicule.

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3 minutes ago, ewerk said:


After the Abbott fiasco every politician going on TV/radio should have the costs drilled into them or at least have a quick reference cheat sheet in from of them to avoid this sort of ridicule.


Yep, while sympathetic to HF's point, this is an own goal by Labour. Nothing stopping them from having the numbers on paper in front of them.


The Tories will be able to use this, and that's the problem.

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3 minutes ago, ewerk said:


After the Abbott fiasco every politician going on TV/radio should have the costs drilled into them or at least have a quick reference cheat sheet in from of them to avoid this sort of ridicule.


Absolutley, and Paul Mason and that going after her on Twitter is self-defeating.  Should take it on the chin and move on, because the media won't change.



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5 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


Yep, while sympathetic to HF's point, this is an own goal by Labour. Nothing stopping them from having the numbers on paper in front of them.


The Tories will be able to use this, and that's the problem.

About 10 people in Surbiton read the Telegraph and that geezer has about 3000 followers. It's nothing. No side in this election has done proper costings and I think the public are cynical enough about election promises from all sides. Nothing to see here. I thought Paxman failed to take Corby down and millions would have watched that. The Tory campaign has been an unmitigated disaster from Manifesto to presentation to May appearing disjointed and nervous.

Edited by Park Life
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