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President Biden

Happy Face

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I cannot fathom how the majority of Republicans are ok with their party being lead by this man-child. I get why the average American Trump supporter isn't turning on him; they've fully signed up to his cult and he could flipflop on every topic and they'd not bat an eye.


Most of them weren't remotely okay with him, were they?  They seem to be just willing to go along with him now, on the basis that he is pushing their aims of no gun control, no abortion, no Muslims, no marriage equality, etc. 


Seems odd that a party which was so anti-Russia would be willing to accept a rapprochement with Russia, without making a sound.  Of course, it could be that they are just politicians with no moral compass - but who knows.

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The whole administration looks to be a shambles to be honest.


That said, I actually think Mattis is supposed to be pretty good, so I'm surprised about the botched raid issue. Unless that was just Trump overriding him.

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I've lived in China and can confirm that, despite the hysteria over here at the moment, the standard of life is comparatively very low.


Unless you're meaning that in the years to come they'll all own us. It's possible, but they're also quite an incompetent nation themselves, so I wouldn't bet on them running away with this century just yet.

Edited by Rayvin
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They can't even get his official POTUS twitter right.




Literally the second line of the linked story contradicts the tweet.

They forgot to mention her reprehensible involvement in Torture and obstruction of investigations into torture



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Trump's first military raid has killed Anwar Al-Awlaki's 8 year old daughter (American) after Obama's 2011 raids killed Awlaki himself and his son.


Those were the 2 cases that led to such scrutiny of Obama's policy on extra-judicial assassination of American citizens.


No information who the primary target was or whether they were a target Obama refused to strike because of fallout from such an attack previously.


I get an uneasy feeling it's a statement though, with nothing whatsoever to back me up.

Looks like Obama did choose to leave this one to Trump


The military’s Joint Special Operations Command had been planning the mission for months, according to three senior American officials. Obama administration aides had deliberated extensively over the proposed operation, weighing the value of any information that might be recovered against the risk to the Special Operations forces plunging into hostile territory. But administration officials ultimately opted to hand the decision on the mission to their successors.


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